GDD 2018 has come to a successful conclusion. Here is a summary of what I have seen and heard during my two days of GDD travel.

Travel arrangements

GDD has a relatively tight schedule this time. The main venue and the sub-venue will carry out speeches at the same time in many periods of time, so it is very helpful to consciously arrange their own schedule to attend the speech, in addition, they can also adjust their arrangements according to the situation on site. Before the conference, I selected some topics I was interested in according to the official SCHEDULE of GDD, including TensorFlow, Flutter and Web of machine learning, technical lectures and business lectures, highlighting a broad word. Fact proves, this kind of choice is not correct, a lot of lofty title, do not necessarily have substantial work. On the contrary, some of the sessions of the sub-assembly are relatively strong in technical content.

The overall profile

The main design themes of GDD are as follows, which are generally consistent with Google IO. Since Google shifted its focus from “Mobile First” to “AI First,” Android has been losing ground. As you can see from the conference schedule, TensorFlow is much bigger and more focused than Android, and as an Android developer, it’s a shame.

  • TensorFlow is very easy for you to use
  • ARCore is very NB, come and use it
  • Firebase is too big for you to use
  • The Flutter is very NB you see so many big factories are using it

TensorFlow Lite

I’m more interested in TensorFlow Lite than TensorFlow. It may be related to client development. I think it is very valuable to explore the application scenarios of AI in client. Especially now that the computing power of the client is getting stronger and stronger, the combination with AI can be said to be like adding wings to a tiger. In fact, in 2018, many mobile phone manufacturers are equipped with intelligent technology in their new devices, whether it is AI scheduling, scene recognition, or perhaps AI running points?

On THE GDD, TensorFlow Lite is participated by Xianyu of Alibaba, Youdao of NetEase and Tencent Video. In general, xianyu and NetEase Youdao are quite impressed.


Flutter, Google’s multi-terminal UI framework, also felt hot at the GDD. The speaker mentioned that Flutter has become one of the Top 50 most active websites on Github.

On Android, a hot update to Flutter can be done simply by replacing the product of the Flutter compilation, but not on ios due to system limitations.

Another thing that impressed me about Flutter debugging tools and methods:

Web technology

There should be many sessions on Web technology, but I didn’t focus on this topic at the beginning. I only listened to one session on “Event Loop in Web”, but the effect was surprisingly good. I even think this is the most comprehensive two-day GDD, not only in terms of technology, but also in terms of popularity. As a non-front-end developer, I don’t know much about event loop in the browser, so it sounds wonderful and may be basic knowledge for front-end students. This part of the content is best presented in GIF, but with limited conditions:…

Ui2Code of black technology — Idle fish

That’s right. Another piece of rogue technology. Claimed to be able to visual draft or UI screenshots, directly into code magic ability! A sign that client developers are out of work! Some time ago there was Sketch2Code from Microsoft. However, this black technology of Xianyu really has certain usability. They also mentioned in their official Wechat account that they have started to use it in some pages. They hope to open source the demonstration video of The Unemployed Flag as follows:…
