Basic GIT operations
Create/clone a repository
- Clone the remote GIT repository to the local directory.
Git ://url/projectName && git config -f. git/config yourName && git config -f .git/config [email protected]Copy the code
git config -f
- Create a new project
mkdir projectName
cd projectName
git init
Copy the code
Create the project directory and initialize it with git init to generate the.git directory.
Push local changes to a remote repository
Check out the code from the remote GIT repository to the working directory, and when we complete a phase of development, we need to log the changes and push them to the remote directory.
git add <fileName> / git add .
git commit / git commit -m "commitMessage"
git push origin branchName
Copy the code
- Do local development
git add
Keep track of the required files;git commit
Make submissions and write submission information;git push
Push the commit to the remote repository.
View the local repository status
Files in the working directory are classified into traced and untraced states. Git Status allows you to view the tracking status of a file (cached, uncached, and untracked), that is, the progress of git add and Git Commit operations.
$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 1 commit, and can be fast-forwarded.
(use "git pull" to update your local branch)
Changes to be committed:
(use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage)
modified: src/
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
modified: src/
Untracked files:
(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
Copy the code
Changes to be committed:
The following file is the tracked state;Changes not staged for commit:
The trace file has changed, but has not been added to the staging area.Untracked files:
The following files are untracked.
You need to use Git Add to add changed traced files to the staging area; You can also change untracked files to tracked state and add them to the staging area.
The.gitignore file contains files you want GIT to ignore.
After git commit, the working directory will be the same as the last commit.
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
nothing to commit, working directory clean
Copy the code
View the historical commit record
Git Log lists all commits in chronological order, with the most recent updates at the top.
Git log <-limit> Git log-2 git log — stat-2 Displays the last two commit records. Limit Specifies the number of submission times. The following parameters can be used.
Git log -p or git log –patch displays all the differences (diff) for each commit.
Git log –stat lists all files that were modified, how many files were modified, and which lines of the modified files were removed or added at the bottom of each commit.
Git log –name-status Displays a list of newly added, modified, and deleted files.
Git log –oneline shows a single commit in oneline.
Cancel the operation
1. Undo the previous commit
Sometimes when we finish the commit, we realize that we missed a few files, or the commit information was wrong. At this point, you can run the submit command with the –amend option to resubmit. This command will commit the files in the staging area (after git add). If you haven’t changed anything since the last commit, the snapshot will remain the same and all you’ve changed is the commit information.
Git commit –amend Enter Vim to edit the commit.
Try not to undo/modify code that has been pushed to the public repository
2. Undo files in the staging area
Git reset HEAD
3. Undo the file changes
Git checkout —
undo files in your working directory that have been changed and have not been added to the temporary.
Remote warehouse
Git Remote View remote repository server
The abbreviation of the Git store that you want to read and write to the remote repository is displayed along with its corresponding URLgit remote add <shortname> <url>
Add a new remote Git repository and specify a handy shorthand.git remote show <remote>
View a remote repository, for examplegit remote show origin
git remote rename
Renames the shorthand name of the remote repository. For example,git remote rename origin origin2
git remote remove origin2
orgit remote rm origin2
Remove the remote repository, and all remote trace branches and configuration information associated with the remote repository will be deleted.
The git clone command adds the remote repository itself. Every version of every file in the remote Git repository with the default configuration will be pulled down
Keep code in sync (pull and push)
git fetch + git merge / rebase
- Get the remote branch commit
The git fetch
command only downloads remote commit data to a remote branch of your local repository. It does not automatically merge or modify your current working directory. Git checkout origin/branch Or manually merge it into a working directory.
Note: Origin /master is not the same branch as master.
- Manually merge
The git merge origin/master or git rebase origin/master command is used to merge the obtained remote repository with the local working directory.
git pull
Merge the remote branch into the current branch after pulling the remote COMMIT data.
git pull origin master
=git fetch origin master
+git merge origin/master
Git pull –rebase origin master = git fetch origin master + Git rebase origin/master
git push
Git push
Pushes the commit data from the local repository to the remote branch.
Branch merge
Merge hotFix branch into master branch
Git checkout master --> git pull origin hotfix --> git add. --> git commit -m 'merge' --> Git push origin master
GIT three trees
The local GIT repository contains three trees,
- HEAD is a pointer to the current branch reference, always pointing to the last commit of the branch;
- Index cache, used to temporarily store local changes;
- Working Directory Indicates the Working Directory that points to the actual local file.
