I have used Git for a long time, but many commands are not often used, easy to forget, think about it or record it, build your own git knowledge base, when you use it in the future, it is also convenient to find, I will continue to update this blog.

1. Initialization

Clone directly to the specified branch:

git cloneAddress -b Branch nameCopy the code

Configure Git globally:

Git config --global user.email git config --global user.emailCopy the code

Initialize the local Git repository:

git init
Copy the code

View warehouse Status

git status
Copy the code

Undo all local changes

git reset --hard$HEAD
Copy the code

Manually add file changes to the staging area

git add .
Copy the code

Submit the code for this change (1)

git commit -a
Copy the code

Enter the description of this submission after I, then press Esc and enter :wq to save

Submit the code for this change (1)

Git commit -mCopy the code

Get the latest code on the network side

git pull
Copy the code

Submit the local repository code to the network side

git push
Copy the code

Second, the branch

Creating a Branch

git branch a
Copy the code

Switch to branch A

git checkout a
Copy the code

Create new branch A and switch to branch A

git checkout -b a
Copy the code

Delete branch A

git branch -d a
Copy the code

Forcibly delete branch A

git branch -D a
Copy the code

See the branch

git branch
Copy the code

Merging branches

For example, if we want to merge the code from branch A into branch B, we need to switch to branch B first

git checkout b
Copy the code


git merge a
Copy the code

This merges the contents of branch A into branch B

3. Remote upload operation

1. The local git repository does not exist. Synchronize the data to GitHub

git init
git add .
git commit -aGit pull --rebase origin master Git push -u origin masterCopy the code

2. A Local Git repository exists and the remote address is not bound. Therefore, the git repository is synchronized to GitHub

Git remote add origin Github addressCopy the code

3. A Local Git repository exists and a remote address has been bound. You need to change the address and synchronize it to GitHub

git remote set- URL origin New Github address or git remote rm origin git remote add origin New Github addressCopy the code

Git branch-dev: git branch-dev: git branch-dev: git branch-dev: git branch-dev: git branch-dev: git branch-dev Git push -u origin dev is required to submit the code below dev to Github

The 2017-8-18 update

I have seen the hints given in gITlab today, and I will post them here:

Create a new repository

git cloneGit addresscd i5oncall
touch README.md
git add README.md
git commit -m "add README"
git push -u origin master
Copy the code

Existing Folder or Git repository

cdExisting_folder git init git remote add origin Git add. Git commit Git push -u origin masterCopy the code

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  1. CSDN
  2. The Denver nuggets
  3. Personal blog