Find the path where an application resides

The adb shell PM list package - f | grep filterCopy the code

Removing an Application Package

Adb shell rm Application pathCopy the code

Querying all packages

adb shell pm -l
Copy the code

Find the path of a package

Adb shell PM path Specifies the full application package nameCopy the code

Uninstall packages

Adb uninstall Complete application package nameCopy the code

Start the activity

Adb shell am start-n "adb shell am start-n"Copy the code

ADB Mandatory installation


Adb install -t Full application package nameCopy the code


Adb install -d Adb install -dCopy the code

-d: allow version code downgrade

ADB checks CPU usage

adb shell top -m 10 -s 8
Copy the code

-M 10 ranks the top 10

View the APK version

The adb shell dumpsys package package name | grep versionNameCopy the code



Create a new branchfeature1

git branch feature1
Copy the code

The newbranchIt does not automatically switch, switch (new) branches

git checkout -b feature1
Copy the code

Updating remote branches

git remote update origin --prune
Copy the code

Delete the branch

Git branch -d Specifies the branch nameCopy the code

Deleting branch also deletes the reference, not any commit

A branch that has not been merged into the master will fail to be deleted. If you want to delete that branch, you can change -d to -d and lowercase to uppercase


The Stash directive allows you to keep the contents of your working directory in a single place at your local location. It can never be committed or deleted. Once you put it away, you can do your temporary work. Files that have never been tracked (i.e., files that have been added) are no longer stash stash files

git stash
Copy the code

If you want to stash files that are not tracked, you can add the -u parameter

git stash -u
Copy the code

Print out all the current stash versions

git stash list
Copy the code

Retrieves the content stored under the specified version number

git stash apply stash@{1}
Copy the code

When all stacks are applied back, the stack can be emptied

git stash clear
Copy the code


Fall back to a COMMIT

Git reset - - hard de0245cfCopy the code

The essence of the reset directive: Resets the HEAD and the branch it points to. Three parameters of reset:

git reset --hard HEAD^
Copy the code

–hard: Clears all changes to the working directory while resetting the location;

–soft: Resets the location while preserving the contents of the working directory and the staging area, and puts the new file differences caused by resetting the HEAD position into the staging area.

— Mixed (default) : Resets the location while retaining the contents of the working directory and clearing the staging area.


After the merge conflict is resolved, there is no need to commit.

git merge --continue
Copy the code

Cancel this merge after conflict:

git merge --abort
Copy the code

If the HEAD and target commit still do not fork and are behind the target commit, this operation has a special name called “fast-forward”.

Add additional Fast Forward commit information

git merge feature1 --no--ff 
Copy the code


git pull = git fectch + git merge
Copy the code


View files changed during the most recent commit (-3 indicates the last three)

git log -3 --stat
Copy the code

Log -p Displays detailed history information

git log -p
Copy the code

-p stands for –patch

Take a look at the changes

git log --stat
Copy the code

View commit graphically

git log --graph
Copy the code

View the specific COMMIT

git show 5e68b0d8
Copy the code

Look at the specified file in Specify COMMIT

git show 5e68b0d8 a.txt
Copy the code


Displays the difference between the staging area and the previous commit

If you type git commit, what will you commit

git diff --staged
Copy the code

Compare the working directory with the staging area

If you add all files now, what would you add to the staging area:

git diff
Copy the code


Instead of forking commit history, you can use rebase instead of merge.

Git rebase target base pointCopy the code

Rebase does not modify the base commit. Instead, it copies a new commit from the base and handles any conflicts within that commit

To modify a previous submission, you can use Rebase interactively

There are currently three submissions: (1) 6CDACb // last commit (2) 3988F81 (3) EF266B4 now wants to modify the content of (2) EF266B, such as the commit log information, or the specific code content rebase -I 4bfee6 to (3) Pick 3988f8... pick 6cdacb ... Because you need to modify the second EF266b, change pick to Edit ef266b4 and then you can modify the file. After that, git add, Then git commit -- Amend can modify the commit log and proceed to the (1) commit 6cdacb with the following command. Git rebase --continue if there is no next git rebase --continueCopy the code

Note: The commit will not be changed directly in the previous commit, the commit after rebase will be new


If the error content has been merged into the master, rebase cannot be used. Otherwise, will the forced push erase the new submission just sent by the colleague? It is very easy to cause problems.

Use revert in this case:

Fill in which commit you want to undo

git revert HEAD^
Copy the code

This line of code adds a new commit whose contents are the opposite of the penultimate commit, cancelling the penultimate commit to undo it.


Reflog, short for “Reference Log,” allows you to view the movement records of references in your Git repository. Reflog views the HEAD movement history by default. You can manually add names to view the movement history of other references, such as a branch

git reflog master
Copy the code


Cherry-pick is a special merge operation that allows you to select one or more Commits and merge them sequentially to the current branch.

git cherry-pick 6cdacb
Copy the code


1. View the dependency tree relationship

/gradlew: module name :dependencies or just look at implementation./gradlew: module name :dependencies --configuration implementationCopy the code

The signature


Apksigner command path sign --ks Signature APK pathCopy the code


/ Users/XXX/Library/Android/SDK/build - the tools / 29.0.3 apksigner sign - ks/Users/XXXX/Downloads/a.k eystore /Users/xxx/Downloads/a.apkCopy the code


“Too many files” error reported when compiling AS

sudo launchctl limit maxfiles 50000 200000
Copy the code