Use iView to dynamically create form forms

Form generator with data collection, verification and submission functions, including check box, single box, input box, drop-down selection box and other elements, provincial and urban three-level linkage, time selection, date selection, color selection, file/picture upload functions.

Version 1.1 Major updates

  • Internal restructuring
  • New provincial and urban three-level linkage components
  • Added component event extension
  • Optimize file upload, time selection and other components

To be perfect

  • Dynamically display hidden forms
  • Dynamically add forms
  • Tree control generation

The sample

The installation

npm install form-createCopy the code


git clone
cd form-create
npm installCopy the code

The introduction of

<! -- import Vue --> <script src="node_modules/vue/dist/vue.min.js"></script> <! -- import iview --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="node_modules/iview/dist/styles/iview.css"> <script src="node_modules/iview/dist/iview.min.js"></script> <! <script SRC ="/district/province_city_area.js"></script> <! <script SRC ="mock. Js "></script> <! -- import formCreate --> <script src="dist/form-create.min.js"></script>Copy the code

** Ensure that the iView version is >=2.9.2; otherwise, problems may occur


let rules = window.mock; new Vue({ mounted:function(){ var $f = this.$formCreate(rules,{ onSubmit:function (formData) { console.log(formData); $f.submitStatus({loading:true}); }}); }})Copy the code

$formCreate parameters

Rules form rules [inputRule,selectRule…]

Options component configuration (see createOptions at bottom for details)

$f instance method

Get form data


Gets the specified field data


Modifying form data


Form validation


The form validates the specified field


Reset the form


Delete the entire form


Delete a specified field


Get all fields of the form


Submit the form


Change the status of the submit button

$f.submitStatus(props) // See createOptions.submitbtn at the bottom

Rules rules

Hidden Hidden field

HiddenRule: {type:"hidden", field:"id", // field name value:"14" //input value}Copy the code

The input fields

InputRule: {type:"input", title:" merchandise name",// label name field:"goods_name",// value:" iPhone 7",//input value, props: {"type": "text", // Input field type, the options are text, password, textarea, URL, email, date "clearable":false, // Whether to display the empty button "disabled": "Readonly ": false, "rows": 4, "autosize": {minRows: 2, maxRows: 6} "number": {minRows: 2, maxRows: 6} "number": False, // Convert user input to Number type "autofocus": false, // automatically get focus" autocomplete": "Off ", // native autocomplete (off and ON "placeholder") :" Please input the commodity name ", // placeholder text "size": "Default ", // Enter the size of the box. The options are large, small, default, or no value. "spellcheck": False, // The native spellCheck properties "required":true,}, event:{// Enter (event)=>{}, // After setting the icon property, Triggered when clicking on the icon click: (event) = > {}, / / data changes trigger change: (event) = > {}, / / input box focus triggered when focus: (event) = > {}, / / input box loses focus is triggered when the blur (event) = > {}, // Native keyUP event keyUP (event)=>{}, // Native KeyDown event KeyDown (event)=>{}, // Native KeyPress event keyPress (event)=>{},}, Validate :[{required: true, message: 'please enter goods_name', trigger: 'blur'},],}Copy the code

Validate form validation rule:…

Radio radio buttons

radioRule : {type:" postage", title:" postage",// label name field:"is_postage",// value:"0",//input value, Options :[{value:"0",label:" no support ",disabled:false}, {value:"1",label:" support ",disabled:true},], props: props {"type":undefined, // Optional value is button or not, for button style "size":"default", // single box size, The value can be large, small, default, or without setting "vertical":false, // Whether the options are arranged vertically, invalid in button style}, event:{// Triggered when the option status changes, returns the current state. Changing external data does not trigger change:(... arg)=>{}, }, validate:[], }Copy the code

The checkbox checkbox

checkboxRule : {type: "checkbox", the title: "label", / / label name field: "label", / / field names value: [" 1 ", "2", "3"), / / input value, Options :[{value:"1",label:" useful ",disabled:true}, {value:"2",label:" convenient ",disabled:false}, {value: "3", the label: "practical", disabled: false}, {value: "4", the label: "effective", disabled: false},], props: {"size":"default", // Select the size of the box group. The value can be large, small, default, or not set.}, event:{// This parameter is valid only when used alone. Trigger when the option state changes. Change is not triggered when external data changes :(... arg)=>{}, }, validate:[], }Copy the code

The switch switch

SwitchRule: {type:"switch", title:" is_show",// label name field:"is_show",// input value:"1",//input value, props: {"size":"default", // The size of the switch, the value can be large, small, default or no. It is recommended to use large if two characters are used. FalseValue :" falseValue":" false ", // Disables the switch "trueValue":"1", // Value at selected times, which can be useful when voting for a falseValue like 1 and 0 Useful when using things like 1 and 0}, slot: Close :" down ", // Custom display closed content}, //slot can not be configured event:{// switch changes when triggered, Returns the current state of 0 | 1 change: (bool) = > {},}, validate: [],}Copy the code

