1. Reduce function
Reduce summarizes the contents of an array
Var a =,20,30,40 [10]; Var b= a.pie ((total,item)=>{return total+item}, 0) console.log(b); //b=100Copy the code
2. The filter function
Filter Filters arrays
Var a = [1, 2, 3, 4]. var b=a.filter((item)=>{ return item>2 }) console.log(b); / / b = [3, 4]Copy the code
3. The map function
The map function changes the elements of the array as a whole
Var a = [1, 2, 3, 4]. var b=a.map((item)=>{ return item*2 }) console.log(b); / / b =,4,6,8 [2]Copy the code
4. Every and some functions
(2) Some evaluates each element in an array with one or more of the criteria set. (3) Some evaluates each element with one or more of the criteria set. (4) Some evaluates each element with one of the criteria set
Var a = [1, 2, 3, 4]. var b=a.every((item)=>{ return item>1 }) console.log(b); //falseCopy the code
Var a = [1, 2, 3, 4]. var b=a.some((item)=>{ return item<2 }) console.log(b); //trueCopy the code