The Ghost blogging system is the brainchild of some brilliant former WordPress employees. The project still uses 100% open source, plus the official fee-hosting business model, has developed into a very special blog system.

In order to better facilitate readers to understand the value of Ghost, I think it is very necessary to [blog system] the word to do a solution.

Blog, the English name Blog, namely network log (diary) meaning. Originated in 2006, first from the Internet and college students began to spread. Blog system refers to the website for writing and reading blogs, such as Sina blog, which is a platform type blog system, and WordPress, which is a self-built type blog system. This article only discusses self-built blogging systems.

In a sense, WordPress is synonymous with the early blogging systems. With the development of the Internet, the consumption of information content has become a hot industry, so now the blogging system has richer elements: text, pictures, video (podcasting), social media, etc.

After years of development, WordPress has become a giant platform for building enterprise websites, with more and more functions and slower and slower speed. At this time, blog enthusiasts have a feeling of “killing a chicken with a knife” to build a blog with WordPress.

Ghost, a blogging system, came into being.

Even if said, Ghost will be WordPress blog banner over, now Ghost is synonymous with the blog system.

Let’s get straight to the point, starting with usage:

The installation

There are two main popular installation methods, source code installation and Docker installation.

Of course, the easiest way is to install Docker, taking CentOS as an example, the specific steps:

  1. Install the Docker

    wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/docker-ce.repo
    yum install docker-ce
    Copy the code
  2. Running Ghost container

    docker run -d --name some-ghost -e url=http://localhost:3001 -p 3001:2368 ghost
    Copy the code
  3. Access Ghost through port 3001

In particular, set the URL parameter to your domain name


Does Ghost run fast?

Very fast.

Why does Ghost run so fast?

Ghost uses the now popular website before and after separation method, the back end provides content data, the front end provides interface and display content.

What technology does Ghost front-end template use?

Handlebars. Js.

This article is originally published by Websoft9.