The cover picture is taken in the Mid-Autumn Festival to the Lingyin Temple to take the picture, every time to go to the Lingyin Temple can find new surprise (Hunan people should be able to get), or can.

Record every week to see the grounding gas of the front-end trend technology, after the screening of the distribution here, feel good can pay attention to this column, convenient access to update notice

The front-end technology

IOS terminal container WKWebView those things… Nail nail client classmate side of a foreign article, on this piece of the more complete, recommend understanding.

How do I gracefully log operations?… An article on Meituan technologies describes how to “elegantly” record operation logs.

How to do a quality technology share… Left ear an article on how to do technology sharing, problem – > solution – > summary of this idea.

Trend of open source

Milkdown: WySIWYG Markdown editor

Those of you who have used Typora notes should be familiar with this style, the effect is very nice, if you want to try your own notes application, you can try this.

Kbar: Make your web pages support Alfred functionality

Especially suitable for some improve the effectiveness of the web tools to go, very convenient.

Mdvideo: Converts markdown to video…

It looks like turning markdown into PPT effect first, and then generating video by playing video processing, which has certain novelty. I like this mode very much.

CSS: A good idea for switching between light and dark modes

Codepen. IO/inescodes/p…

You can see how the CSS code for this effect is written.

Microsoft Power Fx: Microsoft’s Low Code solution… Let’s just say it was very Microsoft.

Look at the other

In China, 1.22 million people are “middle-aged dementia”… Go to bed early, don’t stay up late, practice more brain, don’t middle-aged dementia.

10 years ago, the people and things behind webOS is a name I have seen before. When I first came into contact with the Internet, I wanted to buy a mobile phone.

In order to the earth, to eliminate the rearview mirror and the handle… I actually think it looks good to hide the door handles, but not so good to hide the rearview mirror.