Recently in Liver Breath of Zelda wilderness, hope to rescue princess
before the release of a new film in 2022. At the same time, the company has the need of map loading, so I want to take the Breath of the Wilderness map as an example to learn and practice the map knowledge related to front-end development. This paper mainly introduces how to load the breath of the Wilderness Map of Zelda and add interactive anchor points by using the loading principle of tile map.
Basic knowledge of
Map of tiles
In game development, it is common to encounter maps that are larger than the screen size, such as in real-time strategy games, which allow players to scroll through the game. This kind of game usually has rich background elements. If you use the background switching method directly, you need to prepare a background for each different scene, but each background is not large, which is a waste of resources.
Tile maps are created to solve this problem. A large world map or background image can be represented by several terrains, each terrains corresponding to a small image. We call these small terrain images tiles. By stitching these tiles together, a complete map is created, and that’s how tile maps work.
The tile map pyramid model is a multi-resolution hierarchical model, from the bottom of the tile pyramid to the top, the resolution is lower and lower, but the geographical range of the representation remains the same. First determine the map service platform to provide the number of zoom levels of N, the zoom level, the highest scale biggest map images as the bottom of the pyramid, namely 0 layer, and carries on the block, starting at the upper left of the map image, from left to right, from top to bottom for cutting, divided into square map tiles of the same size, The 0 layer tile matrix is formed; Based on the map image of layer 0, the map image of layer 1 is generated by dividing each pixel into 2×2 pixels, and then it is partitioned into square map tiles of the same size as the next layer to form the tile matrix of layer 1. The second layer tile matrix is generated by the same method. . And so on, until the n-1 layer, the whole pyramid of tiles.
Tile map generally uses the ZXY specification map tile. (Tile level, tile x coordinate, tile Y coordinate)
Mercator projection
Tile maps are used by Mercator projection, that is, orthoaxial equiangular cylindrical projection, also known as equiangular cylindrical projection, is a cylindrical projection, by the Dutch cartographer Mercator (Gerhardus Mercator). The basic principle is to assume that the earth is enclosed in a hollow cylinder, and its reference latitude line is in contact with the cylinder (equator). Then imagine that there is a lamp at the center of the earth, and project the figure on the sphere onto the cylinder, and then expand the cylinder. This is a map drawn by the Mercator projection on the selected reference latitude line. Baidu Maps, Autonavi and Google Maps all use the Mercator projection.
Tile maps do not need to be generated by themselves. There are many tools that can be used to make tile maps. Tiled, Arcgis and other tools are very popular.
In this example, breath of zelda Wilderness tile map source network open source map, load tile map using Leaflet Web map library, before the development of a brief understanding.
Leaflet ( is a modern, open source JavaScript library developed for building interactive maps suitable for mobile devices. It allows you to deploy simple, interactive, lightweight Web maps.
- Code only
33 KB
But it has most of the functions of developing online maps. - Allow the use of layers,
, markers, pop-ups, vector layers (polygons, circles, etc.), image overlay layers andGeoJSON
Such as the layer. - You can drag the map, zoom (by double-clicking or scrolling with the wheel), use the keyboard, use event handling, and drag markers
Maps interact. - The browser supports desktop
,Safari 5+
,Opera 12+
,IE 7-11
As well asSafari
Wait for the mobile browser.
Code implementation
The CSS and JS files of the Leaflet are introduced in the head tag of the page. Create a div with an ID where you want to create the map, using the #mapContainer element in the example.
<link href="assets/libs/leaflet/leaflet.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src="assets/libs/leaflet/leaflet-src.js"></script>
<div id="mapContainer"></div>
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To ensure that the map has a clear height, add the following full-screen styles to your CSS.
#mapContainer {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
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Now that the map is initialized, the tile map is loaded.
L. atLngBounds(southwest corner, northeast corner)
: Creates a latitude and longitude rectangle by defining the southwest and northeast corners of the rectangle.setView
: Initializes the map and sets its view to the geographic coordinates and zoom level of our choice.L.tileLayer
: Loads the tile layer.addTo
: Displays the map.
var bounds = new L.LatLngBounds(
new L.LatLng(-49.875.34.25), new L.LatLng(-206.221));var map ='mapContainer', {
crs: L.CRS.Simple,
attributionControl: false.maxBounds: bounds,
maxBoundsViscosity: 1.0,
var layer = L.tileLayer('assets/maps/{z}_{x}_{y}.png', {
attribution: '© David'.minZoom: 2.maxZoom: 7.noWrap: true.bounds: bounds
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Make sure all code is called after the div and leaflet.js used to display the map are included. By default (because we didn’t set any parameters when we created the map instance), all mouse events and touch interactions on the map are turned on, and it has zoom and property controls.
At this point, we drag and zoom the map in the page, and open the browser console to check the IMG option in network. As the operation is triggered, different map tiles are loaded and displayed by the browser.
The breath of zelda map is so big that it took Link more than 20 minutes to walk from the north to the south of the map. Playing on such a large map, exploring the locations of temples, towers, centaurs and other monster points takes a lot of effort and can save a lot of effort (but also lose the fun of exploring ) if you use existing data to mark them. At this point, the map annotation function of Leaflet can be used to mark on the map. The annotation data comes from network data. The following content takes temple
as an example to realize the annotation and interaction function on tile map.
L.marker([x, y])
: In addition to tiles, you can easily add other things to the map, including markers, polygons, circles, and pop-ups.L.divIcon
: User-defined icon.bindPopup
Pop-ups are usually used to attach some information to specific objects on the map.
$.each(markerData, function () {
var key = this.markerCategoryId + "-" + + "-" +[^A-Z]/gi."-");
var popupHtml = '<div class="popupContainer">';
popupHtml += '<strong class="name">' + + '</strong>';
popupHtml += '<div class="buttonContainer">';
popupHtml += '<span class="markButton" onclick="markPoint(this)" data-key="' + key + '" > tags < / span >';
popupHtml += '</div>';
var className = "mark-" + key;
className += " markIcon";
className += " icon-" + markerStyle[this.markerCategoryId];
var marker = L.marker([this.y, this.x], {
icon: L.divIcon({
className: className,
iconSize: [20.20].iconAnchor: [10.10].popupAnchor: [0, -10],
Copy the code
At this point, through traversal, the coordinate points of the temple in the data were added to the map, and click events were added to the DOM structure. Click on the temple to interact.
Using the same method, map towers, villages, centauri, yahaha , recall points, sub-mission points and other location information can be marked in the map for easy search.
Implementation effect
Online preview: dragonir.github. IO /zelda-map
Using tile map, the whole and part of the map can be displayed in HIGH definition, and can be loaded on demand. It should be noted that tile map images with more layers will also increase exponentially, so it needs to do a good job of cache processing, so as to improve the speed of map page loading and improve user experience. Leaflet.js is very lightweight, but very powerful. In this example, only some basic functions of leaflet.js are used, and other advanced uses need to be explored in the subsequent development.
The resources
- Breath of zelda map credit:
- Tile map generation tool
Tiled - Tile map generation tool
arcgis - Open Geospatial Laboratory
: Webgis. Cn/leaflet – ind… - Mercator projection:…
- ZXY standard tiles…