The cover picture was taken in a small bar listening to folk music, click the picture to seevideoThe atmosphere is very relaxed

Record the front end trend technology you see every week, screen it and post it here in a grounded way. Follow this column to receive updates in time, and also follow the front end of the Flying Pig Fliggy F2EThe public,Get updates

The current campus recruitment of the 2022 class of Flying Pig Technology Department has begun, welcome to Go to Nuggets for detailed understanding.

The front-end technology

Practice and Reflection summary of technology evolution and business transformation of Flying Pig Flutter… A text sharing version of teacher Flying Pig Brigade Crane about the systematic construction of flying pig Flutter.

Flutter 2 is officially released!… With Flutter 2, you can use the same code base to build native applications for five operating systems: iOS, Android, Windows, macOS and Linux; And building web experiences for browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Edge.

In-depth JavaScript compiler/interpreter engine QuickJS… Learn more about the JavaScript language.

Learn more JS timer… An article by Tencent Alloy Team, let’s take a look at the essence of timers in JS.

Stop using the Icon Fonts… Icon Fonts is originally 22 years old, the author talks about some of its flaws and suggests using SVG instead.

Open source tools

Sogou Pinyin input method of a few minimalist style skin…

There are six themes that I think are beautiful, but this one is my favorite.

Miro: Terminal Mario

Gpu-accelerated terminal emulator written in Rust.

Web-minecraft: My World written in JS…

Ytfzf: Use the command line to find and watch videos…

PaddleGAN: Baidu fly Pulp open source is a very trendy deep learning image processing…

Svelte NodeGUI

Build high-performance cross-platform applications using Node.js and Svelte.

His shan zhishi

Meituan delivery characteristics of the platform construction and practice of… In the meituan takeout algorithm scenario, according to different functions, the takeout algorithm platform can be divided into three parts: model service, model training and feature platform. Model service is used to provide online model prediction, model training is used to provide model training output, and feature platform provides data support of features and samples. This paper will focus on the challenges and optimization ideas encountered in the construction process of takeaway feature platform.

Docker DraP. Me // Whys-the-d… Kubernetes is the de facto standard in the field of container choreography today, and Docker has been playing a pivotal role in containers from its birth to today, and is also the default container engine in Kubernetes. However, in December 2020, the Kubernetes community decided to start removing dockershim-related code from the repository. Why?

What is the value of Zhihu’s prospectus? What makes money? Live by what?… Let’s take a look at Zhihu’s prospectus and see how it has come to be listed in the past 10 years.

How to make a high quality share… Ah Xiang’s share about sharing is very good.