Through the above description, I have basically explained the new features of VUE 3.0, as well as the development and use methods. I didn’t like the fact that the Demo had several pages, so I created a menu for my Demo code, and I’m going to describe it here.

Rebuild the SRC /router/index.js file

In the original code, I only wrote path and Component parameters for a single route. Here, we add the meta parameter and set the title attribute. The relevant codes are as follows:

// Build our page routing configuration, and you can see that this is the same as the original writing.
const routes = [
    path: '/'.component: Home,
    meta: { title: 'Home page - Responsive Data Counter Demo'}}, {path: '/about'.component: (a)= > import('@/views/About.vue'),
    meta: { title: 'About us - Responsive object data Demo'}}, {path: '/life'.component: (a)= > import('@/views/Life.vue'),
    meta: { title: 'Life cycle Demo'}}, {path: '/computed'.component: (a)= > import('@/views/Computed.vue'),
    meta: { title: 'Calculate property Demo'}}, {path: '/parent'.component: (a)= > import('@/views/Parent.vue'),
    meta: { title: 'General Component Demo'}}, {path: '/father'.component: (a)= > import('@/views/Father.vue'),
    meta: { title: 'Function component Demo'}}]Copy the code

Ok, with the above configuration, we have the basic data we need.

Write menu function components

To use the Menu as a function component, we create a new SRC /components/ menu.js file and enter the following:

// Import routes
import router from '@/router'
// Export as a function
export default() = > {// Use getRoutes() to get all the routing information
  const routes = router.getRoutes()
  const links = []
  // Loop the routing information, collating and pushing the data into the Links array
  routes.forEach((route, index) = > {
      name: route.meta.title || ` unnamed${index}`.link: route.path
  // Return the links array
  return links
Copy the code

We can obtain all the configured routing information through the getRoutes() function provided by vue-Router, and print the data as shown in the figure below:

As we can see from the figure above, the data structure is quite complex. But we make a navigation menu, there is no need to use such complicated data. So, I wrote a forEach loop above to sort through the data and return it.

Rewrite SRC/app. vue to introduce menu function components

Cut the crap, on the code:

  <! - the menu - >
    <li v-for="item in menus">
      <router-link :to="">{{ }}</router-link>
  <! Routing view -->
  <router-view />
// Introduce the Menu component
import Menu from '@/components/Menu.js'

export default {
  setup () {
    // Get menu data and return
    const menus = Menu()
    return {
Copy the code

Not very elegant, to be honest. In fact, it can also be done differently, that is, the above menu. js can be written as a vUE common component, and then here just reference registration and use.

Here we go. Here we go:

As shown in the image above, we already have navigation menus on each of our pages.

This article by FungLeo original, permission to reprint, but must retain the first link.

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