1. In what lifecycle can the data attribute of a Vue instance be obtained?

A. beforeCreate B. created C. beforeMount D. mounted

  1. Which of the following statements about the Vue principle is true?

A. Array change notification in Vue, implemented by intercepting array operation methods The compiler’s goal is to create a rendering function, which will result in a VNode tree C. The corresponding Watcher will be notified when the data in the component changes, and the asynchronous update d. Patching algorithm will perform the same-level comparison at first, and the possible operations are the addition, deletion and update of nodes

  1. Which of the following is not true of the responsive data principle in Vue?

A. Adopt data hijacking mode, namely Object.defineProperty() hijacking each attribute in data to achieve responsive data B. Changes in the view will update the data in the data through Watcher C. If an attribute in data changes several times, Watcher will enter the update queue only once D. Dependencies are collected through the compilation process

  1. Which of the following statements is not true?

A. Key is used to update the virtual DOM efficiently. B. The render function does not execute C. Using vm. nextTick ensures that you get the result D of an asynchronous DOM update. Without the EL option, vm.nextTick ensures that the DOM is asynchronously updated Without the EL option, vm.nextTick ensures that you get the result D of an asynchronous DOM update. Without the EL option, vm.mount(dom) mounts the Vue instance on the specified element

  1. Which of the following statements about Vuex is not true?

A. Vuex implements responsive state through Vue, so it can only be used in Vue. B. Vuex is A state management mode. C. Vuex is mainly used for global state sharing and management among multiple views. Changes in Vuex can be done via mutations and Actions

  1. Which of the following is not true of parameter passing between Vue components?

A. If child components send values to parent components, use the emit method. B. Provide and Inject values between parent and grandson components. If sub-components use emit method B. Provide and Inject can be used to send values to each other across layers C. If sub-components use emit method B. Provide and Inject value C can be used to transfer values between parent and grandson components across hierarchically. If the child emits an event using emit(‘say’), the parent component can listen on it using @say. If the parent component passes a value to the child component, the child component can accept the data through props

  1. Which of the following statements about vue-Router is incorrect?

A. The common vue-router modes are hash and history B. AddRoutes dynamically using addRoutes method c. guard routes for single components using beforeEnter d. vue-router implements responsive routing with vue, therefore only for vue

  1. Which of the following statements is not true?

A. This. Parent can be used to find the parent component of the current component. You can use this.parent to find the parent component of the current component. You can use this.refs to find named child components c. You can use this. children to find immediate child components D of the current component in order. You can use children to find the immediate children of the current component in order D. D. Use root to find the root component and work with children to traverse all components

  1. Which of the following statements about the V-Model is not true?

A. V-Model can achieve bidirectional binding b. V-Model is essentially A syntax sugar that listens for user input events to update data C. V-Model is A built-in instruction that cannot be used on custom components D. V-model is A built-in instruction that cannot be used on custom components. Using v-model for input actually specifies :value and :input

  1. Which of the following is not true about the Vue lifecycle?

In mounted, A DOM rendering is completed. In mounted, A Vue instance is created. In mounted, A DOM rendering is completed, and A Vue instance is created. During the first page loading, beforeCreate, Created, beforeMount, Mounted, beforeUpdate, and updated are triggered in sequence