A, install,

Install typescript globally (you already have Node installed by default)

npm install -g typescript
Copy the code

Once installed, you are ready to develop using typescript

// demo.ts
function demo01()
  let test: string = 'a test typescript';
Copy the code

Typescript-ending. Ts files cannot be run directly; they need to be compiled to a.js file to run

Compilation mode:

Ts file NPM install -g ts-node ts-node demo.ts file NPM install -g ts-node ts-node demo Run the TS file directlyCopy the code

Static type

// demo2.ts
const count : number = 1;
Copy the code

Here we define the count variable, where: number defines a static type.

Note ⚠️ : The type of a static variable cannot be changed, but its value can.

Custom static types

. interface Demo { name: string; age: number; } let demo : Demo = { name: '23', age: 23 } console.log(demo); .Copy the code

Data types

Basic data types: number, string, Boolean, NULL, undefined, symbol

Object types: object, array, class, function


All numbers in TypeScript are floating point numbers. These floating point numbers are of type number. In addition to supporting decimal and hexadecimal literals, TypeScript also supports binary and octal literals introduced in ECMAScript 2015.

let num : number = 11111;
let hexLiteral: number = 0xf00d;
let binaryLiteral: number = 0b1010;
let octalLiteral: number = 0o744;
Copy the code


Let STR: string = 'This is the base static type of string '; Let str1: string = "This is the base data type ";Copy the code


let bool : boolean = true;
Copy the code


let nul : null = null;
Copy the code


let unde : undefined = undefined;
Copy the code


let sym : symbol = Symbol('foo');
let sym1 : symbol = Symbol(123);
Copy the code


let obj : {
  user: string,
  age: number,
  sex: boolean
} = {
  user: 'xiaoming',
  age: 26,
  sex: true
console.log(obj) // { user: 'xiaoming', age: 26, sex: true }
Copy the code

An array of

TypeScript manipulates array elements just like JavaScript. There are two ways to define an array. First, an element type can be followed by [] to represent an array of elements of that type

// Let arr: Object[] = [null, undefined, 0, '123', true]; let arr1 : String[] = ['null', 'undefined', '0', '123', "true"]; console.log(arr) // [ null, undefined, 0, '123', true ] console.log(arr1) // [ 'null', 'undefined', '0', '123', // Array< element type > const arr3: Array<string> = [' STR ', 'STRR ',' STRRR '];Copy the code


Let func: () => string = () => 'small' // es6 arrow Function console.log(func) // [Function: func]Copy the code


class Person {} let per : Person = new Date(); // New Date() const per1: Person = new Person(); Console. log(per) // 2020-09-16T11:23:19.698z console.log(per1) // Person {}Copy the code

Enum enumeration

// dmeo.ts enum Color {Red, Green, Blue} let c: Color = Color.Green let r: Color = Color.Red let b: Color = Color.Blue // demo.js var Color; (function (Color) { Color[Color["Red"] = 0] = "Red"; Color[Color["Green"] = 1] = "Green"; Color[Color["Blue"] = 2] = "Blue"; })(Color || (Color = {})); var c = Color.Green; var r = Color.Red; var b = Color.Blue; console.log(c, b, r); console.log(Color) // { '0': 'Red', '1': 'Green', '2': 'Blue', Red: 0, Green: 1, Blue: 2} console.log(c, b, r) // 1 2 0 r is 0, because the default is to start from 0 This is enumerated / / -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- / / modify the starting order enum Colors {Pink = 1, Yellow, Purple} let p: Colors = Colors.Pink let y: Colors = Colors.Yellow let p1: Colors = Colors.Purple console.log(p,y,p1) // 1 2 3 console.log(Colors) /*{ '1': 'Pink', '2': 'Yellow', '3': 'Purple', Pink: 1, Yellow: 2, Purple: 3} (function (Colors) { Colors[Colors["Pink"] = 1] = "Pink"; Colors[Colors["Yellow"] = 2] = "Yellow"; Colors[Colors["Purple"] = 3] = "Purple"; })(Colors || (Colors = {})); var p = Colors.Pink; var y = Colors.Yellow; var p1 = Colors.Purple; console.log(p, y, p1); // 1 2 3 console.log(Colors); / / -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- / / modify each value enum Job {= 1 Fe = 12, Php, Java = 4} let f: Job = Job. Fe; let p3: Job = Job.Php; let j: Job = Job.Java; let fe: string = Job[12]; let php: string = Job[1]; let java: string = Job[4]; console.log(f,p3,j,fe,php,java) // 12 1 4 Fe Php Java console.log(Job) // { '1': 'Php', '4': 'Java', '12': 'Fe', Fe: Php: 1, Java: 4} /* */ / (function (Job) { Job[Job["Fe"] = 12] = "Fe"; Job[Job["Php"] = 1] = "Php"; Job[Job["Java"] = 4] = "Java"; })(Job || (Job = {})); var f = Job.Fe; var p3 = Job.Php; var j = Job.Java; var fe = Job[12]; var php = Job[1]; var java = Job[4]; console.log(f, p3, j, fe, php, java); // 12 1 4 Fe Php JavaCopy the code

