The most important thing to learn programming is to do it! Before you start, you need to build a framework, so today I’m going to share with you how to build a WebGL project using VUE3.
This is not to say that you need React, VUE or other front-end libraries/frameworks to write WebGL projects. You can still write comfortably and smoothly in native JavaScript. But based on the front-end framework to write, there are still many benefits: for example, the company is using VUE, so write with VUE can fit the company’s technology stack, two to learn VUE3. Why not?
Write WebGL programs based on VUE3
First I chose @vue/cli. For Vite, WebPack is a little more familiar. In this way, the cost of learning is not very high and can be controlled. All right, let’s cut to the chase!
Build VUE3
Build a project using the @vue/cli command line
vue create webgl-test
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I’ll then write VUE code in JSX style, so I’ll also install the plug-in
npm install @vue/babel-plugin-jsx -D
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Next, configure Babel and add the plugins attribute to babel.config.js:
"plugins": ["@vue/babel-plugin-jsx"]}Copy the code
Next, create a clickpoints.js file because the following is an example of clicking to add points.
import { defineComponent, ref, onMounted } from 'vue';
export const ClickedPointes = defineComponent(({
setup () {
const root = ref(null);
const canvasDown = (e) = > {}
return () = > <canvas ref={root} onClick={canvasDown} width="400" height="400"></canvas>}}))Copy the code
This is the setup of VUE (see the official document for the syntax).
Write WebGL
Before writing, let’s talk about the WebGL process. It can be roughly divided into these five steps:
- To obtain
Element to createWebGL
Drawing context - Write vertex shader and fragment shader source code
- Creates the shader object and loads and compiles the shader code
- Creates a program object and inserts and links the shader object
- draw
Get canvas element to create WebGL drawing context: Use ref in VUE to get canvas element
const root = ref(null);
onMount () {
const canvas = root.value;
return () = > <canvas ref={root}></canvas>
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This allows you to retrieve the Canvas element from the onMount lifecycle function. Use Canvas to create a WebGL drawing context, which is abstracted as a function for convenience.
const getWebglContext = (canvas) = > {
const ctx = canvas.getContext('webgl');
return ctx
onMount () {
const canvas = root.value;
const gl = getWebglContext(canvas);
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Write vertex shader and fragment shader source code: Shader is a beautiful visual effect implemented using a programming language similar to C. The language in which shaders are written is also called shading Language. OpenGL ES2.0 gives Shading to OpenGL Shader Language (GLSL), so the latter is also called OpenGL ES Shader Language (GLSL ES). WebGL is based on OpenGL ES2.0, so shaders are also written in GLSL ES.
In JavaScript, shader programs are “embedded” as strings. WebGL requires two kinds of shaders:
- Vertex shader
(Vertex shader)
As the name suggests, vertex shaders are used to describe the properties of vertices (position, color, etc.). A vertex is a point in two or three dimensions. - Fragment shader
(Fragment shader)
: A program in which a fragment is operated, a fragment(fragments)
Is aWebGL
Can be simply understood as a pixel.
const VShader = ` attribute vec4 a_Position; void main() { gl_Position = a_Position; Gl_PointSize = 10.0; } `
const FShader = 'void main() {gl_FragColor = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); } `
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In this case, the shader program is very simple, just setting the vertex position and size and the color of the fragment. Note that gl_Position is a built-in variable and must be assigned, otherwise the shader will not work properly.
Unlike JavaScript, GLSL ES is a strongly typed language, and variable types must be explicitly specified.
- Float: indicates a floating point number
- Vec4: represents a vector consisting of four floating point numbers
Vertex shader control point position and size, segment shader control point color. They all start with the main function.
Create shader objects and load and compile shader code: in order to create a WebGL shader that can be loaded into a GPU and can draw geometric shapes. You need to create a shader object, load the source code into it, and then compile and link to the shader. Since the vertex and fragment shader objects are created the same way, this step can also be abstracted as a function:
const loadShader = (gl, type, source) = > {
const shader = gl.createShader(type);
if (shader === null) {
console.log('unable to create shader')
return null
gl.shaderSource(shader, source)
const compiled = gl.getShaderParameter(shader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS)
if(! compiled) { gl.getShaderInfoLog(shader)console.log('Failed to compile shader')
return null;
return shader;
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Create a shader object using the gl.createshader method. The parameter can be gl.VERTEX_SHADER or gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER. 2, then use the gl.shaderSource method to load the source code into the shader object. The first parameter is the created shader object and the second parameter represents the source code for the shader. 3, after loading, call the gl.compileShader method to compile the shader. Finally, use the gl.getShaderParameter method to check the compilation status. In case of a compilation error, the shader object is removed using the gl.deleteshader method.
