Elasticsearch tutorial live replay

Around 2011, I went swimming with several classmates. On the way to the swimming pool, I asked my classmate A: “Can you swim?” “, the student A funny back: “my theoretical knowledge is still very solid”, this casual sentence, caused us several students burst into laughter.

Of course, we also know that this is A joke of A, but I still often think of this story nearly 10 years ago and have told it to more than N people.

Swimming is a skill far more practical than theoretical. Only theory standing on the shore of school for a year, ten years is not master swimming skills.

The fastest way to learn is to get into the water, splashing in the water, learning in the water, practicing in the water, repeated practice, deliberate practice, and gradually from the shallow water slowly transition to the deep water area, until you are comfortable, until “like a fish in water”.

Since theory seems to be not so important, how about just practice? This question leads to further thinking, considering the extreme scenario of practice without theory — the Great Leap Forward of the 1960s.

Is it also very terrible to think about, the national practice of a game of chess ah – “big smelting iron and steel”, no theory to guide, eventually deviated from the reality, the subsequent results we have learned through history books, that is a sad ah!

Elasticsearch is the best way to learn Elasticsearch.

As a long time active in Elasticsearch Chinese community, there are thousands of Elasticsearch groups and circles, I get asked the following questions almost every few days:

  • How to learn Elasticsearch/ELK?
  • How to learn Elasticsearch quickly?
  • Are there any Elasticsearch books available in China?
  • How to quickly build Elasticsearch knowledge system, every time use now check……
  • After learning ES basic operation, I want to learn more advanced content, such as tuning. Do you have any suggestions?
  • I would like to ask how search is learning?
  • Learning ES has no motivation, CRUD all day, how to break the game?
  • If you’re outsourcing now and you want to get out of the company by acquiring Elastic skills, is there a way to learn quickly?

Similar problems, I have encountered, I also step by step, to be exact, I still belong to the stage of learning.

I’ve read almost every Elastic book in the country

So what follows is no cocky preaching, no cliches, no quick-fix methodology, just a solid guide to avoiding pitfalls.

  • Want to read an article can master skills, sorry, this article is not suitable for you, please detour.
  • If you want to buy a course to master the knowledge system, sorry, we do not welcome you, we do not advocate quick, please detour.
  • I’m sorry, that’s just on paper. We can’t do it, and we’ll never do it. Please go around.
  • If you only want to read Chinese documents and Chinese books, you expect to master open source skills. Sorry, we think English is a basic and necessary skill. If you do not agree, please go away.

The methodology for learning Elasticsearch is something I write about every 1-2 years:

  • Elasticsearch Methodology: the 10 most effective ways to Improve your Average Programmer!
  • The first Elasticsearch column to be read!
  • “Gold three silver four”, dare to “try”?

The original method is still effective, and with the accumulation of time, there is a new cognition (note that the new cognition may reuse the previously mentioned theory, because it is very important, I will use and talk about it repeatedly), and the summary is as follows:

1. Learn to review and reflect

Problems encountered in actual project or product development, operation and maintenance can be basically solved by searching or asking questions from the community.

A basic cognition — the basic problems we encounter in ordinary actual combat have already been encountered by others, and even have given a complete solution.

However, problems may be scattered in: domestic and foreign technical communities, QQ groups, wechat groups, Stackoverflow, forums, blogs, public account articles, etc.

When faced with a problem that I can’t solve while others can and can quickly provide a solution, I always use the following diagram (from the movie farewell My Concubine) to remind myself:

The so-called rematch is:

  • How do they know the solution?
  • What do they know about the basics of the solution process? What did you learn? What ordinary people do not know the “suffering”?
  • When can I also quickly know the solution?

Notice one detail, this is the universal template, do not believe you look:

  • How can they be admitted to 985, graduate students and doctors?
  • How many hits do you have to get?
  • When will I be able to pass the exam of 985, graduate student and doctor?

Come again,

  • How did they get through Elastic certification?
  • How many blows do you have to take?
  • When can I pass the Elastic certification exam?


  • How do they make millions of dollars a year, enter a big factory, how do they succeed in starting a business?
  • How much do you have to love?
  • When will I be able to make millions of dollars a year, join a big company and succeed in my business?

Everything has a review, the process of review is to reflect on the gap between themselves and others, find their own technical “soft spots”, technical shortcomings, and finally everything has a landing, not to improve it is difficult.

It is very important to use the Internet environment, not just in your own company, but to look at the whole country and even the world.