The above is enumeration example, similarly, I can understand the following for JS is enumeration 🤔️?

    4: 'java',
    34: 'php',
    2: 'js'
Copy the code


Sometimes we want to specify a type for variables whose type is not known at programming time. These values may come from dynamic content, such as user input or third-party code libraries. In this case, we don’t want the type checker to check these values and just pass them through compile-time checks. Then we can mark these variables with type any

let notSure: any = 4; notSure = "maybe a string instead"; notSure = false; 😂) let notSure: any = 4; notSure.ifItExists(); // okay, ifItExists might exist at runtime notSure.toFixed(); let prettySure: Object = 4; prettySure.toFixed(); // Error: Property 'toFixed' doesn't exist on type 'Object'. // The any type is also useful when you know only part of the data type. For example, you have an array that contains different types of data let list: any[] = [1, true, "free"]; list[1] = 100;Copy the code


The never type represents the types of values that never exist. For example, the never type is the return type of function expressions or arrow function expressions that always throw an exception or have no return value at all; Variables can also be of type never, when they are bound by type protection that is never true.

The never type is a subtype of any type and can be assigned to any type; However,

There is no

A type is a subtype of never or can be assigned to type never (in addition to never itself). Even any cannot be assigned to never.

Here are some functions that return type never:

Function error(message: string): never {throw new error(message); } // The inferred return value type is never function fail() {return error("Something failed"); Function infiniteLoop(): never {while (true) {}}Copy the code


Object represents a non-primitive type, that is, a type other than number, string, Boolean, symbol, NULL, or undefined.

Use the object type to better represent apis like Object.create. Such as:

declare function create(o: object | null): void;

create({ prop: 0 }); // OK
create(null); // OK

create(42); // Error
create("string"); // Error
create(false); // Error
create(undefined); // Error
Copy the code

Types of assertions

// let someValue: any = "this is a string"; let strLength: number = (<string>someValue).length; // let someValue: any = "this is a string"; let strLength: number = (someValue as string).length;Copy the code

Note ⚠️ : When you use JSX in TypeScript, only AS syntax assertions are allowed

Type annotation and type inference

Type annotation

This is called a type annotation

let count : number = 23;
Copy the code

Type inference

Type inference does not write the required type of data, but the system field is inferred to be of type number. Here, no type comment is written, but TS still recognizes that count1 is of type number, which is called type inference.

let count1 = 24;
Copy the code

Write or not write type comments, according to the business itself to determine, for example, calculate the sum of two numbers, if you do not write comments into the string is a splicing, so flexible according to the business itself to determine whether to write type comments.

// This is the calculation function, which needs to be written, otherwise it is the string concatenation function. function sumTwo(one : number, two : number) { return one + two; } the console. The log (sumTwo (2, 3)); // 5 // console.log(sumTwo('2','3')); / / an errorCopy the code

Function parameters and return type definitions


Underlying data types

Function echo(STR: string) {console.log(STR)} function echo1(bool: bool) Boolean) {console.log(' Printed value is: '+ (bool? 'true' : 'false ')); } echo('he is a huamen'); // he is a huamen echo1(true); // Prints true echo1(false); // The printed value is: falseCopy the code

Object type

Function echo2(str3: Object []) {console.log(str3)} function echo3({one, two} : {one: string, two: {one: string, two: Function echo4(STR: () => "33") {STR ()} function echo5(time: Date) { console.log(time.getTime()) } echo2([null, undefined, 0, true]); // [ null, undefined, 0, true ] echo3({one: '3', two: '55'}); // 355 echo4(function () { return '33'; }); // undefined echo5(new Date()); / / 1600256196949Copy the code

