In the development, often need to use random strings, or hash strings, node environment can be very convenient to use the crypto module, in the front-end environment should be how to use it?
Use Math. The random
Math.random() returns a floating-point number before 0-1
From this property, we can generate a pseudorandom number, which is then converted to a hex string
Math.random().toString(36).slice(2) Copy the code
Random string generated
h4pl2m80b2 Copy the code
If you want to generate only contains a string of hexadecimal characters, the toString parameters can be changed to 16 can attach MDN about Number. In the prototype. ToString ([radix])
Radix: Specifies the radix (from 2 to 36) to be used for numeric to string conversions. If the RADIX parameter is not specified, the default value is 10.
That means you can convert from binary to 36; Note that the size and length of the random number generated by math. random are not controllable, so the length of the random string generated is not controllable. Use Crypto objects if you want to generate strings of a specific length, as shown below.
Use Windows. Crypto
Crypto objects are natively supported in browsers, but unlike the Crypto in Node.js, we need to use the getRandomValues() method, which accepts TypeArray, Usually just use Uint8Array, the length of the generated string can be controlled by the length of the TypeArray, and then use crypto.getrandomValues () to fill in the random number Uint8Array(16)), (item) = > item.toString(16)).join(' ') Copy the code
Random string generated
7f130fad88e443d12d9699573a3e12 Copy the code
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