Initialize the

git init
Copy the code


git clone <path>
Copy the code

Add to temporary storage

git add .
Copy the code


Git commit -mCopy the code

Pull the distal change

git fetch 
Copy the code

Pull the code

git pull 
Copy the code

Push to the remote end

git push
Copy the code

Check the status

git status
Copy the code

Storage stash

Git stash // Store the code being modified git stash pop // Restore the code being modified git stash list // View all the stores git stash clear // Delete all the storesCopy the code

Branch branch

Git branch 'branch name' git branch name 'git branch name' git branch name 'git branch name Branch - d 'branch name / / delete the branch (change at this time in other branches, and branches without unincorporated) git checkout - b' local branch name ' 'origin/remote branch name / / local warehouse existing code, but there is no required branch, create corresponding to the branch in the local and remoteCopy the code