The return value

There is no return value

The function returns no value. Add the type annotation void to the function

Function echo6() : void {console.log(' this function returns no value ') // return 3333; Type 'number' is not assignable to Type 'void'.} echo6();Copy the code

Basic Basic data type

function echo7(num : number) : boolean
  return num > 0;

console.log(echo7(9)); // true
console.log(echo7(-23)); // false
Copy the code

Object type

Function echo8() : string[] {return ['1', '2', 'STR ', 'num']; return ['1', '2',' STR ', 'num']; } console.log(echo8()) // [ '1', '2', 'str', 'num' ]Copy the code

Array types

A simple type

let arr : string[] = ['1','3', 'erder', 'sfesrfre'];
console.log(arr) // [ '1', '3', 'erder', 'sfesrfre' ]
Copy the code

Most apis return arrays or objects, so how to define object types is important!!

// If you want to use the same array, you will need to write the same type again. // The types here: type aliases, interfaces, classes are all manageable! let arr1 : {user: string, age: number}[] = [ {user: 'x', age: 23}, {user: 'y', age: 24}, ]; console.log(arr1) // [ { user: 'x', age: 23 }, { user: 'y', age: 24 } ]Copy the code

Arrays contain multiple types

Const xiaojiejie1: (string | number) [] = [' dajiao, 28, 'the teacher'] / / not a tuple, cannot locate to the type of each element, changing the order not an error.Copy the code

Type the alias

Start with the keyword type

// Type alias type male = {name: string, age: number} age: Number; } // class Demo {name: string age: number}; let arr2 : male[] = [ {name: 'aaa', sex: true}, {name: 'bbb', sex: true}, {name: 'ccc', sex: !!'true'} ] console.log(arr2) let arr3 : female[] = [ {user: 'abbb', age: 23}, {user: 'accc', age: 24}, {user: 'addd', age: 26} ] console.log(arr3) let arr4 : Demo[] = [ {name: 'xiaoming', age: 23}, {name: 'xiaoshi', age: 23}, {name: 'xiaohong', age: 23}, {name: 'xiaoguang', age: 23} ] console.log(arr4)Copy the code

Seven, yuan group

Const xiaojiejie: [string,string,number] = ['dajiao','teacher',28] // This is a tuple that defines the type of each field. If the order changes, an error is reported. // This is a tuple of a multidimensional array const xiao3: [string, string, number][] = [ ['x', 'te', 3], ['x', 'te', 3], ['x', 'te', 3], ['x', 'te', 3], ] console.log(xiao3) //Copy the code

8, Interface


Const findXiao = (name: string, age: number, must: Number) => {age < 24&& must > 90&& console.log(' enroll ') age > 24&& must < 90&& console.log(' eliminate ')} const xiao = {name: Const xiao1 = {name: 'laoxie ', age: 89, must: 09} //Copy the code

Same problem, write words every time, the person wants tired dead 😢

Interface interface Gril {name: string; age: number; must: number; } const xiao = {name: 'Lao Xie ', age: 21, must: 99} const xiao1 = {name:' Lao Xie ', age: 89, must: 09} const findXiao1 = (gril: Gril) => {gril.age < 30 && gril.must > 90 && console.log(" 提 升 ") } findXiao1(xiao) //Copy the code

Interface and type alias differences

Type aliases can be given directly to types, such as type Gril = string;

Interfaces must be objects

Interface is not mandatory

interface Gril1 { name: string; age: number; must: number; leg ? : string; } const findXiao2 = (gril: Gril1) => {gril.age < 30 && gril.must > 90 && console.log(" 提 升 ") Gril.leg && console.log(' I see your console.log ') const xiao2 = {name: 'old ', age: 89, must: 09, leg: {name:' old ', age: 89, must: 09, leg: "Haha "} findXiao2(xiao2) // I see your legsCopy the code

Interface adds arbitrary parameters and methods

interface Gril2 { name: string; age: number; must: number; leg ? : string; // Interface non-mandatory definition [propName :string] : any; // Allow arbitrary values, not strictly say(): string; // add a say method that returns string}Copy the code

Class Inheritance Interface (implements)

class Xiao3 implements Gril2 {
  name = 'zhy'
  age = 23
  must = 99
  say() {
    return this.name
console.log(new Xiao3()) // Xiao3 { name: 'zhy', age: 23, must: 99 }
Copy the code

