Meaning of version control tools
- It is conducive to collaborative development, improving development efficiency and fault tolerance rate.
- Version rollback, if something goes wrong but you don’t know what, you can roll back to a version that doesn’t have a problem.
- Log changes, change code but can’t remember what changes caused subsequent development problems.
- Using the branching feature allows you to make risk updates to a project without affecting the normal version in use.
In a word, version control tools are medicine for the past, time machines, parallel space-time.
There are two main version control tools: SVN and Git. Currently, Git is widely used. The following is the basic use method of Git.
Configuring User Information
Once git is installed, global configuration is required.
Git config –global “”. You need to enter your own email address to view the change record.
Git config –global git config –global
Git config –global –list
If you are configuring for the current repository, simply remove the –global parameter.
Establish warehouse
- Create a new project directory.
- Open the
git base
And go into this directory,git base
In the installationgit
Will automatically install. - The input
git init
Command to initialize this directory as a version control repository, hereinafter referred to aswarehouse
If you need to specify a directory, use git init < directory name > to initialize the specified directory as a repository
The staging
After changing the file in the warehouse, you need temporary storage to submit it. If you do not have temporary storage, you cannot submit it.
Git add < filename > to temporarily save the specified file.
Git add., if the directory name is., temporarily save all files in that directory.
After the file is temporarily saved, it can be submitted. You need to fill in the submission information to explain the changes.
Git commit -m “This is the commit information”. The commit information needs to be enclosed in double quotes.
Check the record
Git show < unique identifier > < file name > to view the commit record of the specified file. The file name argument alone prints the most recent commit records for that file, and the identifier argument alone prints all commit records for that file. If neither argument is written, all commit records are printed.
Git diff < filename > to see changes to the specified file.
Git diff, if left unchecked, views the details of all files that have been changed.
Git log displays a list of all committed records.
Git log –stat
The rollback
Git reset –hard
change the version to the committed version.
Git reset –hart HEAD^, rollback to previous version.
Give up to change
No temporary storage:
Git checkout — < filename >, discard changes to the specified file.
Git checkout., discard all file changes.
Temporarily saved but not committed:
Git reset HEAD < filename > to discard changes to the specified file.
Git reset HEAD, discard all file changes.
Has been submitted:
Git reset –hart HEAD^ rollback directly to the previous version, also to undo all changes made this time.