The Vue3 version has been iterated to v3.0.0-beta.18. If you want to try Vue3, you can use itThe official warehouseProvided in two ways:

There is currently no TypeScript support for either of these methods. I currently fork the Vue-next-webpack-Preview repository for basic TypeScript support.

git clone -b feat/TypeScript [email protected]:liulinboyi/vue-next-webpack-preview.git vue3-typescript
Copy the code
yarn install
Copy the code

Install dependencies and use them.

You can use this warehouse if you want to use vuex and Vue-Router.

git clone [email protected]:ChrisShank/vue-next-webpack-preview.git vue3-typescript-vuex-vue_router
Copy the code

Of note in the component are:

The composition-API document is here:


If it is helpful to you, I hope you can like it, so that more people can see this article, thank you!