New week, check out what happened last week!
Anecdotes of science and technology
1. Vue released a new Chinese document
Recently, Vue released the official documents of the whole department, and the new documents mainly have the following changes:
- Dark mode;
- Responsive design;
- Style switching function;
- Interactive tutorials;
- New examples;
- Optimized search;
- Redo guidance;
- Single page navigation;
- VitePress build;
- Hydrate static content.
Vue new documentation:
Vue New Chinese document:
Vue new Chinese document update details:…
2. Vitest released a new Chinese document
Recently, Vitest released a new Chinese document.
Vitest is a fast unit testing framework powered by Vite. Its characteristics are as follows:
- Configuration, converters, parsers, and plug-ins common to Vite;
- Test with the same configuration in your application;
- Smart file listening mode, like HMR for testing;
- Support testing Vue, React, Lit and other framework components;
- TypeScript/JSX support out of the box;
- ESM priority, support module top-level await;
- Use Worker threads to run concurrently as many times as possible via Tinypool;
- Filtering, timeout, and concurrent configuration of suites and tests;
- Jest’s snapshot function;
- Built-in Chai assertions + API compatible with Jest Expect syntax;
- Built-in Tinyspy for object mocks;
- Use jsDOM or happy-dom for DOM simulation;
- Output code test coverage through C8;
- Code inline testing is similar to the Rust language.
Vitest new Chinese document: cn.vitest. Dev /
3. Pinia is officially the default recommended state management library of Vue
Pinia has recently become Vue’s default recommended state management library.
Pinia. Js is the next generation of state manager, developed by members of vuue. Js team. Pinia.js has the following features:
- Full TypeScript support;
- Lightweight enough, compressed volume is only 1.6KB;
- Remove mutations, only state, getters, actions (one of my favorite features);
- Actions support synchronous and asynchronous;
- There is no module nesting, only the concept of stores, stores can be used freely, better code segmentation;
- There is no need to manually add stores, stores are automatically added once created;
Pinia official website:
4. Google has issued an urgent security warning to 3.2 billion Chrome users: Call for a quick update
Google has issued an urgent security alert to 3.2 billion Users of Chrome, as it has determined that an attacker has made use of the high-severity zero-day vulnerability CVE-2022-1096. Therefore, Google Chrome has released a new version of 99.0.4844.84. In the past, Google has rarely released a new version for a single security vulnerability, which is so serious that all Chrome users are advised to update it as soon as possible.
Update the Courier
1. React 18.0 is released
React V18.0 will be released on March 30. React 18 will have the following updates:
- Automatic batch processing;
- Transitions;
- New Suspense features;
- New client and server rendering apis;
- New strict mode behavior;
- New hooks: useId, useTransition, useDeferredValue, useSyncExternalStore, useInsertionEffect
Updated details:…
2. Electron 18.0 is released
On March 30, the Electron official team announced the official release of Electron 18.0.0. Electron 18.0 has the following updates:
- Support for Chromium 100;
- Node.js 16.13.2 is supported;
- Support for V8 10.0;
- Added ses.setCodecachePath ()API to set code cache directory;
- Removed the older implementation of based on BrowserWindowProxy, which also removed the nativeWindowOpen option in webPreferences;
- Add ‘focus’ and’ blur’ events to WebContents;
- – Added Substitutions menu characters on macOS: showSubstitutions, toggleSmartQuotes, toggleSmartDashes, toggleTextReplacement
- In the app. RequestSingleInstanceLock () the first event – the instance – an ack is added to the flow, so users can deliver some data to the first instance from the second instance;
- Added support for more color formats in setBackgroundColor.
Update details:…
3. Chrome 100 is officially released
On March 30th Google released a new version of its Chrome browser, version 100. Mac, Windows and Android and iOS platforms have all been updated. Chrome 100 uses a new icon that simplifies branding ICONS, removes shadows, refines proportions and lightens colors to align with Google’s more modern brand expression.
Chrome 100 continues to dramatically reduce memory, CPU usage and speed. In Chrome 100, Google has removed “lean mode.” A digital goods API has also been introduced. This will enable online apps on the Play Store to accept digital purchases. This essentially packages the Android Play Billing API and enables web apps that offer digital purchases to be installed from the Play Store.
Update details:…
4. Vite 2.9.0 is released
On March 30, Vite v2.9.0 was released. This release has the following updates:
- Faster cold start;
- CSS Sourcemap support during development;
- Avoid splitting vendor blocks by default;
- Web Worker enhancements;
- Raw Glob import;
- EnvDir change;
- New tools for plug-in and framework authors.
Updated details:…
React Native 0.68 was released
React Native announced the official release of React Native version 0.68.0 on March 30. Options include new React Native architecture, bug fixes, and more.
Update details: reactnative. Dev/blog / 2022/0…
Trend of open source
Here’s a look at some of the hot open source front-end projects on GitHub last week.
1. cider
Cider is a new cross-platform Apple Music experience based on Electron and Vue. Js, written from scratch with performance in mind.
Star : 2.8 k
This week Star : 901…
2. autocomplete
Fig adds autocomplete to the terminal. When typed in terminals, Fig pops up subcommands, options, and context-specific parameters in existing macOS terminals.
Star : 14.6 k
This week Star : 750…
3. Regex-Vis
Regex-vis is a regular expression visualizer and editor.
Star : 1.1 k
This week Star : 321…
4. Photoview
Photoview is a simple and user-friendly photo library designed for photographers and designed to provide an easy and quick way to browse a catalog containing thousands of high resolution photos. Configure Photoview to find photos and videos in the directory on the file system. The scanner will automatically pick up your media and start generating thumbnails to make browsing super fast.
Star : 2.2 k
This week Star : 260
Github address:…
5. Docusaurus
Docusaurus is a Facebook project designed to easily build, deploy, and maintain open source project websites. It can be used to quickly build a document website.
Star : 32 k
This week Star : 235…
Tools recommended
Here are some of the most popular React state management libraries!
1. Redux
Redux is a JavaScript state container that provides predictable state management. You can build consistent applications that run in different environments (client, server, native application) and are easy to test.…
2. Mobx
Mobx is a Transparently Functional Reactive Programming (TFRP) state management library that makes state management simple and scalable.
3. Recoil
Recoil is an experimental state management library for React applications. It provides features that would be difficult to achieve with React alone, while being compatible with the latest features of React.…
4. Hookstate
Hookstate is a simple but very powerful and extremely fast state management library based on Hook React. It is a modern alternative to Redux, Formik, without boilerplate performance. It is easy to learn and very flexible to use.…
5. Rematch
Redux is a great state management tool, supported by a healthy middleware ecosystem and excellent development tools. Rematch builds on Redux, reducing boilerplate and enforcing best practices.…
6. Jotai
Jotai is a raw and flexible state management library for React. It is similar to Recoil, but with a smaller package size (3.2 KB vs. 21.1 KB), a more minimalist API, better TypeScript support, wider documentation, and no experimental tags.…
7. Zustand
Zustand uses a small, fast and scalable bearbone state management solution that simplifies flux principles. There is a hook based comfort API.…