Create the program object and insert and link the shader object: Once you have created the shader object, you need to create the program object.
const createProgram = (gl, vshader, fshader) = > {
const vertexShader = loadShader(gl, gl.VERTEX_SHADER, vshader)
const flagShader = loadShader(gl, gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER, fshader)
if(! vertexShader || ! flagShader) {return null
const program = gl.createProgram();
if(! program) {return null;
gl.attachShader(program, vertexShader)
gl.attachShader(program, flagShader)
var linked = gl.getProgramParameter(program, gl.LINK_STATUS);
if(! linked) {var error = gl.getProgramInfoLog(program);
console.log('Failed to link program: ' + error);
return null;
gl.program = program
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- call
Method to create a program object. - And through the
Method to load the compiled vertex shader object and fragment shader object into the program object. - And then call
Method performs the link operation, and if the link succeeds, you get a program object. - call
Method, tellWebGL
The engine can use this program object to draw graphics
After the link, the WebGL implementation binds the used properties used by the vertex shader and the fragment shader to the generic property index. The WebGL implementation has assigned a fixed number of slots to attributes of vertices, and the generic attribute index is the identifier of one of those slots.
Drawing: Shaders are created in the WebGL system after a series of initializations. WebGL then parses the shader and identifies the attribute variables that the shader has. Each variable has a storage address so that data can be transmitted to the variable through the storage address. For example, to transfer data to the a_Position variable of the vertex shader, we first use the gl.getAttribLocation method to request the location of the variable from the WebGL system.
let a_Position = gl.getAttribLocation(gl.program, 'a_Position');
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The first argument to the method is the program object, because it contains the vertex shader and the fragment shader, and the second argument is the name of the variable you want to get.
Once you have the location of the variable, you need to transfer data to the variable, in this case by clicking to get the location. The information about the location of the mouse click is stored in the event object E, and the coordinates of the location can be obtained by means of e. cadentx and E. cadenty. But this coordinate cannot be used directly:
- The coordinates of the mouse click are browser coordinates, not
Coordinates of elements canvas
The coordinate system ofWebGL
The coordinate system of theta is different, its origin position and the positive direction of the Y axis are different
First, convert the coordinates from browser coordinate to Canvas coordinate, and then to WebGL coordinate:
const getBounding = (e) = > {
const canvas = wRoot.value;
let x = e.clientX;
let y = e.clientY;
const rect =;
x = ((x - rect.left) - canvas.width/2)/(canvas.width/2);
y = (canvas.height/2 - (y -;
return {
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- use
Methods to obtaincanvas
Coordinates,The rect. The left and the rect. Top
The origin. such(x - rect.left)与(y -
You can convert the browser coordinates tocanvas
Coordinates in the coordinate system. - will
Transform the coordinate system toWebGL
Coordinate system, first getcanvas
The center of the(Canvas.height / 2, Canvas.width / 2)
- use
(x-rect.left) - Canvas.width /2 and Canvas.height /2 - (
The origin is shifted to the center - The last
The x-coordinate of PI is from 0 to PIcanvas.width
And the Y-axis is from 0 to PIcanvas.height
. becauseWebGL
The coordinates of the center axis are from -1.0 to 1.0, so dividing the x and y coordinates by the center coordinates is ok.
const canvasDown = (e) = > {
const { x, y } = getBounding(e)
const len = g_points.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i+= 2) {
gl.vertexAttrib3f(a_Position, g_points[i], g_points[i+1].0.0)
gl.drawArrays(gl.POINTS, 0.1)}}Copy the code
Methods toa_Position
Variables transfer data. And then togl.drawArrays
Method to draw a point.
Look at the effect:
Transform WebGL
While good, for this example it was just a simple click on the render point on the screen, but the process was too complicated. Another point is that this process is the same for every WebGL application, so can it be abstracted?
Moreover, as mentioned earlier, shader language is a programming language, but in JavaScript it is just a string, and it does not give corresponding treatment!
Based on these points, let’s modify the WebGL program: Write a separate shader language: First install two Loaders:
npm install glslify-loader raw-loader
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Next, configure WebPack. In the @vue/cli build project, configure WebPack in the vue.config.js file.
module.exports = {
chainWebpack: config= > {
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After the configuration is complete, if you are not sure whether the configuration was successful, you can use the following command to display the final WebPack configuration:
vue inspect > output.js
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And that’s what you getoutput.js
The file. Inside it iswebpack
configurationAnd then install two
- Glsl-literal: Used for syntax highlighting
- GLSL Lint: For code detection
So you can writeglsl
The file
Integrating the WebGL process with the REGL library:
npm install regl
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Use require to introduce
import { defineComponent, ref, onMounted } from 'vue';
import VSHADER from './vshader.glsl';
import FSHADER from './fshader.glsl';
const regl = require('regl');
export const ClickedPointes = defineComponent(({
setup () {
const root = ref(null); .const canvasDown = (e) = > {
const point = getBounding(e);
g_points.forEach(item= >{ drawPoint(item); })}; onMounted(() = > {
gl = getWebglContext(wRoot)
const reglCtx = regl(gl);
drawPoint = reglCtx({
frag: () = > FSHADER,
vert: () = > VSHADER,
count: 1.primitive: 'points'.attributes: {
'a_Position': reglCtx.prop('point')}}); gl.clearColor(;
// Clear <canvas>
return () = > <canvas ref={root} onClick={canvasDown} width="400" height="400"></canvas>}}))Copy the code
Now all you need to do is configure reglCtx, and a few lines of code will replace the previous processes.
So much for a basic WebGL project, if there are better examples in the comments section, I’ll learn!
At the end
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