This article mainly describes how to use iDesktop configured maps to publish OGC and standard Rest map services through iServer. Upload the configured map data to the server where iServer is located. The result is as follows:

Service Publishing Steps

1. Login

2. Select Service Management

3. Select to quickly publish one or a group of services

4. Select the map data

5. Select the service type to be published

6. Preview the released services

Introduction to Service Types


Map service

The service type of the hypergraph is provided. You can use the standard REST request mode to load the hypergraph using the front class library.

Data services

The service type of the hypergraph is provided. You can use the standard REST request mode to load the hypergraph using the front class library.

3 d service

The service type of the hypergraph is provided. You can use the standard REST request mode to load the hypergraph using the front class library.

Spatial analysis Services

The service type of the hypergraph is provided. You can use the standard REST request mode to load the hypergraph using the front class library.

Traffic network analysis services

The service type of the hypergraph is provided. You can use the standard REST request mode to load the hypergraph using the front class library.

Traffic transfer analysis service

The service type of the hypergraph is provided. You can use the standard REST request mode to load the hypergraph using the front class library.

3 D network analysis services

The service type of the hypergraph is provided. You can use the standard REST request mode to load the hypergraph using the front class library.

Address matching Service

The service type of the hypergraph is provided. You can use the standard REST request mode to load the hypergraph using the front class library.

Vector tile service

The service type of the hypergraph is provided. You can use the standard REST request mode to load the hypergraph using the front class library.



Standards include 1.1.1 and 1.3.0


Standards include CHINA and 1.0.0


Standards include 1.0.0 and 2.0.0


Standards include 1.1.1 and 1.1.2


The standard contains 1.0.0


Map service

Standard REST request mode, can use ArcGIS front-end library access loading.

Elements of the service

Standard REST request mode, can use ArcGIS front-end library access loading.

4. The Internet


Standard REST request mode, which can be accessed and loaded using Baidu SDK.


Standard REST request mode, which can be accessed and loaded using Google SDK.