This paper is the distributed performance test function extension practice of FunTester test framework, which is a relatively rough technical verification practice. The technical solution adopts the scenario envisaged in the distributed performance test framework use case scheme Idea (2), based on the functions in the JAR package, This scenario requires that test cases be written and updated to jar packages or classpath directories.
The crude implementation scheme is divided into three parts: master scheduler, slave test machine and server tested service.
- Master scheduler: handles use cases and assigns tasks
- Slave Test machine: accepts tasks and executes use cases
- Server Service under test: provides a test interface
Docker mirror
Docker-based distributed performance testing framework functional verification (I), not to repeat here.
Master scheduling machine
I have implemented only one scheduling function here: that is, to provide an interface that returns a test case (with no encapsulated objects). Requests are provided to the slave test machine and test tasks (test cases) are returned to the slave test machine. I still use the pressure measurement model with fixed threads and fixed request times.
Here I choose two kinds of Demo: 1. Write the use case well and expose the number of execution times, the number of execution threads and the soft startup time runup; 2. I put the request to be tested in the task in the form of parameterization, and the use case is only a compatibility extension for the performance test of single interface. I did not implement more complex, because this requirement I will implement in the scheme of three, stay tuned.
FunTester Moco Server is still used here, and a single node version of the distributed testing framework is in internal testing. Please pay attention to the recent public account tweets for more information.
Master script
There are three different ways to return parameters, mainly to match the test case execution method, which will be explained in more detail later.
package com.mocofun.moco.main
import com.funtester.base.bean.Result
import com.funtester.httpclient.FunLibrary
import com.funtester.httpclient.FunRequest
import com.mocofun.moco.MocoServer
class DcsServer2 extends MocoServer {
public static void main(String[] args) {
def server = getServer(12345)
def res = new JSONObject()
res.path = "com.funtester.main.DcsCase.main"
res.paramsType = ["java.lang.Integer".10."java.lang.Integer".100."java.lang.Integer".2]
def success = Result.success(res)
def res2 = new JSONObject()
res2.path = "com.funtester.main.DcsCase.main"
res2.paramsType = ["java.lang.Integer".10."java.lang.Integer".100."java.lang.Integer".2."java.lang.String".""]
def success2 = Result.success(res2)
def res3 = new JSONObject()
res3.path = "com.funtester.main.DcsCase.main"
res.paramsType = ["java.lang.String"."10,100,1"]
def success3 = Result.success(res3)
def run = run(server)
Copy the code
With is measured service exposure test interface, also use funtester moco server, behind will share the content of the script.
The test case
The com. Funtester. Main. DcsCase. Main is a test case in jars, class code is as follows:
import com.funtester.config.Constant
import com.funtester.db.mysql.MySqlTest
import com.funtester.frame.execute.Concurrent
import com.funtester.frame.thread.RequestThreadTimes
import com.funtester.httpclient.ClientManage
import com.funtester.httpclient.FunLibrary
import com.funtester.utils.ArgsUtil
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet
class DcsCase extends FunLibrary{
public static void main(String[] args) {
ArgsUtil util = new ArgsUtil(args);
int thread = util.getIntOrdefault(0.2);
int times = util.getIntOrdefault(1.10);
Constant.RUNUP_TIME = util.getIntOrdefault(2.10);
String url = util.getStringOrdefault(3."")
MySqlTest.LOG_KEY = false;
JSONObject params = new JSONObject();
HttpGet httpGet = getHttpGet(url, params);
RequestThreadTimes requestThreadTimes = new RequestThreadTimes(httpGet, times);
Concurrent funTester = new Concurrent(requestThreadTimes, thread, "FunTester tests reflection execution");
public static void main(String args) {
public static void main(Integer a, Integer b, Integer c) {
main(new String[]{a + EMPTY, b + EMPTY, c + EMPTY});
public static void main(Integer a, Integer b, Integer c, String url) {
main(newString[]{a + EMPTY, b + EMPTY, c + EMPTY, url}); }}Copy the code
The public static void main(String[] args) method is used to script the use case, but in the actual test, we found that we could not solve the String[] args parameter passing. So I overwrote one method main(String args) and another method main(Integer a, Integer b, Integer c) just to show more different ways to write parameters, The main(Integer A, Integer B, Integer C, String URL) method is used to show the method’s exposed parameters and custom capabilities, with special note: the use of underlying data type parameters is prohibited.