2, to go to school, down to help

This is the community management master, Fan Dengshu chief growth consultant “a tough cat” often said a word. Cross the boundary and this is also true for Elastic learning.

Learn from: Learn practical experience from Elastic factory and top factory executives;

Help down: go to communities, wechat groups and QQ groups as much as possible to help those who need help later.

Gradually form a closed loop, than the head groping efficiency do not know how many times!

One concept I have been emphasizing here is “communication is better learning” (cognition comes from Dark Time by Liu Weipeng), and “repetition is the harvest of repetition”.

The learning pyramid above is also a good example of “teaching is better learning”, because the average retention rate after 24 hours is highest, approaching 90%, only when the material is taught to others and immediately applied (i.e., practical).

Many people give feedback that is not easy to understand, so LET me further interpret it with my own example:

Around 1998, when I was studying geography in junior and middle school, I had a knowledge point: “Kolkata is the center of linen textile industry in India”.

I recited it over and over again, but I couldn’t remember it. The front of the students really can not go down, do not remember, not “plus ma” two words?

I remembered it at that time, unexpectedly, this memory can continue to today, 22 years later, I still remember “Jia Ma”.

Attention: 22 years!

  • I don’t remember who the teacher was at that time…..
  • Remind me at that time “add hemp” the classmate of memory I also forget to call what, remember head not tall…… only
  • Almost all the world geography I had studied at that time was forgotten……

However, THIS knowledge point, I have never forgotten, and every time I try to forget, because for me, this knowledge point really has no use, but, just can’t forget.

I used to think it was amazing. I likened him to “muscle memory” — learning to ride a bike, not riding it for 20 years, and still riding it.

What is emphasized here is not the simple concept of geographical knowledge points, but: the knowledge that someone has told you, even the knowledge of the method, the technical scheme discussed, will be far clearer than their own fumble memory, and not easy to forget.

Of course, in the same way, you will remember the knowledge, problems or solutions you discussed with others better.

And, more importantly, the more times you explain it, the stronger your memory will be.

This is also why many entrepreneurs give speeches without notes, and many New Oriental teachers give lectures without notes, because they speak a lot and practice a lot, forming muscle memory.

Ten thousand ways, dead knock the most spirit

10,000-hour theory – The reason people think geniuses are extraordinary is not because they are superior, but because they have made continuous efforts. With 10,000 hours of training, anyone can go from ordinary to extraordinary.

Practice deliberately — focus on one thing only: how to be the best at what you do. The difference between an expert and an ordinary person is the number of “routines”. “Routines” require purposeful practice, purposeful practice with clearly defined specific goals, purposeful practice that involves stepping out of your comfort zone, and practice makes perfect.

I extend the equivalent of death to: 10,000 hours of theory + deliberate practice.

The path to becoming an expert is as follows:

As you know, all of my own columns are related to The death of kaka:

  • Screwing Elasticsearch
  • Knock Elastic certification
  • Die knock Elastic interview……

Dead knock essence is: disobey!

There’s going to be articles about Elastic, there’s going to be columns about Elastic, there’s going to be public accounts about Elastic, there’s going to be a TOP 1, why not me?

Thinking like this, I can hardly find a reason. It is endowed by The Times and inevitable of accumulation.

Zeng Guofan’s “build a stiff village and fight a dull battle” is a model of Death.

No matter who you are fighting with, go to the outside of the city, survey the terrain first, choose the place to camp, dig trenches, fence, isolate yourself from the enemy, the enemy will be exhausted.

He was defeated repeatedly and finally defeated the Taiping Kingdom and succeeded greatly. It is no exaggeration to say that without Zeng Guofan, the late Qing dynasty would have collapsed decades earlier.

Here’s another real example:

Recently, the technical circle is reprinted in coolpad group’s commendating notice — coolpad technical engineer Hu Yue submitted several high-quality patches To the Linux community, which was recognized by The father of Linux, Linus To valds, bringing great honor To the company coolpad, let Linux code write the name of Coolpad.

Note one detail. Hu Yue started Linux development after graduation in 2008 and contacted the Linux open source community in 2013, which is at least 7 years or even 12 + years of accumulation.

In a sense, this is also the result of the “spirit of death” and accumulation.

PS: Kernel engineers deal with the lowest level of Linux every day, which is far more difficult than the upper level development. When I just joined the company, a Linux kernel engineer was working next to me. Every day, I saw his eyes black, but he was very lively when he typed codes and discussed problems.