Select the selector

SelectRule: {type: "select", field: "cate_id", title: "product classification ", props: {"multiple": true, // If multiple" clearable": "Filterable ": true, // Whether search is supported // remote search is not supported yet // "remote": False, // "remote-method":Function, // "loading": false, // "loading-text": // select the size of the box (large, small, default, or placeholder); "Please select ", // Select box default text" not-found-text": "no matching data ", // display content when the drop-down list is empty "placement": }, value: ["104","105"], options: [{"value": "104", "label" : "ecological vegetables", "disabled" : false}, {" value ":" 105 ", "label" : "fresh fruit", "disabled" : False},], event:{// When the selected Option changes, Returns the value change: (checked) = > {}, / / search words change triggered when 'query - change: (keyword) = > {},}, validate: [],}Copy the code

DatePicker DatePicker

DatePickerRule: {type: "DatePicker", field: "section_day", title: "active date ", value: [1519110955000, new Date()], //input value, type is daterange, dateTimerange value is array [start_value,end_value] props: {"type": "Datetimerange ", // Display type, optional values are date, daterange, datetime, datetimerange, year, month "format": "Yyyy-mm-dd HH: MM :ss", // Display date format "placement": "Bottom-start ", // Where the date picker appears, The optional value is toptop-starttop-endbottombottom-startbottom-endleftleft-startleft-endrightright-startright-end "Placeholder ":" please select the time ", // placeholder text "confirm":false, // whether to display the bottom control bar, after opening, select the date, the selector will not be closed, only after user confirmation can be closed "size":"default", // size, The options are large, small, default, or "disabled":false, // Whether to disable the selector "clearable":true, // Whether to display the clear button "readonly":false, // Completely read-only, "Editable ":false, // Whether the text box can be}, event:{// Triggered when the date changes, the formatted date, Such as the 2016-01-01 change: (value) = > {}, / / the pop-up calendar and closing day last trigger true | false 'open - change: (bool) = > {}, // valid in confirm mode or clearable = true, clear when the date is cleared :(... arg)=>{}, }, validate:[], }Copy the code

TimePicker TimePicker

TimePickerRule: {type: "TimePicker", field: "section_time", title: "active time", value: [], //input value, type is timerange value is array [start_value,end_value] props: {"type": Timerange "format": "HH:mm:ss", // Display type: time, timerange" format": "HH:mm:ss", // Display time format: "steps": [], // Interval of the drop-down list. The three items of the array correspond to hours, minutes, and seconds. For example, if the value is set to [1, 15], 00, 15, 30, 45 minutes are displayed. "placement": "Bottom-start ", // the position where the time selector appears, The optional value is toptop-starttop-endbottombottom-startbottom-endleftleft-startleft-endrightright-startright-end "Placeholder ":" please select the time ", // placeholder text "confirm":false, // whether to display the bottom control bar, after opening, select the date, the selector will not be closed, only after user confirmation can be closed "size":"default", // size, The options are large, small, default, or "disabled":false, // Whether to disable the selector "clearable":true, // Whether to display the clear button "readonly":false, // Completely read-only, "Editable ":false" is not displayed,} can be entered in the text box, event:{// The formatted time is triggered when the time changes, Such as 09:41:00 change: (checked) = > {}, / / the pop-up float and close the floating layer is triggered when true | false 'open - change: (bool) = > {}, / / a clear date when trigger clear: (... arg)=>{}, }, validate:[], }Copy the code

InputNumber Indicates the number input box

InputNumberRule: {type: "InputNumber", field: "sort", title: "sort", value: 0, //input value props: {" Max ": Undefined, // undefined "min": undefined, // minimum "step": 1, // Each change can be decimal "size":"default", // input box size, The value can be large, small, or default, or "disabled":false. "readonly":false. "editable":true. // Whether to edit "precision":0, // value precision}, event:{// value change callback, Returns the current value change: (value) = > {}, / / focus triggered when focus: (event) = > {}, / / out-of-focus triggered when the blur (event) = > {},}, validate: [],}Copy the code

ColorPicker ColorPicker

ColorPickerRule: {type: "ColorPicker", field: "color", title: "color", value: '#ff7271', //input value: {"alpha": False, // Whether to support transparency "hue": true, // Whether to support color "recommend": False, // Whether to display the recommended color preset "size":"default", // the size can be large, small, default or not set "colors":[], // Custom color preset "format":"hex", // color format, The optional values are HSL, HSV, HEX, or RGB. If alpha is turned on, the value is RGB, and the other values are HEX}. Event :{ Change (color)=>{}, // Activate 'active-change':(color)=>{},}, validate:[],}Copy the code

Multistage tandem

cascaderRule: {type: "cascader", the title: "area", the field: "address", value: [' in shaanxi province ', 'xi', 'new'], props: {/ / optional data sources, Format reference example data: window. The province | | [], after selecting / / display function, RenderFormat :label => label.join('/'), // Whether selector is disabled disabled:false, // Whether clearable:true, // input box placeholder placeholder:' please select ', // secondary menu expansion mode, optional value is click or hover trigger:'click', // when this is true, the value of each level of the menu option will change, ChangeOnSelect :false, // Enter the size of the box, the value can be large or small or do not fill size:undefined, // dynamically obtain data, Loading loadData:()=>{}, // Whether to search for Filterable :false, // The content displayed when the search list is empty notFoundText:' No match ', // Whether to place the shell layer in the body, Transfer :false,}, event:{// Select the completed callback and return value value which is the selected value. Change (value, selectedData)=>{}, // trigger 'visible-change' when opening and closing popover :bool=>{}}, validate:[],}Copy the code

