The upcoming 1.11 release of Go will bring experimental support for Modules, a new dependency management system for Go.
Modules is translated as “module” in many programming languages, but since this mechanism hasn’t been officially released in Go yet, it hasn’t been widely translated. For the translation of the similar word “vendor,” most Chinese articles are dealt with in the way of preserving the English original, so the translation of modules in this paper refers to the processing of vendor: preserving the English original).
I briefly wrote an article about it a few days ago, and since that article, the Go Modules mechanism has changed a little bit. Since the official release is almost upon us, I thought it would be a good time to write an article about it in the “learning by doing” style.
So here’s what we’re going to do: We’re going to create a new package, and we’re going to release a couple of versions to see how they work.
Create a Module
The first thing we’ll do is create a package called testmod. Note one important detail here: its directory should be outside of $GOPATH, because modules support is disabled in $GOPATH by default. Go’s Modules mechanism is, in a way, the first step to killing off the entire $GOPATH.
$ mkdir testmod$ cd testmod
Copy the code
Our bags are very simple:
Package testmodimPort "FMT "// Hi returns a friendly greetings func Hi(name string) string {return fmt.sprintf ("Hi, %s", name)}Copy the code
This package has been written, but it is not a module yet. Let’s initialize it as a module:
$ go mod init creating new go.mod: module the code
The above command creates a file named go.mod in the current directory, which has the following contents:
module the code
Not much, but it has effectively turned our package into a Module.
We can now push this code into the repository:
$ git init$ git add *$ git commit -am "First commit"$ git push -u origin masterCopy the code
(before the git push, you may have to add a remote warehouse address, for example: git remote add origin
So far, anyone who wants to use this bag can go get it:
$ go get
Copy the code
The command above gets the latest code on the master branch. It still works, but we better not do it now, because we have a better way. Acquiring the Master branch is potentially dangerous because we can’t be sure that the package author’s changes to the package will break the way our project will use the package. (That said, we can’t be sure that the code in the current master branch remains compatible with older versions of the code.) And that’s what modules is designed to do.
A brief introduction to module versioning
Modules for Go are versioned, and some versions have special meanings, so you need to understand the concept behind semantic versioning.
More importantly, Go determines versions based on repository labels, and some versions are different from others: for example, versions 2 and above should have different import paths from versions 0 and 1 (I’ll cover this later).
Also, by default Go will get the latest version of the repository with the tags set, but this is an important point to make because you’re probably used to working in the Master branch.
What you need to remember by now is that to make a release of the code bundle, we need to label our code repository with version tags. So, let’s get started.
Make our first release
Our package is ready and now we can release it to the world. We do this with the release tag. Now let’s release our 1.0.0 version together:
$git tag v1.0.0$git pushCopy the code
The above command creates a label on our repository that marks our current commit as version 1.0.0.
Although Go is not mandatory, it is best to create a branch called v1 so that we can push bug fixes for this version to this branch:
$ git checkout -b v1$ git push -u origin v1
Copy the code
Now we can switch to the Master branch and do what we need to do without worrying about affecting the 1.0.0 version of the code we’ve released.
Use our Module
Now that we are ready to use our Module, let’s create a simple program to use the package we just made:
package mainimport ( "fmt" "")func main() { fmt.Println(testmod.Hi("roberto"))}Copy the code
Up to now, you can go get to download the packages. But for Module, things get interesting. First we need to enable the Module function in our new application:
$ go mod init mod
Copy the code
As happened before, the command above creates a go.mod file with the following contents:
module modCopy the code
Things got even more interesting when we tried to build our program:
$ go buildgo: finding v1.0.0go: downloading v1.0.0Copy the code
As we can see, the go command automatically gets the packages imported by the program. If we look at the program’s, we can see that the content has changed:
The module modrequire v1.0.0Copy the code
We also have a file called go.sum, which contains hash values for each package to ensure we get the correct version and file:
Lot. Com/robteix testmod v1. 0.0 the h1:9 EdH0EArQ/rkpss9Tj8gUnwx3w5p0jkzJrd5tRAhxnA = dead simple. Com/robteix testmod V1.0.0 / go mod h1: UVhi5McON9ZLc5kl5iN2bTXlL6ylcxE9VInV71RrlO8 =Copy the code
Fix bugs for a released version
Let’s say we now find a bug in our package: the welcome message misses a punctuation mark! People were getting angry because our friendly welcome wasn’t friendly enough. So we quickly fixed the bug and released a new version:
Sprintf("Hi, %s", name)+ return FMT.Sprintf("Hi, %s!") , name)}Copy the code
We made these changes in the V1 branch because the bug only exists in the V1 version. Of course, in a real world, there could be many versions of the porting porting porting porting from the Master port. In any case, we need to have these changes on the V1 branch and mark it as a new release:
$git commit -m "Emphasize our variability "testmod.go$git tag v1.0.1$git push --tags Origin V1Copy the code
Update modules
By default, Go doesn’t update modules by itself, which is a good thing because we want our build to be predictable. If the Go Module is automatically updated every time a dependent package is released, we’d rather Go back to the days before Go V1.11 when there was no Go Module. So, when we need to update the Module, we explicitly tell Go.
We can update the Module with our old friend Go Get:
Running Go Get-u will upgrade to the latest minor or revision (for example, it will upgrade from 1.0.0 to, for example, 1.0.1 or 1.1.0, if 1.1.0 exists)
Running Go Get -u=patch will upgrade to the latest revision (for example, it will upgrade to 1.0.1, but not to 1.1.0)
Run go get package @ version will be upgraded to specify a version number (for example,
(The semantic version number specification defines a major version number as 1 in V1.2.3, a minor version number as 2, and a revised version number as 3)
The above list of cases does not seem to mention how to update to the latest major version of the method. There’s a reason for that, and we’ll talk about that later.
