This is the first day of my participation in Gwen Challenge
One: Create a warehouse
Git setup identifier
Git config –global git config –global
Git config –global
PS: PWD Displays the current directory
Initialize the warehouse
git init
Commit files to the repository
Git add.
Git commit -m
PS:git status Displays the changes that have not been committed
Git diff :git diff
Submit modification as submit file
Two: Version rollback
Git log Displays historical records
Git log –pretty=oneline
Git reset –hard HEAD back to previous version
Git reset –hard HEAD~100
Git reflog gets all previous version numbers and operation information
Git reset –hard Version Rollback using the version number
Four: undo modify and delete files
Git checkout — File name discards workspace changes
1. If the changes are not put in the staging area, undo the changes and return to the same state as the version library
2. After modification, put it into the temporary storage area, but modify it again, and return to the state of adding the temporary storage area after cancellation
Git checkout — git checkout — git checkout — git checkout
Five: remote warehouse
Ssh-keygen -t rsa -c “email” Creates an SSH public key
Cat ~/. SSH / View your public key
SSH -t For connection
Six: Clone Project
Git clone “SSH address”
Git remote add origin git remote add origin
Git pull –rebase origin master
Seven: Git control repository
Git clone clone
2. Modify
Git remote add origin… Connecting a remote warehouse
Git push origin master commit changes
Git branch -a Check the current remote branch
Git checkout Origin/XXX
Git branch XXX Creates a local XXX branch
Git checkout XXX selects the newly created branch.
Git push Origin dev2 adds the changes to the new branch
Git status (check local branch files to make sure there are no conflicts when updating them)
Git branch
Git Checkout remote branch git checkout remote branch
git pull
Copy the code
Git chechout aaa Switch branches. Git branck AAA Create an AAA branch. Git chechout -b aaa Create an AAA branch locally and switch to an AAA branch. A branch is created on the server only at commit time
Create and merge branches
Git checkout -b dev create the dev branch and switch to the dev branch
Git branch Displays the current branch
Git merge dev Merge branch
Check out the branch: Git Branch
Git branch name
Git checkout name
Git checkout — b name
Git merge name: git merge name
Git branch -d name