Prepare the environment

An OS running Windows 2008 R2(Or Windows 7) or later 64-bit or Linux 64-bit is available. The minimum configuration requirements are as follows:

  • CPU: dual core;
  • Memory: 4 gb;
  • Storage: 128 gb
  • Network port: GIGABit network port;

First of all,Download the LiveGBS installation package;

When the download is complete, unzip itLiveGBSAll compressed packages under the folder can be decompressed to the current folder, as shown below:

The download may be reported by anti-virus software, but please rest assured that it has passed the detection of anti-virus software, which is a false positive.

Software Service Configuration

LiveCMS signaling service

LiveCMS occupies 5060, 10000, and 26379 by default. Windows You can double-click LiveCMS. Exe to start the foreground service, or double-click ServiceInstall -livecms.

  1. If these ports are occupied by other programs, you can change the ports in the livecms. Ini configuration file. After the modification, restart LiveCMS.
  2. If you double-click LiveCMS. Exe, you need to press Ctrl + C to stop LiveCMS. If ServiceInstall -livecms. exe is used to start the service, run ServiceUninstall -livecms. exe to uninstall the service. In Linux, is started and is stopped

After startup, the browser accesses the server IP address: port 10000 and logs in to LiveCMS. The default user name and password are admin. The service configuration information is displayed on the basic configuration page, and can be modified on the page.

LiveSMS Streaming service

Port usage: TCP port: 5070(SIP), 10001(HTTP), 11935(RTMP Live), 30,000-40000 (RTP over TCP) UDP port: 5070(SIP), 50000-60000(RTP/RTCP over UDP)

Windows can be started foreground by double-clicking livesms.exe, or automatically installed as a Windows service by double-clicking ServiceInstall- livesms.exe. Linux Run to start the system.

The server IP address is 10001. The default login is admin/admin. You can change your OWN IP address on the basic configuration page.

GB28181 Device/platform access

Configuring access services in lower-level platforms:

  • Access service IP address: IP address of LiveCMS
  • Access service port: the port specified in the basic configuration on the LiveCMS page is 5060 by default
  • realm: 3402000000
  • Code ID: 34020000001110000005(this is an example, depending on the domain code of the sub-domain or the specific access platform rules)
  • User name: the configuration is consistent with the code ID, and can be set at the discretion of the subordinate platform if this is not allowed.
  • Password: LiveCMS page basic configuration port, default 12345678

The following figure shows an example of device registration configuration:

For details,……

For more information

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