Branch specification

Release branch

The publishing branch is protected as needed

The environment branch
prod master
st buildst
uat builduat

All build branches are required for agile (multi-party) development and can be replaced with the Develop branch when not involved.

Development branch

The function point Name branch 1 Branch naming 2
The app version 5.0.0
iteration college450
The function development feature- The function point cart

Time point 20180802
The problem to repair hotfix-

The development process

  1. The master branch git pull keeps local code up to date with remote code
  2. git checkout -b branchName
  3. git push origin branchName
  4. Develop & test yourself
  5. Send Mr (Merge Request) branchName -> Builduat/BuildST/Master
  6. CI/CD release
  7. Play tag

Matters needing attention

  • Avoid making changes directly in the release branch
  • If a conflict occurs in the release branch, the new branch is cut from the release branch to merge the conflict, and the new branch is deleted after the release branch is closed
  • All build branches cannot be used as the source of the Mr
  • All development branches should be cut from the master


  • If possible, release branches instead of master, with CI/CD closing release to master
  • During version iteration, the >20PD(customizable) functions can be separated as feature branches to avoid the embarrassment of function delay

Git Command Tips