git config –list

  • View git configuration information, including user name and mailbox

git init

  • Initialize the current folder as a Git repository. The current folder is master.

git status

  • View the current status of the folder,

git add .

  • Add all files in the current folder to the local repository

git commit

  • Commit only files in the staging area, that is, only files that appear green under Status.
  • When we submit, the file whose status originally showed green is not displayed.

git log –oneline

  • View all committed short logs

Git Checkout specifies the hash file name for the git checkout submission

git reset HEAD filename

  • Undo files from the cache to the workspace

Git checkout – filename

Undo the workspace modification of the filename file to the last git add or git commit.

Git remote add origin <repository URL>

Git remote set-url origin <remote-url>

git remote set-url origin <remote-url>
Copy the code

View the warehouse path

git remote -v
Copy the code

Push to remote repository

git push -u origin master
Copy the code