Interface Inheritance Interface (extends)

interface Xiao4 extends Gril2{

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Nine, class,


class Lady {
  content = 'say hi'
  say() {
    return this.content

const xiaohong = new Lady();
console.log(xiaohong.say()) // say hi
Copy the code

Inheritance and method rewriting

The super keyword supports methods that use the parent class, but not properties

Class Zhang extends Lady {say() {return 'here is Zhang '; } walk() {console.log(' 11111111super', super.say()) // console.log(' 11111111super', super.content) // error, Return 'while walking firecrackers '; } } const xiaozhang = new Zhang(); Console.log (xiaozhang.content) // say hi console.log(xiaozhang.say()) // Here is Zhang's rewrite of console.log(xiaozhang.walk()) // 1111111111super say hiCopy the code

Super uses the methods of the parent class

Access restrictors public,protected,private

Public: The class is accessible both internally and externally

Protected: The interior and subclasses of the class are accessible

Private: Can be accessed only within its own class

class Person { public name : string public say() { return this.name } } const zhy = new Person(); zhy.name = 'haiyang'; console.log(zhy.say()) // haiyang class Person1 { protected name : string = 'yangyang' public say() { return this.name } } const zhy1 = new Person1(); // zhy1.name = 'haiyang'; / / an error, Property 'name' is protected and only accessible within class 'Person1' and its subclasses. console.log(zhy1.say()) // yangyang class Person2 extends Person1 { public walk() { return this.name } } const zhy2 = new Person2() console.log(zhy2.walk()) // yangyang class Person3 { private name : string = 'haihai' public say() { return this.name } } const zhy3 = new Person3(); // zhy3.name = 'haiyang'; / / an error, Property 'name' is private and only accessible within class 'Person3 console.log(zhy3.say()) // haihai class Person4 Extends Person3{walk() {// return this.name, 09_cals.ts :78:17 - error TS2341: Property 'name' is private and only accessible within class 'Person3'. } } const zhy4 = new Person4() console.log(zhy4.walk()) // undefinedCopy the code

The constructor

Class Now{} class Chl extends Now{constructor() {super();  Constructors for derived classes must contain a 'super' call. console.log(1111) } } const c = new Chl();Copy the code

Getters, setters, static usage

1. Getters and setters are properties and only formal functions

2. Attribute names can be arbitrary, as long as you know what they mean

Class Xie {constructor(private num_age: number) {} class Xie {constructor(private num_age: number) {} number) { this.num_age = age } get age() { return this.num_age } } const xiaoxie = new Xie(32) console.log(xiaoxie.age) //32 is an attribute!! Xiaoxie. name = 4444 // Note the attribute!! Console. log(xiaoxie.age) // 4444 changed the age /* 1\. Static properties and methods should simply not instantiate classes, */ class StaticClass {name = 'zhy' static age = 23 say() {console.log(' I am not static ')} static walk() {class StaticClass {name = 'zhy' static age = 23 say() {console.log(' I am not static ')} static walk() { Console. log(' I am static and can use methods externally ')}} console.log(staticclass.name) // StaticClass should be an inherent property, Console. log(staticclass.age) // 23 // console.log(staticclass.say ()) // Inaccessible, Console. log(staticclass.walk ()) // I am static and can be used externallyCopy the code

Read-only properties and abstract classes

Read-only property

The keyword readonly

class Person10 { public readonly _name :string; constructor(name:string) { this._name = name; }} const person10 = new person10 ('demo') // person10. Cannot assign to '_name' because it is a read-only property. console.log(person10._name) // demoCopy the code

An abstract class

1. The keyword abstract defines the class

2. An abstract method cannot have a method body

3. Subclasses must implement abstract methods

4. An abstract class can have properties and methods from other normal classes.

Class Waiter extends Girl{skill(){console.log(){class Waiter extends Girl{skill(){console.log(){class Waiter extends Girl{skill(){console.log(){class Waiter extends Girl{skill(){console.log(){class Waiter extends Girl{skill(){console.log(){class Waiter extends Girl{skill(){console.log(){skill()} ')}} class BaseTeacher extends Girl{skill(){console.log ')}} class seniorTeacher extends Girl{skill(){console.log ') } } abstract class Girl{ name = 'zhy' say() { return 333; // Because there is no specific method, we do not write parentheses here}Copy the code