The introduction
- In general, command line tools are useful for a framework, extracting a lot of repetitive work to the command line, executing commands, such as generating models, generating controllers, generating routes, and so on
- The Go standard library flag is a package for parsing command line arguments
- However, we chose COBRA to build our command line tools, and many well-known open source projects use the COBRA library to build their command lines, such as Kubernetes, Hugo, ETCD, and many more.
- Case Code address
Initialize the
1. Install cobra
goGet is usually installed in the bin directory of the gopath directoryCopy the code
2. The initialization
cobra init --pkg-name=mycmd
Copy the code
It will create a new mycmd directory
▾ mycmd/ ▾ CMD/root.go main.goCopy the code
3. Add an emial subcommand
cobra add email
Copy the code
2. The characteristics of
1. Basic concepts
- Command: the operation that needs to be performed;
- Parameter (Arg) : The parameter of the command, that is, the object to be operated on;
- Option (Flag) : The command option adjusts the behavior of the command
2. The command
In COBRA, commands and subcommands are represented in the Command structure. Command has a number of fields that can be used to customize the behavior of the Command. In practice, there are only a few that are most commonly used.
- Use specifies usage information, that is, how the command is invoked. The format is name arg1 [arg2]. The name is the command name, arg1 is mandatory, and arg3 is optional.
- Short description:
- Long Long description
- Run The function that is actually executed
- Example Use cases
3. The options
Cobra uses Pflag to resolve command-line options. Pflag is the same as flag
The global option defines its command and its subcommands can be used
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&cfgFile, "config", cfgFile, "config file (default is $HOME/.mycmd.toml)") Copy the code
Local options can only be defined by word commands to be used
localCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&Source, "source"."s".""."Source directory to read from")
Copy the code
3. Improve the email subcommand
package cmd
import (
var (
To []string
Cc []string
Bcc []string
/ / theme
Subject string
/ / content
Text string
// HTML content (preferred)
HTML string
// Copy the attachment
AttachFileName string
From string
Smtp string
Port int
Password string
// emailCmd represents the email command
var emailCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "email",
Short: "Send mail",
Long: 'In order to send mail more easily',
Example: 'mycmd email -c' --cc 'yourccemail' --cc 'yourccemail' --cc 'yourccemail' Mycmd email -c "check in" -t "youremail" -- BCC "yourcccemail" Mycmd email -c "check in" -t "youremail" -- HTML =' click ' to send attachment: Mycmd email -c "check in" -t "youremail" --file="./cmd.toml.example" ',
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
func init(a) {
emailCmd.Flags().StringSliceVarP(&To, "to"."t"And []string{}, "send email to")
emailCmd.Flags().StringSliceVar(&Cc, "cc"And []string{}, "send email Cc")
emailCmd.Flags().StringSliceVar(&Bcc, "bcc"And []string{}, "send email Bcc")
emailCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&Subject, "subject"."s"."Default Theme"."send email Subject")
emailCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&Text, "context"."c".""."send email Text")
emailCmd.Flags().StringVar(&HTML, "html".""."send email HTML contect")
emailCmd.Flags().StringVar(&AttachFileName, "file".""."send email AttachFile")
// Here you will define your flags and configuration settings.
// Cobra supports Persistent Flags which will work for this command
// and all subcommands, e.g.:
// emailCmd.PersistentFlags().String("foo", "", "A help for foo")
// Cobra supports local flags which will only run when this command
// is called directly, e.g.:
// emailCmd.Flags().BoolP("toggle", "t", false, "Help message for toggle")
func send(a) {
From = viper.GetString("email.from")
Smtp = viper.GetString("email.smtp")
Port = viper.GetInt("email.port")
Password = viper.GetString("email.password")
e := email.NewEmail()
e.From = From
e.To = To
e.Cc = Cc
e.Bcc = Bcc
e.Subject = Subject
ifHTML ! ="" {
e.HTML = []byte(HTML)
} else {
e.Text = []byte(Text)
auth := smtp.PlainAuth("", From, Password, Smtp)
addr := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", Smtp, Port)
err := e.Send(addr, auth)
iferr ! =nil {
log.Fatal("email ", err)
log.Println("Sent successfully")}Copy the code
4. Test commands
1, compilergo build .
2Run./mycmd email -c as shown in the example"Content" -t "[email protected]"
Copy the code
5, other
- The validation option is required: use MarkFlagRequired
Cobra also provides rich features and customizable interfaces, such as setting hook functions to perform certain operations before and after command execution; Make documents in Markdown/ReStructed Text/Man Page, etc., for those who need them
6, reference
- Go One pool of COBRA daily
7. Series of articles
- Serial set up a Golang environment
- Serial 2 Install Gin
- Serial three defines the directory structure
- Serial four build case API1
- Serial five build case API2
- Serialized six access Swagger interface documents
- Serialize seven log components
- Serial eight graceful restart and stop
- Serialize the external Makefile build
- Serialize other Cron scheduled tasks
- Serialized content to create command-line tools
- 3 days to build exclusive Cache(First day)
- 3 days to build exclusive Cache(Second day)
- Third Day: Creating a dedicated Cache