The technology stack that the front end needs to master
1. HTML5
MDN website
- Semantic tag classes
Audio and video processing
- canvas/webGL
- history/API
- requestAnimationFrame
- The geographical position
- web scoket
- .
2. CSS3
- conventional
- animation
- The box model
- Responsive layout
3. JavaScript
- ECMAScript3/5/6/7/8/9
- Design patterns
- The underlying principle stack memory closure scopes OOP THIS
4. Network communication layer
- AJAX/Fetch/axios
- HTTP1.0/2.0
- Cross-domain processing scheme
Performance optimization
- .
5. Hybrid or APP or mini program
- Hybrid
- uni-app
- RN
- Flutter
- Small program MPVUE
- Weex
- .
6. Engineering
- webpack
- git
- linux/nginx
- .
7. Full stack
- node
- express
- koa2
- mongodb
- nuxt.js/next.js
- .
8. Framework
- Vue
Vue-router Vue-cli Vuex Element UI Vant Cube SSR optimization….
- React
React-router-dom Redux React-Redux DVA Umi Mobix ANTd ANTD Pro SSR optimization…..