Small knowledge, big challenge! This article is participating in the creation activity of “Essential Tips for Programmers”.


Git(pronounced /gɪt/) Versioning is an open source distributed version control system that can handle project versioning from very small to very large projects efficiently and quickly. Git is an open source version control software developed by Linus Torvalds, the father of Linux, to help manage Linux kernel development.

Version control systemThe role of

  • Backup file

Just as we use usb sticks to back up our files and movies, we need something to make a backup of our code. Whenever we make changes to a file, commit our changes to version Management tool for safekeeping. We can recover it from the backup in case our computer breaks down. In fact, backup is one of the most basic things in our project. Because our work results are saved in this file every day, if some unexpected factors lead to the loss of our file one day, this loss will be very big.

  • Recorded history

We said that the version management tool can help us to keep the file, but the “custody” of the version management tool is different from the web disk, USB disk to help us to keep the latest state of the file, and the history of a state can not be retrieved, and the modification of the record can not be retrieved. For example, a certain file in the net disk is used to record my daily diary, one day I want to know a certain place in my diary a certain line is which day and what time to add, this information net disk and U disk is no way to tell me, unless I myself in my content side to record. The version management tool, on the other hand, keeps a backup of every change we submit to the version management tool. It keeps a record of when and by whom the change was made. In this case, the version management tool can tell us when we need to go back and look up the information.

  • Back to the past

We can return our files to a state at any point in time in the past and use the version management tool to never worry about deleting or damaging our important files.

  • Multiterminal Shared

The files we host are available or accessible on different devices.

  • Team collaboration

Versioning tools can help us quickly resolve conflicts in team development with minimal negative impact.

Version management tool history


GitHub is a software source code hosting platform for Git version control. Written in Ruby on Rails by GitHub (formerly Logical Awesome) developers Chris Wanstrath, PJ Hyett, and Tom Preston-Werner.

GitHub offers both paid and free accounts. Both accounts can create public or private code repositories, but paying users support more functionality.

As of 2015, GitHub had more than 28 million registered users and 57 million codebase. In fact, it has become the largest code repository and open source community in the world.

On the evening of June 4, 2018, Us tech company Microsoft announced that it was buying GitHub for $7.5 billion in stock.

Comparison between Git and SVN

Introduction of SVN

SVN is a centralized version control system, which is mainly used for collaborative project development and code management. You can also manage personal codes. Also known as the “regret medicine” of the programming world.

SVN, which stands for Subversion, is one of the best version controllers in C/S architecture in recent years. Is the ancestor of the code manager) management tool similar.

SVN can manage various kinds of data over time, and this data is placed in a central repository (the collection of all the code) managed by SVN. In addition, the SVN backs up and records every modification and update of each file. This allows the developer to revert to an older version at any point in time (for SVN, without modifying the file once, SVN creates a concept called version, which increments from 0). You can also specify the update history of the file (index.php).

Note that the SVN relies heavily on the server. If the server is unavailable, version control is unavailable.

Compare Git and SVN

  1. GIT is distributed, SVN is centralized
  2. GIT stores content as metadata, whereas SVN stores content as files: Because a GIT directory is a clone repository on a personal machine, it has everything from the central repository, such as tags, branches, version records, and so on.
  3. GIT branches are different from SVN branches: SVN branch omissions occur, but GIT can quickly switch between branches in the same working directory. It is easy to find branches that have not been merged, and merge these files quickly and easily.
  4. GIT does not have a global version number, whereas SVN does
  5. GIT’s content integrity is superior to SVN’s: GIT’s content storage uses the SHA-1 hash algorithm. This ensures the integrity of the code content and reduces damage to the repository in the event of disk failures and network problems.

The difference between centralized and distributed:

  • Centralized version control system: the version library is centrally stored in the central server, and when working, using their own computers, so they must first get the latest version from the central server, and then start working, finished work, and then push their work to the central server. The biggest problem with centralized version control systems is that they must be networked to work.
  • Distributed version control systems: Distributed version control systems have no “central server” at all. Everyone has a complete version library on their computer, so that when you work, you don’t need to be connected to the Internet because the version library is on your own computer. For example, if you change file A on your own computer, and your colleague changes file A on his computer, both of you just push your changes to each other, and each of you can see the other’s changes.

Distributed version control systems often have a computer that acts as a “central server” to facilitate the “exchange” of everyone’s changes, but people can do just as well without it, it’s just not convenient to exchange changes. Distributed version control systems are much more secure, because everyone has a complete version library on their computer, so it doesn’t matter if someone’s computer breaks, just copy it from someone else. If the central server of a centralized version control system fails, everyone is out of business. This section is reprinted from: Differences between SVN and Git (Summary) _ Soybean blog -CSDN blog…

Git installed

  • Download Git

Well, before this has been installed, this section will not be detailed, the need for their own baidu/ Google.

  • Configuring User Information

Git is a distributed version control system, so each system needs to declare its home, such as your name and email address.

Git config --global "..." Git config --global "..." Git config --list git configCopy the code

globalYou have specified that all Git repositories on this machine will use this configuration. Of course we can configure different usernames and mailboxes for a particular repository.

