A, can not install?

Can’t install Python?

The most likely reason is that you have an older computer system and cannot install the latest version of Python. You simply need to update the system or choose an older version of Python to install. Notice A 32-bit system cannot be installed on a 64-bit system. Check the installation file before downloading it.If the installation fails or the above command is displayed during the installation, it may be because your Windows system is missing some dynamic link library files. After installation, pop-up window error occurs when running, you can baidu the error information, you can get a solution.

What editor do you use?

PyCharm is recommended for those with programming background

It is an IDE developed specifically for Python that provides intelligent code capabilities to perform bug fixes more accurately and quickly.

Beginners recommend Anaconda

Anaconda is available on multiple platforms. The editor comes with some commonly used science packages, so beginners don’t have to worry about installing a third party database. It supports multiple programming languages and sees output as you enter code. On the other hand, Anaconda’s built-in Jupyter Notebook is perfect for beginners to practice programming.

Of course, this is not a single choice. I use PyCharm most of the time, Anaconda and Vim as well. Some ides are good for beginners, others are more professional, and each IDE has its own unique features and design. If you’re at least familiar with one, you’ll be much more efficient at writing code.

Three, text gibberish?

Why do I write the code in accordance with the method of the tutorial after the output text garbled?

When referring to the tutorial or following the code in the tutorial, pay attention to details, whether the quotation marks and parentheses are English punctuation marks, whether they come in pairs, whether the case, colon, indent, etc. These seemingly small things can affect the final output of the program.

There are so many characters involved in the code file itself, in the file itself, in the console, and there are encodiments in all of these places that you need to look at it on a case-by-case basis.

Four, self-study website?

1. Chinese official tutorial

You can download it here and learn to use Python.

The official documentation is the most authoritative source for learning about basic code tutorials and how to use hundreds of Python libraries.

Docs.python.org/zh-cn/3/ (Py…

Python3 Tutorial

This is a comprehensive tutorial, which is divided into modules of different categories and is good for real practice.


3, rookie tutorial

Suitable for beginners, the article with examples, and concise.


4, W3school

It’s always free, it’s comprehensive, it’s full of examples, and it’s great to have a quiz to test your learning.


There are always worries, but there are many ways. Learning programming might be boring, but it’s a load now. As long as we keep moving toward our goals, take fewer detours and enjoy the process of learning programming, we can get promoted.