To take another example, before he got the APP, Luo Pang mainly used the videos of Luo Ji Thinking and the wechat public account to promote knowledge.

As an official account, he is different from others in that he sends a voice message of 60 seconds every morning. After listening to the last guidance key words of the voice, he can only see the article after input. 60 seconds per day, neither long nor short. As of December 5, 2020, it has persisted for 2,901 days (7.95 years).

This aroused my great curiosity. Put aside the “chicken soup” thinking Angle for a moment, my thoughts are as follows:

  • Why does he persist?
  • Why did he insist?
  • What kept him going?

I have heard and seen many things. In fact, there is only one sentence: “He wants to make things happen.”

There are many ways to get things done, but there is no shortcut, no doubt: dead knock is the most steady, the most solid, the most rapid path.

A few years later, I saw the development of APP, APP has become the eyes of others: “invisible, look down on, unable to understand, unable to catch up with” products.

This is the power of the death-knock – “One day you ignore me, the next day I will outstrip you!” .

The above crossover theory can also be applied to dead-knock Elastic knowledge points, dead-knock method to establish Elastic technical system and technical system of big data technology stack.

Without any quick method, a little bit of dead knock official documents, dead knock source…… On the contrary, the stupidest method, the longer the time, the more valuable!

4, to test for practice, faster progress

There’s a lot more to the theory of deadclastic, and to return to Elastic it would have to be the combination of theory and practice.

It is a good way to follow the project or product practice, find out the principle of problems and then feed the project or product.

And in the “algorithm feeding” prevailing today, everyone’s self-control is generally not so strong, at least not so strong in the college entrance examination, this is the truth.

To build Elasticsearch knowledge system, practice is still the magic, and “test for practice” is the shortcut.

Elastic authentication is very useful for building Elasticsearch knowledge. The only reason you can’t pass the Elastic certification exam is because you’re not familiar with it!

I’ve been Posting a lot of posts about Elasticsearch certification, and it’s probably going to get annoying for regular readers. Here’s what other Elasticsearch certified engineers have to say:

Zhou Yu, senior architect of IBM after 70

The first is the evolution of cognition. As said in the comments post, I could not see the forest for the trees, or I could only learn “art”, but not “Tao”. After preparing for the exam for more than a month, when I came back to see it, I would have a feeling of being enlightened from a commanding position. I would have a much more transparent understanding and be able to think and plan ES from a more systematic perspective, which is a very necessary way of thinking for architects.

The second is cultivation. In fact, I always have more than 10 IT certificates, big or small, ranging from TOGAF on macro architecture to certification of specific skills (such as Azure and LInux). But I have never been as desperate to learn as ES. It seems very easy to take other certificates, but I really spent more than a month on ES certification, and never browsed any articles related to ES with such high intensity. This all-or-nothing attitude is probably called flow on the Internet these days. When you finish a task with your heart, you will feel that you have improved your mental state in retrospect. This is good for work confidence and personal development.

ES certification is just the starting point. I am in charge of operation and maintenance delivery, and we use ES in many scenarios, such as a log system monitoring, a slightly more complex project, such as the log access project that I am doing about 100 million levels per day, and even more complex is the integration of a data platform and an intelligent operation and maintenance analysis platform based on data lake. All of this is about ES. Mastering ES is a great addition to my work. In addition, even doing visual reports is a lot easier than it used to be because of a better understanding of aggregation.

Replies from other Certification Engineers (part)





Get Out of the game, Get out of the Game — Fastest way to Learn Elasticsearch skills! Of course, there is no universal universal method, there is no quick method, only suitable for their own method.

All open source technology stacks in the field of big data are based on actual combat. Only by combining theory with practice (actual combat) can we learn more and go further.

Add elastic6 (only a few slots left) and work with BAT to improve Elastic!

Recommended reading:

Blockbuster | into Elasticsearch methodology cognitive listing (National Day update edition in 2020)

The official documentation for your Elasticsearch puzzle is already available……

You can pass the Elastic certification exam with a driver’s license!

Concentrate on a technique, do the ultimate! — Elastic Certified Engineer

Upgrade these ten points and you are the boss!

Cognitive Upgrading – Don’t be a starter!

From January 1, 2021, the planet of knowledge will have an annual fee.

Learn more in less time, faster!

About 50% + ****Elastic certified engineers in China are from here!

Play Elasticsearch with 850+ Elastic fans around the world!