- Working Directory
git add
Indexgit commit
git checkout files
Working Directory
git reset
7.7 Git Tools – reset disclosure
Git reset is actually the operation of the three Git trees, first move the HEAD forward.
Move the HEAD. I just changed itHEAD
和Working Directory
It’s not changed. It’s essentially undonecommit
The status of the working directory is cached.--mixed
Update Index Index. Index is updated after HEAD is moved, which is undocommit
The working directory is not cached.--hard
Update the working directory. After Index is updated, the working directory is revoked to the same state as Indexcommit
If the local changes are revoked, the last committed changes cannot be returned.Danger ❗️ danger ❗️ Danger ❗️
git revert
Git Revert commitId rolls back and forth between previous commits with a new commit.
Scenes from Reset and Revert
- Use if the code to roll back the branch is needed later
git revert
- If I’m using the wrong branch, the code on that branch is not useful and I don’t want anyone to see it, ok
git reset
git config
Git config --global "John Smith" git config --global [email protected] Config --global status git config --global commit # git push master => git push origin HEAD:refs/for/master git config --global alias.gpush '! f() { : push ; r=$1; [[ -z $r ]] && r=origin; b=$2; t=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD); t=${t#refs/heads/}; [[ -z $b ]]; cmd="git push $r HEAD:refs/for/$b"; echo $cmd; echo; $cmd; }; f'Copy the code
Git Checkout
git checkout <branch>
By moving theHEAD
Implement the checkout branchgit checkout <commitId>
Checks out a branch based on a commit of the current branchgit checkout -b <branch>
Creating a new branchgit checkout <fileUrl>
Undo the changes to the file
The difference between git merge and Git Rebase
See the git merge and Git rebase differences
1 - > 2 - > 3 - > 4 - > master └ ─ - > 5 - > 6 - > hotfixCopy the code
1. Submit record differences
The merge # 1 - > 2 - > 3 - > 4-7 - > > master/hotfix └ ─ - > 5-6 - > ─ ┘Copy the code
# rebase
1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5' -> 6' -> master/hotfix
Copy the code
- The merge merges the public branches with your current COMMIT to form a new COMMIT.
- Rebase will place the commit of your current branch at the end of the public branch, making the commit a straight line.
- Merge can represent the timeline; Rebase time is confusing;
2. Resolve conflict differences
The current local branch is the master branch
- Merge: The operation is in progress
git merge
After the conflict is displayed, modify the conflict and execute again. The execution process is as follows:Git add. --> git commit -m 'xx' --> git pull origin hotfix --> conflict resolution --> git add. --> git commit -m 'xx' --> git push origin masterCopy the code
- Rebase: Each commit of the Hotfix branch needs to be compared with the master’s new code, so the conflict needs to be resolved in a loop. The execution process is as follows:
Git add. -->git commit -m 'xx' -->git pull origin hotfix --rebase --> (' Repeat 'resolve conflict -->git add. --> Git rebase --continue) --> Git Push Origin master -- fCopy the code
Use of Git Rebase
Git rebase -i [startPoint] [endpoint] can merge multiple commits, where -i stands for –interactive.
[startpoint] [endpoint] specifies an edit interval. If you do not specify [endpoint], the endpoint of the interval is the default commit of the current branch HEAD.
Git rebase -i HEAD~2 HEAD~2 indicates that the last two commits are merged.
Git: git: git: git: git: git: git Pick: keep the commit (abbreviated :p) reword: keep the commit, but I need to modify the comments on the commit (abbreviated: R) Edit: Keep the commit, but I need to stop to modify the commit (not just the comments) (abbreviated: E) Squash: Fixup: Merge the commit with the previous commit, but I don't want to keep comments on the commit (f) exec: Execute shell command (x) drop: I want to drop the commit (D)Copy the code
Label the git tag
git tag -a tagName <-m "added description release notes">
Create a labelgit tag
git tag --list/-l
Look at the taggit checkout tagName
Checks out the specified taggit tag -d tagName
Deleting a Local Taggit push origin tagName
Push the local tag to the remote
Refer to the article