Since our program uses package 1.0.0 and we just created version 1.0.1, any of the following commands can update the package we use to version 1.0.1:
$go a get - u $go get - u = patch $go get the code
After running one of these (such as Go get -u), our go.mod file becomes:
Module mod require testmod v1.0.1Copy the code
Major Version number
The major version is different from the minor version depending on the semantics of the semantic version, and the major version can break backward compatibility. From the Go modules point of view, a package that has two different major versions is equivalent to two completely different packages. This sounds silly, but it makes sense: if two versions of a package are not compatible, it is two different packages.
Let’s make a major version number change for our package, shall we? We found our API to be too simple and restrictive for our users’ use cases, so we added an extra parameter to the Hi() function to specify the greeting language:
Package testmod import ("errors" "FMT") Func Hi(name, lang String) (string, error) {switch lang {case "en": return fmt.sprintf ("Hi, %s!" , name), nil case "pt": return fmt . Sprintf( "Oi, %s!" , name), nil case "es": return FTt.sprintf ("¡ Hola, %s!" , name), nil case "fr": return fmt . Sprintf( "Bonjour, %s!" , name), nil case "cn": return FMT. Sprintf(" Hello, %s!" , name), nil default: return "", errors . New( "unknown language") } }Copy the code
Projects that previously used our package will not compile if they use the new version directly because they do not pass the lang argument and they do not receive the error returned. So our API isn’t compatible with v1.x, so it’s time to jump ahead to the new 2.0.0 era!
As I mentioned earlier, certain versions have special meanings, and this is the case now, version 2 and later require a change of import path, they are already different packages.
We need to add a new version path after our module name:
Copy the code
All that remains is the same as we did before, we mark it as V2.0.0 and push it to the remote repository (and optionally add a v2 branch)
Go -m "Change Hi to allow multilang" $git checkout -b v2 # But recommended $echo "module" > go. Mod $git commit. Mod -m "Bump version to v2" $git tag V2.0.0 $git push --tags origin v2 #Copy the code
Update to a new major release
Although a new version of our package has just been released that is not backward compatible, existing projects using our package will not be affected. Because they will continue to use the existing 1.0.1 version, go Get-U will not upgrade the package version used by the project to 2.0.0
In some cases, I, as a library user, may want to upgrade to version 2.0.0 because I may need multilingual support.
To do this, I need to modify my program accordingly:
Package the main import (" FMT "" / / "pay attention to the package import path changed) func main () {g, err: = testmod . Hi( "Roberto", "pt") if err ! = nil { panic( err) } fmt . Println( g) }Copy the code
Then I run Go Build again and it automatically gets the v2.0.0 package for me. Note that although the package import path now ends in “v2”, we still refer to it in our code as the package name testmod.
As I mentioned earlier, two packages with different major version numbers are, for all intents and purposes, two different packages. Go Modules don’t link the two packages together, which means we can use two major versions of the package in our program:
package main import ( "fmt" "" testmodML "" ) func main() { fmt . Println( testmod . Hi( "Roberto")) g, err : = testmodML . Hi( "Roberto", "pt") if err ! = nil { panic( err) } fmt . Println( g) }Copy the code
This solves a common problem with dependency management: what to do when a project depends on two different versions of the same library.
Tidy it up
Going back to our previous application that only used testmod 2.0.0, if we look at the contents of go.mod, we’ll see:
Module mod require v1.0.1 require v2.0.0Copy the code
By default, Go does not remove dependencies from go.mod unless you explicitly instruct it to do so. If you want to be able to clean up dependencies that are no longer needed, you can use the new Tidy command:
Copy the code
Now the rest of the dependencies are used in our project.
Vendor mechanism
By default, Go Modules ignores the vendor/ directory. The idea is to eventually abolish Vendor mechanism 1. But if we still want to add vendor-managed dependencies to our version management, we can do so:
Copy the code
This creates a vendor/ directory at the root of your project and contains all of your project’s dependencies.
Even so, go Build ignores the contents of this directory by default. If you want to build with dependent code from the vendor/ directory, you need explicit instructions:
Copy the code
I suspect that most developers who want to use the vendor mechanism will use go build on their own development machines and use the -mod vendor option on their CI systems.
Also, for those who don’t want to rely directly on upstream code from a version control service, a better way to do this than using a vendor mechanism is to use the Go Module agent.
There are many ways to ensure that GO does not network to get package code (such as GOPROXY=off), but these will only be covered in a later article.
This article looks scary, but I tried to put a lot of things together. The truth is, Go’s Modules mechanism is basically transparent right now, we import packages in our code as usual, and Go takes care of the rest.
When we build a program, its dependencies are automatically retrieved. The Go Module also eliminates the use of $GOPATH, which once made it difficult for many new Go developers to understand why everything had to be placed in a particular directory.
The Vendor mechanism has been replaced by the Use of the Module proxy. I will probably write a new article on the Go Module proxy.
[1] It seems to me that this is a bit harsh and makes it sound like the vendor mechanism is about to be scrapped. It’s not. It still works, albeit slightly differently. There always seems to be a desire to replace the vendor mechanism with something better, which may or may not be the Module agent. But here’s the thing: There’s a desire to replace the vendor mechanism with a better one, but the vendor mechanism won’t go away until there’s a better alternative (if there is one at all).
Translated by Alex liutao and proofread by polaris1119
This article is originally compiled by GCTT and published by Go Chinese
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