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First, pre-knowledge
1. How the website works (learn how the various jobs work together)
Product Manager => UI Design => Front end => back end (server + database) => Test => Operation
3. IDE (vscode) editor
Second, the front-end foundation
**HTML (structure) **CSS (style) **JAVASCRIPT (interaction)
Third, the front-end basic supplementary knowledge
- CSS precompiled (sass, less, Stylus)
- CSS post processor (PostCss)
- JS supersets (TypeScript)
- Responsive layout
- Compatibility adjustment
- There are three solutions to solve the problem: (1) CSS modules (2) CSS in JS (3) Tailwind CSS
Four, the front step
- Three front-end frameworks (Vue, React, Angular)
Vue3.0 basic syntax Vuex: state management Vue-router: route axios: request Vue-devtools: debugging tool vite: build tool Optional: vue-cli + webpack
- Vue – UI library
Element-ui (Ele. me team) Ant-Design (Ant Financial team) Vant (Praise team)
- Front-end engineering
Front-end modularization is to divide a large file into small interdependent files, and then assemble and load them in a unified way. Front-end componentization modularization is to split the code or resources at the file level. Componenization is the separation of UI (user interface) at the design level. The front-end standardization, the separation of responsibilities, and the specification of each item in the project. The front-end automation lets all the repetitive work of simple machinery be completed by automatic tools
Four, advanced front end
- The HTTP protocol
- Network security
- Design patterns
- The data structure
- algorithm
- Performance optimization
- Mobile Development
- Wechat small program
- Wechat official account
- Micro front-end
Back-end knowledge
- linux
- Database (mysql, mongoDB)
- node.js
- Node.js framework (KOA, Express, Nest.js)
Six, tools,
- vscode
- babel
- Automation Tools (Grunt, Gulp)
- Package management tool (NPM, YARN)
- Build tools (Vite, Vue-CLI + WebPack)
- Git tools
- Rich text Editor: Braft Editor
- Data visualization: ECharts
- Mock data: mock.js