Git’s client GUI

SourceTree is a free Git and Hg client management tool for Windows and Mac OS X. It supports creation, cloning, submission, push, pull, and merge operations.

SourceTree has a nice, clean interface that greatly simplifies how developers interact with Git with their code base, which is very useful for developers who are not familiar with Git commands.

SourceTree has full Git functionality:

  • All Git commands are available through a simple user interface
  • With a single click, you can manage all your Git libraries, whether managed or local
  • You can perform commit, push, pull, or merge operations with one click
  • Some advanced features, such as patch handling, Rebase, shelve, cherry picking, etc
  • Connect to your codebase hosted in Bitbucket, Stash, Microsoft TFS, or GitHub

Download it from SourceTree.

Create the repository and submit the file

Main contents and corresponding commands

  • Initialize the version library

git init

  • Add files to the repository

git add git commit

  • View warehouse Status

git status

Use the graphical interface and command line respectively to demonstrate the operation of creating a warehouse, submitting files, first creating a local warehouse, and then demonstrating the creation of a remote warehouse.

SourceTree Creates a warehouse using a graphical interface

Open the sourceTree Click Create to Create a new repository —-git initThis command initializes the repository Add a test text to the new empty repository. Edit and save. Now you can see thatNo files are temporarily savedWe just created a new file called “firstGitFile.” Right-click the file and selectadd, add the text toFiles have been temporarily savedThe step —- is mainly passedgit addCommand implementationadd Text has been added toFiles have been temporarily saved Enter the submission description and clicksubmitTo submit the text to the repository —-, the command is executedgit commit inbranchHere you can find the file we just successfully committed and see the commit and modification information. At this point, you have completed creating the repository and submitting the file in the form of a graphical interface. A closer look at the graphical git workflow and the commands executed at each step will help you understand Git. Back to top 👆

Create a warehouse using the command line

Click on theCommand line mode, can be openedGit BashTo perform command line operations

Reference to Linux directives

  • Displays the current directory pwd
  • Displays detailed information about all files in this directory ll

Go back to the previous directory, use the command line to create the file, and initialize the repository

Reference to Linux directives

  • Return to parent directory cd ..
  • Create a directory mkdir **

There are too many commands in the window, so let’s refresh the window Three Ways to clear the Screen in Linux

  • Refresh the terminal (screen)

The clear command will refresh the screen, essentially making the terminal display a page backwards, with previous action information still visible if you scroll up. This command is usually used.

  • ctrl+l(Equivalent to clear)
  • Empty the terminal reset

This command will completely refresh the terminal screen, and all previous terminal input information will be cleared. This is refreshing, but the whole command process is a bit slow and rarely used.

This section is reprinted from: Linux Clear Screen Command (3 ways) _ Magoyang’s blog -CSDN…

Initialize the repository in the new “learnGitCommandLine” file Reference to Linux directives

  • Show all files and directories (including hidden files)

ls -a

  • The input

echo "**"

  • Pipe additional


  • Append the entered content to the test. TXT file

echo "git repo2" >> test.txt

  • Prints the contents of the current file cat **

Use the command line to add test.txt to the repository

  • Add files to the repository

Git commit -m “**”

  • View warehouse Status

git status

On branch master 
# in the main branch
nothing to commit, working directory clean 
All local changes have been committed to the main branch, the working directory is clean, or the repository/directory is dirty.
Copy the code

VSCode uses git

Git Git

Git: clone command not found in command panel, found vscode git configuration is not done. Here are some configurations to do before using git in vscode

Git is integrated in vscode, and many operations can be done with a single click without writing git instructions.

However, this requires you to configure vscode. Next I will talk about git configuration and passwordless uploading to Github. installation path is The default installation path is C:\P… Files\Git, can be modified, here I am installed in D:\Program Files\Git.

2. After installing Git, configure the information of environment variable path as shown in the figure, it will be automatically configured successfully. After configuration, the computer can use Git.

To use Git in VS Code, you need to configure git.path in the editor

Go to file > Preferences > Settings > Search gits. path > Go to Edit > find your computer’s Git installation directory, find the bin folder, and copy the full path of the gits. exe fileAnd the path to bah.exeReprinted from: VSCode Configuring Git notes _ Development Tools _ Sam’s blog -CSDN…

Migrate existing projects from GitHub

Ctrl + Shift + POpen the command panel and entergit:clone Click on thegit:clone Type the address of the project you want to move out and press EnterPress Enter, then select a folder and place the migrated project in that folder over

How do I delete an old remote address and add a new one

1. Right-click the project that you want to view and choose Git Bash Here. The command box is displayed.

2. Enter git remote -v to view the remote address of the project.

3. Run commands to delete and then add the remote repository

Git remote rm origin git remote add origin ****** // Add a new remote addressCopy the code


  • Git installation, Git introductory tutorial lesson – longed for 】 【 reference
  • Git configuration user information – kinglead – blog garden…
  • The difference between SVN and Git (summary)
  • Linux CLS command (three kinds) _magoyang blog blog – CSDN…