• Funding ESLint’s Future
  • Original author: ESLint
  • The Nuggets translation Project
  • Permanent link to this article: github.com/xitu/gold-m…
  • Translator: EdmondWang
  • Proofread by: TUARAN, Fengziyin1234

In June 2019, exactly six years have passed since ESLint was first released. ESLint has grown from a small project to solve a limited number of problems to become the most popular Javascript code detection tool in the world today, with 6.5 million downloads per week on NPM. ESLint is now used every day to help large corporate teams and individual developers discover and solve Javascript code problems. In addition, ESLint already has enough capabilities to detect javascript-derived programming languages such as Flow and TypeScript, and even help mobile developers detect React Native.

All of this means that ESLint has become an important part of the Javascript ecosystem. It is a tool that the Javascript community relies on and expects to be usable, high-performance, and secure. All of these expectations have now been fulfilled by an all-volunteer team who use their free time such as lunch breaks, evenings and weekends. While the current development model is adequate for routine maintenance, it is difficult for ESLint to grow to address more issues, such as the established roadmap and security issues.

In short, we’ve realized that in order for ESLint to continue to grow and evolve, we need to get more organized and establish a way to fund ESLint’s future growth.

ESLint Collective

Become a sponsor

Today we are happy to announce ESLint Collective at Open Collective. Open Collective is a secure and reliable platform for people to maintain and support Open source projects. The money earned and spent is posted on each Collective project page, so there is 100 percent transparency about the money spent on each project. Open Collective has helped many other Javascript eco-projects such as Webpack and Babel fund their continued growth, and the ESLint team is thrilled to be part of a platform that has proven to be an excellent choice for Open source sustainability projects.

Some of the benefits of working with Open Collective include:

  • The funds are completely transparent. Everyone can know where the money comes from and where it goes.

  • Personal and corporate sponsorship. Open Collective makes it easy for individuals and businesses to fund Open source projects.

  • Potential tax benefits. The money went to Open Source Collective, a 501(c)(6) organization based in the United States. Some donors may receive tax benefits. (Consult your accountant)

  • Automatic checkout. For corporate sponsors, Open Collective automatically generates and sends invoices to companies for easy money tracking.

  • Open participation. Anyone can claim reimbursement for funds used to help ESLint projects and ESLint can pay anyone.

How will the money be spent?

The ESLint team has a lot of ideas about what to do with the donations they receive. Depending on how much money we get, here’s what we plan to do:

  • Pay development and maintenance team members. All ESLint team members still contribute code in their spare time. Introducing paid full-time or part-time jobs into ESLint projects allows for faster and more sustainable development of the project.

  • Reward contributions from the community. We want to reward everyone who contributes to the ESLint project, whether it’s a one-time contribution or a continuing contribution. We are still working out the details, from stickers and T-shirts to cash rewards for major contributions, which are all things we are currently considering.

  • Improve documentation. The ESLint project has not undergone major documentation improvements since its first release. We feel there are many ways to improve our project documentation, including possibly contracting with an information architect or technical writer to improve our documentation.

  • Better communication and support. Along with the introduction of paid full-time or paid part-time jobs, it also opens up the possibility of sending team members to offline technology sharing, companies and conferences to interact with the community and better understand the issues developers are facing.

  • Establish a development plan. For some time now, ESLint teams have mostly done one-off work based on the functionality to be implemented. Without knowing who can spend how much time on the project, it’s hard to make long-term plans and develop a road map for the future. When we became a self-sustaining project, we were finally able to do it.

Our goal: $20,000 a month

In order to realize our vision, we believe we will need a monthly donation of $20,000. With that amount, we have the ability to sustain the ESLint project for the foreseeable future.

Introduce our first group of funders

We are also very pleased to announce our first group of investors. Facebook and Airbnb have both pledged $1,000 a month to support the ESLint project.

In addition, Frontend Masters has donated $200 to support the ESLint project.

If your company is also using ESLint to find and fix Javascript code problems in your projects, ask them if they’d like to sponsor ESLint with one of these great companies. (The ESLint organization’s homepage and README file will both display logos of all sponsors who donate more than $200 per month)

We want to thank Eric Nakagawa from Facebook, Jordan Harband from Airbnb, Marc Grabanski from Frontend Masters, And Pia Mancini from Open Collective. We thank them for their support of our early sponsorship efforts in their respective companies.

The best is yet to come for ESLint

We appreciate the ongoing support and feedback from the ESLint community and look forward to continuing to interact and grow with you. We firmly believe that the best is yet to come for ESLint, and with financial support from companies using ESLint, we will be able to realize our vision.

If you find any mistakes in your translation or other areas that need to be improved, you are welcome to the Nuggets Translation Program to revise and PR your translation, and you can also get the corresponding reward points. The permanent link to this article at the beginning of this article is the MarkDown link to this article on GitHub.

The Nuggets Translation Project is a community that translates quality Internet technical articles from English sharing articles on nuggets. The content covers Android, iOS, front-end, back-end, blockchain, products, design, artificial intelligence and other fields. If you want to see more high-quality translation, please continue to pay attention to the Translation plan of Digging Gold, the official Weibo, Zhihu column.