New branch shortcut

// Pull the new branch from release:Git checkout release git pull git checkout -b// Link to a remote repository:"Git push --set-upstream origin XXXXX"// Commit the first time: git add. commit again, then push again
Copy the code

The code version is rolled back

[Git Local Version Rollback]

Git reset --hard commit-id ' '(rollback to commit-id, Git reset --hard HEAD~3 (roll back the last 3 commit)Copy the code

Git Remote version rollback

Git push Origin HEAD --forceCopy the code

The following command can also implement remote version rollback

git reset --hard HEAD~1
git push --force
Copy the code

Merging branches

Let’s say we’re on the dev branch, just developed the project, and execute the following command:

git add .
git commit -m 'Submitted Remarks' 
git push -u origin dev
Copy the code

To merge the dev branch into the master branch, do the following:

  • 1, first switch to the master branch

git checkout master

  • 2. Pull the code from the remote master if it is developed by multiple people

git pull origin master

  • 3, then we merge dev branch code into master

git merge dev

  • 4. Then check the status and execute the submit command
git status 
On branch master 
Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 12 commits. (use "git push" to publish your local commits) nothing to commit, working tree clean
You have 12 commit files that need to be pushed to the remote master
Copy the code

Finally, execute the submit command below

git push origin master

  • 5 Other Commands
  1. Update the remote branch list

git remote update origin –prune 2. Check all branches git branch -a

Example Delete remote branch Chapater6

git push origin --delete Chapater6

Example Delete local branch Chapater6

git branch -d Chapater6

Branch operation

Delete a local branch safely

Git branch -d Indicates the branch to be deleted

Example Forcibly delete a local branch

Git branch -d Indicates the branch to be deleted

Delete all local branches that have been merged into the master branch

git branch --merged master | grep -v '^\*\| master' | xargs -n 1 git branch -d 

Delete all local branches where origin no longer exists

git remote prune orign

Merge branch A into the current branch and create A COMMIT for the merge

Git merge A branch

Merge branch A into branch B and create A COMMIT for the merge

Git merge branch A and branch B

Rebase the current branch against the B branch to incorporate the B branch into the current branch

Git rebase B branch

Configure the operating

Global configuration

Git config --global 'git config --global'

Current Warehouse configuration

Git config --local 'git config --local'

View the current repository configuration

git config --local --list

Delete the current repository configuration

Git config --unset --local Specifies the configuration item to be deleted

The remote interaction

View all remote repositories

git remote -v

Add a remote repository

git remote add url

Example Delete a remote repository

Git remote Remove name of remote

Rename the remote repository

Git remote rename old name new name

Pull all branch and label changes from the remote end to the local end

git fetch remote

Merge changes in remote branches to local branches

Git pull Origin name

Push the local branch to the remote end

Git push Origin branch name

Example Delete a remote branch

Git push remote --delete remote branch name git push remote: indicates the name of a remote branch