Reflactor event figure

The complexity, the chaos, the entropy of the real world

1 don’t cycle

2 Keep the tree? Reactor Design Pattern Starts again


Maybe Option events can be assembled using enumerations


binary share

Error handling


For loops: functional languages, tail recursion can stabilize scheduling

Time round

elixir Phoenix

In other words, a company’s technical architecture and design are influenced by the company’s organizational structure. Similarly, Tyr’s Law tells us that the software architecture and design of a system are closely related to the directory structure of the system.

See the border


clean architecture

Event Sourcing CQRS


Delay event, unified batch processing

In common


  • Reading and writing separation
  • Data/method isolation
  • Separation of time and space
  • Synchronous asynchronous separation of Mutaions Actions?


  • Data is aggregated into trees and groups
  • Method is aggregated into a type, pipe
  • Abstraction, type aggregation


  1. Zod aggregates external objects/JSON, implements error prevalidation, and splits small objects
  2. Redux /mobx/composition corresponds to internal state DDD, split small objects, combined computed, etc
  3. Class manages methods and operations in various environments/scenarios, as dustbin sink logic, state, as node, injection/lookup aspect capabilities


  1. After the division of independent apps, how to communicate and share gracefully? DDD seamless access to React and VUE state management? Across the framework?
  2. How to design (read only?) Tracing /metric/log
  3. Jenkins, config delivery, depoly Dev test link, to ensure simplicity > correctness > performance
  4. Manage and design projects based on one-way code generation
  5. With background /node data, validation and other logic synchronization, isometric, develop a cross-end use pure fat server rely on the network seems not flow/feasible


  • Game server Architecture: Design Pattern Reactor
  • God said: Let’s have a language for the future, and Erlang was born
  • railway-oriented-programming
  • Phoenix 1.3, on the right track