
Since it has been a long time since I joined the company, when I configured SSH key, I just joined the company. I changed a new computer these two days, but I forgot how to configure it. I feel my mind is blank, and I don’t know how to look for articles. I will stick to writing content in the future. Don’t say much, get to the point ~~~~~


1. Open thegit bashRun the following command to generate an SSH public key.

ssh-keygen -t rsa -C '[email protected]'And press enter (-c is your email address)

2, then open.ssh\ is C:\Users\Administrator\) file, or you can use cat to open it and copy all the contents

3, open GitLab, go to Profile Settings -> SSH Keys -> Add Key, paste the previously copied content into the Key corresponding text box, set a name for this sshkey in the Title corresponding text box, click Add Key button.

4. By now, all steps of gitLab’s SSH key configuration are completed, and we can happily use SSH protocol for code pulling and submission operations. 5. Pull and submit the code again, and there should be no need to enter the password.