Git is an open source distributed version control system that can handle project version management from very small to very large projects efficiently and quickly. Git has more powerful branch management than SVN. How does Git create a repository? How do you do some common operations? To see what the answer is, see the breakdown below. When I was a child, I saw an impressive play called love across time and Space. Today, I shamelessly directed git across time and Space. What is version library? No matter how often we use git, but a career in the IT industry friend must often heard someone said, which which cow X project in which the warehouse, warehouse was malicious add issue which project (before they heard about the Apollo program code issue in warehouse which is a lot of irrelevant comments in Chinese building ~ ah, We test engineers must not do so, for the industry to do a force);
Repository repository repository repository repository repository repository repository repository repository repository
I simply understand it as a directory folder, which can put all kinds of files, and the usual use of management, you can delete, modify; But Git’s “folder” is a bit more powerful and has a better memory -Git can “remember” the entire history of management and can “archive” it. How to create a repository is simple:
- 1) Choose a path (you like just OK! Create an empty directory
$mkdir mygit $CD mygit $PWD /Users/qinzhen/mygitCopy the code
- 2) The repository is now a normal folder. Use git init to change it to a “git folder”, that is, a repository that git can manage
$ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/qinzhen/mygit/.git/
Copy the code
It will tell you that you have created an empty Git repository in your directory and that there is an extra one in your directory.
Before looking at the command, let’s use a diagram to understand some concepts, which can be easily understood and remembered:
- Working Directory
- Temporary warehouse (Staging Area, Staging Area)
- Git Repository
We are first in the workspace for file editing operations; Then add to temporary warehouse, you can add more than one; Finally commit to the repository together. 1) Create a file called readme. TXT under mygit and enter the following content:
I want to study Git
Copy the code
2) Use git add command to commit file to temporary repository.
$ git add readme.txt
Copy the code
3) Commit the file from the staging area to the repository with git commit
localhost:mygit qinzhen$ git commit -m "study git"
[master 64f5ced] study git
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
Copy the code
Command explanation:
-m: add a comment and write a description about this commit. 1 file changed: 1 file changed, i.e. readme.txt; Insertions (+) : insertions(+) : insertions(+) : insertions(+) : insertions(+) : insertions(+) : insertions(+) 2 lines of content are missing, because I added the content after deleting the original content in the readme. TXT file, so there will be a change prompt, if it is completely new, there will only be the added recordCopy the code
- 1) Git status is used to check the current repository status
localhost:mygit qinzhen$ git status
On branch master
nothing to commit, working tree clean
Copy the code
Now indicates that there is nothing to commit on a master branch and the working directory is currently clean
- 2) Modify the readme. TXT file:
I want to study Git very much.
Copy the code
- 3) Use git status to check
localhost:mygit qinzhen$ git status
On branch master
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
modified: readme.txt
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
Copy the code
You can see that the file has been modified, but it has not been added or committed.
- Git diff (different) git diff
localhost:mygit qinzhen$ git diff diff --git a/readme.txt b/readme.txt index 225e15a.. TXT @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ I am a test engineer. -i want to study Git. +I want to study Git very much.Copy the code
You can see that I added very much in the second line
- 1) We will first submit the modified file to the warehouse:
$ git add readme.txt
$ git commit -m "very much"
[master 7582a45] very much
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
Copy the code
Copy the code
- Git log git log git log git log
$ git log
commit 7582a45a1acd9f5540f381d6e9bb7c9d38e74348 (HEAD -> master)
Author: qinzhen <>
Date: Thu Sep 19 16:48:31 2019 +0800
very much
commit 64f5cedd48745267e4e161c57f126a9230344339
Author: qinzhen <>
Date: Thu Sep 19 16:05:40 2019 +0800
study git
Copy the code
After git log, you can see the commit history. Each commit is assigned a unique COMMIT ID. This ID is the key to going back in time, just like in a sci-fi movie
3.1) HEAD — Now, if I want to go back to the time when I was studying Git, I can use git reset –hard HEAD^
$ git reset --hard HEAD^
HEAD is now at 64f5ced study git
$ cat readme.txt
I am a test engineer.
