Front End Tabloid – November issue (contains some October content)
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React Conf Overview
- React Hook: You can use most of the features of React without using Class
- Suspense(Released,)
- Girls for Code Splitting with React. Lazy implements code-splitting to load components dynamically. See React V16.6.0
- React V16.6.0 also adds a new API for performance optimization: React.memo. Similar to PureComponent, the React.memo performs shallow comparisons to functions
- Girl for Data Fetching
- Girls for Code Splitting with React. Lazy implements code-splitting to load components dynamically. See React V16.6.0
- React 16.9) Concurrent Rendering
React’s recent trend is to use less code and run faster to address the growing number of applications. It’s time to start dynamically loading components
The Create – React – App release 2.0
- Update to WebPack 4, Babel 7, support for the latest version of React V16 syntax
- Supports SCSS and CSS Modules
- TypeScript support was added in V2.1
2.0 adds many new features, especially TypeScript support. Learning scaffolding and link tools is a good template
React Native has released a roadmap for refactoring RN to make it more lightweight and adaptable to the JavaScript ecosystem
- Simultaneous attention to Flutter
The concept of a big front end has been mentioned for a long time, but the end direction, especially the emergence of RN, Flutter, Electron, and even embedded development, one person proficient in Web and Native development may be an increasingly strong trend
Vue 3.0 development path
- The biggest part is the Virtual DOM format used in rendering functions.
- Use TypeScript more fully
Presents the 7.0 release
- Large releases across the entire platform, including the core framework, Angular Material, and CLI synchronized with the main release
Node.js 11 is released, Node 10 is officially available on LTS, and alinode-V4.5.0 is also available
- V11 supports v7.0, the new release of V8
Chrome 70 official release: Windows PWA support
Embrace PWA. Today, as front-end applications get bigger and bigger, offline and performance requirements become more and more prominent. PWA is also being supported by major browser manufacturers and can be pitted if needed
Taro fully supports wechat/Baidu/Alipay mini programs
Reviewer of this issue: small program is now in the stage of chaos, all kinds of small programs emerge in endlessly, the industry does have scenes, there are pain points, the application of this demand on the development of students can start to try, can be regarded as a solution to improve human efficiency. But small programs are also evolving, and there are certainly a lot of holes. Personally, I don’t believe in such an integration framework from a technical point of view
top programming languages of 2018
- TypeScript is a fast-growing, development-friendly, operational-friendly set of grammars worth owning
- Some characteristics of fast-growing languages
- Type safety Indicates the Type safety
- Python
- TypeScript
- Kotlin
- Interoperability and interflow
- TypeScript <-> Javascript/ES
- Rust & Kotlin <-> C & java
- Python <-> …
- The Open Source Open Source
- Type safety Indicates the Type safety
More and more mature language features are being introduced into front-end development, and TypeScript is gaining momentum in terms of growth. The ES superset has seamless switching, a friendly learning curve, static type checking, and a rigorous language structure like Java and C# are popular with programmers
An introduction to TypeScript development guide
This period commentator: TS limelight is strong, hurry to learn next bar, I believe you will fondle admiringly
Github repositories hit 100 million
The future focus on
- Post dev. To/grigorkh/wh…
- Officer xuan…
Google launches Virtual Scroller to save the Web long List (in development)
- The nuggets juejin. Cn/post / 684490…
Webkit launches new Graphics coloring language WHLSL (early stage)
- Extensions to HLSL (DirectX’s advanced coloring language)
- Making warehouse…