File part

  • Folders:

    Small hump, as simple as possible, one can see what useful content, example: user, userSetting

  • File name (js/ CSS /vue/ JSX/PNG) :

    Small hump, example: userSetting. Js/CSS/vue/JSX/PNG

Js part

  • Module, component, class name:

    Large hump, for example: MyTestName

  • Js constants:

    Uppercase, with underscores between multiple words, example: MY_TEST_NAME

  • Js method name:

    Small hump, semantic as much as possible, verb prefixed, example: getTableData

  • Routing address:

    Small hump, long words can be part of the abbreviation, but need clear semantics, example: sysSetting

The CSS part

  • CSS style name:

    Lower case, middle line link, example: flex-between

The other parts

  • Other unspecified small hump, concise, semantic