I want to study Git.
Copy the code
Git git git git git git git git
If back to the past not good understanding, can also be understood as the archive, I was a child like playing a computer game called red alert, playing war task before every level will be archived, so convenient "death" after the return to ^ specified levels to an archive, on behalf of the ^ ^ last file, If you want to go back to 100 versions, you can just use HEAD~100 to go back in timeCopy the code
3.2) commit ID — Now modify the file again, add I can fly to the first line, then add, commit:
I am a test engineer,I can fly. I want to study Git. $ git add readme.txt $ git commit -m "I can fly" [master 9c32701] I can fly 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)Copy the code
Git log Displays change submission logs
$ git log
commit 9c327016eec10a6db7f9b75ecb705df417b6508c (HEAD -> master)
Author: qinzhen <>
Date: Thu Sep 19 17:06:10 2019 +0800
I can fly
commit 64f5cedd48745267e4e161c57f126a9230344339
Author: qinzhen <>
Date: Thu Sep 19 16:05:40 2019 +0800
study git
Copy the code
You can use the commit ID to go back in time. Git reset –hard 64f5ce… Command:
$ git reset --hard 64f5ced
HEAD is now at 64f5ced study git
$ cat readme.txt
I am a test engineer.
I want to study Git.
Copy the code
As you can see from the results above, we have successfully gone back in time with the commit ID, to a time when there was no “I can fly”; Git will be able to find the commit id by writing the first part of the commit ID. Er… To be honest, I don’t know 0.0, and I haven’t studied it. The top four or five? LiuQiWei? QiBaWei? To meet the requirements of the use of good, can ensure that the ID is unique, a little more copy a few can be…
3.3) Go back to the pre-add era — only add files to the staging area, no commit; If you want to go back to the original “period”, you can use git reset HEAD to drop the file
My readme. TXT file now contains the following contents and has been added to the staging area:
I am a test engineer.I can fly!
I want to study Git.
$ git status
On branch master
Changes to be committed:
(use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
modified: readme.txt
Copy the code
Use git reset HEAD readme. TXT to undo the changes from add
$ git reset HEAD readme.txt
Unstaged changes after reset:
M readme.txt
$ git status
On branch master
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
modified: readme.txt
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
Copy the code
3.4) There is a question at this time. I just undid the readme. TXT from the staging area after the add, and the file did not change; To undo the changes to the file, use git checkout — :
$ git checkout -- readme.txt
$ cat readme.txt
I am a test engineer.
I want to study Git.
$ git status
On branch master
nothing to commit, working tree clean
Copy the code
Git checkout — git checkout — git checkout — git checkout — git checkout — git checkout — git checkout — git checkout If you want to delete a file from your repository, use git rm and git commit. If you want to delete a file from your repository, use git rm and git commit. Git git git git git git git git git git git git
$ git log
commit 64f5cedd48745267e4e161c57f126a9230344339 (HEAD -> master)
Author: qinzhen <>
Date: Thu Sep 19 16:05:40 2019 +0800
study git
Copy the code
Git reflog git reflog git reflog
$ git reflog
64f5ced (HEAD -> master) HEAD@{0}: reset: moving to 64f5ced
9c32701 HEAD@{1}: commit: I can fly
64f5ced (HEAD -> master) HEAD@{2}: reset: moving to HEAD^
7582a45 HEAD@{3}: commit: very much
64f5ced (HEAD -> master) HEAD@{4}: commit: study git
Copy the code
Here you can see the previous COMMIT ID of I can fly; Git’s log contains only the first 7 bits of the commit id, so let’s call it 7.
With a COMMIT ID, you get the coordinates and methods to return to the future. This is the end of the movie and the end of this article.
$ git reset --hard 9c32701
HEAD is now at 9c32701 I can fly
$ cat readme.txt
I am a test engineer,I can fly.
I want to study Git.
$ git status
On branch master
nothing to commit, working tree clean
Copy the code
Git through Time is a sci-fi movie that will continue to be updated
The original link
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