The image upload component introduced to elementUI was briefly introduced in the fourth article of this series, but without going into detail, this article will show you how to upload images in detail.
1 Back-end part
Creating an Upload Route'/admin/api/upload'.async(req,res)=>{ const file=req.file res.send(file) }) Copy the code
Creating middleware
Multer helper middleware needs to be installed in the server first: NPM I multer, and then multer is introduced
const multer=require('multer') const upload =multer({dest:__dirname + '/.. /.. /uploads'}) // Destination address Copy the code
Join the middleware:'/admin/api/upload',upload.single('file'),async(req,res)=>{ const file=req.file file.url=`http://localhost:3000/uploads/${file.filename}`// Display the image through the url of the file res.send(file) }) Copy the code
Make uploaded files visible to the front end, using static file hosting
app.use('/uploads', express.static(__dirname + '/uploads')) Copy the code
2 Front End
Upload picture component:
<el-form-item label="Icon" >
:action="uploadUrl"/** Dynamic request address **/:show-file-list="false"
:on-success="afterUpload"/** Call **/>
<img v-if="model.icon" :src="model.icon" class="avatar">
<i v-else class="el-icon-plus avatar-uploader-icon"></i>
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$http.defaults.baseURL+’/upload’. This address can be defined globally:
return this.$http.defaults.baseURL+'/upload'
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V-if v-else displays the image address if it is returned, and displays the default arrow if it is not
<img v-if="model.icon" :src="model.icon" class="avatar">
<i v-else class="el-icon-plus avatar-uploader-icon"></i>
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:on-success Indicates that the function is called after successful execution, and the image address value returned by the server is displayed and assigned to model.icon. The image is displayed through the URL of the image
this.$set(this.model,'icon',res.url) // Explicitly assign
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Rich text editor for picture uploading
Directly copying the content of the article and uploading the image through the rich text editor will cause the image resource to be embedded in the whole request data, resulting in a large amount of data and very slow loading interface speed. So in order to solve this problem, we modified the front part to upload the image by clicking the image button of the rich text editor.
Look for the official documentation and find the section about Upload.
Add an image upload method to vue-Editor component
<vue-editor v-model="model.body" useCustomImageHandler @image-added="handleImageAdded"> </vue-editor> Copy the code
Modify method writing to await synchronous writing, also reduce the amount of code
async handleImageAdded(file, Editor, cursorLocation, resetUploader) { const formData = new FormData(); // Form data object formData.append("file", file); // The image is in file format const res= await this.$'upload',formData); // Insert the image resource address to the cursor position with the element name image Editor.insertEmbed(cursorLocation, "image",; resetUploader(); } Copy the code