Git clone [url]

Git add-a submits all changes. Git add-u submits modified and deleted files, excluding new files. Git add. New and modified files are submitted, excluding deleted files

4, git commit -m “//CQSYBJDRGZF#252 Origin commits to a specific branch

Other commands: Pull git pull, git merge git merge (Git sometimes encounters this interface when you pull or merge branches. You can ignore it (step 3 and 4 below), but if you want to enter an explanation you need to:

1. Press I to enter insert mode

2. Modify the yellow merge information on the top line

3. Press “Esc” in the upper left corner of the keyboard

4. Enter “:wq” and press enter.

Git checkout -b create and switch to the develop branch git checkout develop Switch the branch to Develop

Git fetch is to pull the latest content from the remote host to the local, which the user checks and decides whether to merge into the working native branch. Git pull is used to pull down the latest contents of the remote host and merge them, that is, git pull = git fetch + git merge. This may cause conflicts, which need to be resolved manually.

Git status Check status

Git clean-dfx clears uncached files

Git reset HEAD goes back to the current version. The action only affects the staging area, not the contents of the workspace

Git branch -d dev Git branch dev