Slave testing machine
This logic fetches test tasks or test cases through simple polling to the interface provided by the master scheduler. The test case is then parsed and executed.
package com.funtest.groovytest
import com.funtester.frame.execute.ExecuteSource
import com.funtester.httpclient.FunLibrary
class Dcs2 extends FunLibrary {
public static void main(String[] args) {
while (true) {
String url = "http://host.docker.internal:12345/m"
// Requesting this interface returns a use case, currently not wrapped in an object
def get = getHttpGet(url)
def response = getHttpResponse(get)
if (response.getInteger("code") = =0) {
def data = response.getJSONObject("data")
def path = data.getString("path")
JSONArray array = data.getJSONArray("paramsType")
ExecuteSource.executeMethod(path, array.toArray())
sleep(5.0)}}}Copy the code
Logic is the same as scheme 1.
Console output:
INFO - > the current user: oker, working directory: / Users/oker/IdeaProjects funtester/system coding format: utf-88Mac OS X version:10.16INFO-> Request URI: HTTP://localhost:12345/t, elapsed: 368 ms, HTTPcode: 200INFO-> ========= Warm-up complete, start testing! = = = = = = = = = INFO - > FunTester testing reflection execution progress: ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍ ▍100% INFO - > total10Number of threads, shared time:0.505S, total number of executions:973, error number:0, number of failures:0INFO-> Data saved successfully! File name: / Users/oker/IdeaProjects funtester /long/ data/FunTester tests reflect 021904 _10 INFO - > ~
~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~
~ JSON ~
~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~
~ > {> (1)."rt":4> 1)."failRate":0.0> 1)."threads":10> 1)."deviation":"22.93%"> 1)."errorRate":0.0> 1)."executeTotal":973> 1)."qps2":1926.7326732673268> 1)."total":1637> 1)."qps":2500.0> 1)."startTime":"The 2021-06-02 19:04:24"> 1)."endTime":"The 2021-06-02 19:04:25"> 1)."mark":"FunTester Test reflection execution 021904"> 1)."table":"eJzj5VIgDNxK80JSi0tSi55t7X6xfurT/t6nG1qedS5/sbBHwdBAoSSjKDUxhQhzFHi5ePHbF5RaXJCfV5yqEJKZm2qlUKFbnFqUmZijkFeaq6NQqZubmpK ZmEfIDmJckpuZpwAxzcpIIbdYJzexwsoSyKCKLygFj6Z1ABGRPhm1ZdSWwWnLo2ntQEQfm8BWDHmbHk1rAiJcFG1tRjYdHzVqMyk2tAIRORTtXUasDeRSQ9p lj6Y1AhFJ1KBwNa0dMerqIeBq8ksdEgufAfDZIHDMqM9GvM8GhTNGfTjqw1EfDrwzRn046kO8PgQA59EyOA==">} ~
~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~
~ JSON ~
~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ the Process finished with exit code1
Copy the code
Server Indicates the service to be tested
Content through the scheme (a) here is still not shared.
The log is as follows:
Request received:
GET /m HTTP/1.1
Host: 192.16880.169.:12345
Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: Apache-HttpClient/4.56. (Java/1.8. 0 _281)
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
content-length: 0
Response return:
HTTP/1.1 200
Content-Length: 18
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
hello funtester!!!
Copy the code
FunTester.Tencent Cloud Author of the Year,Boss direct hire contract author.Official GDevOps media partner, non-famous test development, welcome to follow.
- FunTester test framework architecture diagram
- Soft start of performance test
- Multi-item login kick test case
- In manometry, the delay of asynchronous write interfaces is measured
- Use Case Scheme of Distributed Performance Testing Framework (PART 1)
- Automated testing for Agile teams
- A complete guide to automated Testing Frameworks
- Moco framework interface hit ratio statistics practice
- Unscripted test
- The Definitive Guide to Java Performance