The Upload to Upload

UploadRule: {type: "Upload", field: "PIC ", title:" UploadRule ", value: ['',' G '], / / input value props: {"type":"select", // Upload control type, optional values are select (click select), drag (support drag) "uploadType":"image", // upload file type, optional values are image, File (upload file) "action": "", // Upload address, mandatory "headers": {}, // set the upload request header "multiple": True, // Support multiple selection of files "data":{}, // with the additional parameter "name":"", // Upload the file field name" withCredentials":false, ShowUploadList :false, // Whether to display the list of uploaded files // "defaultFileList":[], // Default list of uploaded files "accept":"", Format :[], // Supports file types. Unlike Accept, format is a suffix that recognizes files. Accept is the native Accept attribute of the input tag. "MaxSize ":undefined, // file size limit, in KB "maxLength":1, "beforeUpload":()=>{}, // Hook before uploading the file, parameter is the uploaded file, If false or Promise is returned stop uploading "onProgress":()=>{}, // hook for file uploading, The return fields are event, file, fileList "onSuccess":function () { return ''; }, // Hook for successful file upload, $f.uploadpush (field,filePath) to add the uploaded path to value. "onError":(error, file, fileList)=>{}, // hook for failed file upload with error, file, fileList "onPreview":()=>{}, hook for failed file upload with file, "OnRemove ":()=>{}, // list of files to remove the hook, Return field file, fileList "onFormatError":()=>{}, // hook for failed file format validation, Return fields: file, fileList "onExceededSize":()=>{}, // hook for files exceeding the specified size limit, return fields: file, fileList},}Copy the code

Accept File type:…

Globally configure createOptions

Document. body el:null, //form configures form:{// Whether to enable inline form mode inline:false, // The position of the form field tag, Optional values are left, right, top labelPosition:'right', // width of the field label, All formItems inherit the Form component's label-width value, labelWidth:125, showMessage:true, // native autocomplete, Optional values are off or on autocomplete:'off',}, upload:{// Hook before uploading file, parameter is uploaded file, Stop uploading if false or Promise is returned. BeforeUpload :()=>{}, // hook for file uploading, Return fields are event, file, fileList onProgress:(event, file, fileList)=>{}, // hook for successful file upload, OnSuccess :(response, file, fileList)=>{// return filePath; }, // if the file fails to upload, fileList onError:(error, file, fileList)=>{}, // if the file fails to upload, fileList onError:(error, file, fileList)=>{}, OnPreview :(file)=>{}, // list of files to remove the hook when the file, The return field is file, fileList onRemove:(file, removeFn)=>{removeFn(); FileList onFormatError:(file, fileList)=>{}, fileList onFormatError:(file, fileList)=>{}, Return field file, fileList onExceededSize:(file, fileList)=>{}, // Action button icon, set to false will not display handleIcon:'ios-eye-outline', AllowRemove :true}, // Form submit event onSubmit:(formData)=>{}, SubmitBtn :{// Button type, Possible values are primary, ghost, bootstrap, text, info, success, warning, error, or not set type:"primary", // button size, Size :"large", // button shape, circle or shape:undefined, // Long :true, // Set the button's native type, HtmlType :"button", // Set the button to be disabled. Disabled :false, // Set the button icon type icon:"ios-upload", InnerText :" Commit ", // Set the button to loading state loading:false}}Copy the code

Time format

The name of the instructions The sample
yyyy Year (four digits) 2016
yy Year (two digits) 16
MM Month (two persons) 01
M Month (one) 1
MMMM Month (English) January
MMM Month – Month Jan
dd Date (two digits) 01
d Date (one digit) 1
Do Date – Abbreviation 1st
DD Week (two persons) 00
D Week (one) 0
dddd Week (English) Monday
ddd Week (in English) Mon
HH Hours (two digits in 24 hours) 01
H Hour (one in 24 hours) 1
hh Hours (two digits in 12-hour system) 01
h Hours (12 hours per person) 1
mm Minutes (two persons) 01
m Minutes (one person) 1
ss Seconds (two digits) 01
s Second (one digit) 1
SSS Ms (three digits) 019
SS Ms (two digits) 01
S Ms (one bit) 1
A Morning and afternoon (capital letters) AM/PM
a Morning and afternoon (lowercase) am/pm
ZZ The time zone + 0800

The above are the date formats supported by iView. You can freely combine the types you need, for example:

  • Yyyy: January 1, 2016
  • MM/dd/yy: 12/24/16
  • H dot M minute s second: 9:41:0 second

Contact & tip

Email address:[email protected]

Please leave your name here