The past, the future

How’s 2021 going

Time flies, and 2021 has gone by especially fast. As if today was yesterday last year. Life is a constant search and review. Overall, it has been a productive year. In the first half of the year, I got a P7 promotion, a raise in salary and a share. Although most of my time was filled with business, I found time to read books, write blogs, and generate feedback and harvest.

Gain and loss

Have to harvest –

This year, calm down a lot. The height of seeing things improved, everything from an optimistic perspective to think and treat

  1. Work is more stable, no longer blindly in order to complete the work and strict requirements for partners. It’s about pacing yourself to fit most of the pace. The result is that everyone in the work is much happier, much more comfortable, and the quality goes up. So, it’s important to adapt to the environment, don’t try to change others, even if you mean well.

  2. The words slowed down. If you want to be confident, slow down and speak clearly, then you will be confident, Fan said. Practice, it is very effective

  3. More emotionally stable. One’s best accomplishment is emotional stability. The acrimony does not solve any problem, but pushes the matter to an irreversible situation.

  4. Made a group leader. Give yourself a score of 80 for the role of team leader. With your own methodology and management style, the core is honesty and sharing. Treat each other sincerely, share growth, benefit and happiness

  5. The technical structure is clearer, and the depth is also enhanced

  6. Books: Bid farewell to fragmented and disorderly absorption, and cultivate structured and systematic knowledge structure. Do read a paper book, the goal set at the beginning of the year is a pass

Technical books

  1. Deep Understanding of the Java Virtual Machine Review: Good books teach you something new every time
  2. Phoenix Architecture: I systematically followed the author to learn the key points of microservices and the ins and outs of cloud origin
  3. Learn more about Kafka: Learn more about how Kafka works, what you send, what you store, and what you consume
  4. Kafka’s Definitive Guide:
  5. Innodb: InnoDB implementation principle, not so deep, not so shallow
  6. High performance mysql: A comprehensive understanding of the system mysql, dictionary series
  7. How MSYQL works: Deep enough, thin enough. Learn and improve in the author’s wechat group
  8. Industrial Internet: from the profound concept to concrete things, understand some
  9. Fundamentals of algorithm design and analysis: 20%, good book, I think it is more focused
  10. Algorithm 4: saw 30%, absolutely good books, very detailed, comprehensive, code example is particularly good, I feel with the left god video while watching while knocking, the effect with obvious
  11. Programming Abas: See 40%, absolute classic book. Now there is a note form called card type notes, I think programming abas is card type algorithm books, a problem to give a variety of solutions, from a lead to multiple and multiple sets of programs.

I used to read one at home and one at work for a while, but it didn’t work very well. So focus on one book and move on to the next. At the same time, the continuous and compact harvest is deeper, more solid, and longer.

Life books

  1. Distant savior: a person can have that kind of mind, that kind of depth, it’s amazing. I feel like I only understand 10 percent of the book. It takes a lot of watching
  2. Heavy body: I think it is a good book, said very lucid, especially to the flesh desire exposition, gave me a lot of inspiration and a new perspective of understanding.
  3. Rule: read the big guy’s story and learn the big guy’s pace

I have to say that life books can be more useful to one’s growth than technical books. In particular, I read good books about the adjustment of mentality, attitude towards life, grasp of oneself, perspective of surroundings, control of heart and understanding of desire.

  1. blog

The completion of this year’s blog is not good, 50% at the beginning of the year.

Begin to use very good this year, a software notion to record planning articles, blogs, card cassette recording mode improves the traceability and extensibility

In 2022, I need to sort out and summarize my work and life, so as to make a clearer plan and reflection

  1. I have done a good job in improving the efficiency of tools for study and work this year
  2. Use notion to record work, blog, read
  3. I’m getting better at drawing
  4. Time always flows without a trace. Use 24 solar terms to see its trajectory

  1. family

Happy, no matter how tired, how hurt. See children pure smiling face, happy play, healthy growth, happy life. How much pain, how many tears feel is worth it. Kids are your biggest motivator

Lose – lose

  1. Stability. The direction of your work this year is out of your comfort zone. I got in touch with new business and people, and also felt the crisis and anxiety of uncertainty. Hope to have a good harvest, 2022 can have more power to move forward
  2. The body. This year, there was a gasp on the fourth floor. The body is used up for another year and still doesn’t function very often. Except for a one-month jump rope and running in the fall, the rest was sporadic. The effect is not so obvious
  3. Feelings. Feeling light, because of the things that can not be changed, there is no room for change. So, in that case, that’s the way it’s going to go. Go out and get laid? No time, no motivation, no fun. The heart really want to have a bosom friend.
  4. Helpless. The status quo of the family can not be changed, the inner loneliness can not be resolved. The meaning of the relationship is increasingly blurred
  5. Smoking. I don’t think I can quit, not addiction, just comfort

What to expect in 2022

Opportunities exist to see if you can find <<

The morning of 2022 is already here. What we need to do is to keep doing well and improve what we need to improve.

  1. Technology: the thing that technical person looks at home, depth, breadth, what pay attention to more is depth, because my experience is depth is deeper, fun is greater.
  2. Management: in the human world, management is the eternal rhythm, and communication is the skill that animals can’t escape. This year, read more books and knowledge skills about communication management 3
  3. Work: brave to face challenges, optimistic to change, continuously improve strength
  4. Life: to be happy, relaxed, at least the heart to be relaxed
  5. Family: Do your duty well

2022, still alone chuangtianya, looking forward to…