Thank you for liking my first article, in which I wrote about Meituan, Chunyu Movement, and toutiao’s experience. Below write a few remaining, Baidu takeout, play, the fourth paradigm and tiger securities, hello planet experience.

The base paper

  • Front-end rookie emperor all interview notes

Super article

  • Front-end rookie emperor interview record super

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Continue to write a summary of the companies I interviewed with in late January and early February:

January interview in The capital plus

Old self introduction, let us have a comparison:

Let me introduce myself first. A 17 year graduate front-end rookie, not satisfied with the technical development of the former company, worked for more than half a year, so he resigned and gave up his year-end bonus. Welcome the big guys can push my resume front resume

  • I interviewed nine companies, large and small, in January.
  • I received interview invitations from these companies
    • Round C + companies: Baidu Takeout, Meituan Takeout, toutiao commercial advertising department.
    • Round B companies: Chunyu Mobile (Internet medical) Playbar (game company) The Fourth Paradigm (big data) Tiger Securities (finance) Tai Tai Capital (finance) Dingfu Technology (big data)
    • Round A company: Hello Planet (blockchain) Butter Camera (famous ios app)
    • No need to finance ICOURT

I voted for JD

On the 100offer, boss direct hire, hook.

  • Generally SPEAKING, I am a JD with 1-3 years of experience
  • Companies with series B or above
  • The basic salary is around 15-30K
  • Front-end requirements:
    • Javascript /jquery, vue/react/angular, gulp/webpack
    • Familiar with W3C standards, skilled in solving PC, mobile and mainstream browser compatibility problems
    • Knowledge of back-end languages, own open source projects, own blogs, etc

Interview company overview and interview topics

I. The Fourth normal Form

Company Profile and JD

  • Company profile: big data company, a pile of cattle, the working environment is really good, is far from me on the ground. It should be close to a lot of people.
  • JD: Visual project experience; Browser compatibility; One year experience; , etc.

In fact, JD is very suitable for my needs, and I am also very interested in visualization. All the online comments are quite good. Then I sent in my resume. Also went through the initial screening of HR. I asked for a half-day’s leave again. I still remember it was not easy to insist on going that day when I was a little dizzy.

The interview questions

  • The front leader

    • 1. Introduce yourself, school and program
    • Why did you change your job in half a year
      • This is a question that almost every interviewer in every company asks, because it’s the kind of question they get when they jump ship with too little experience.
      • And here’s what I said for your reference
        • Company development is limited to me (my former company is a relatively large communication company, still in a set of jquery)
        • Expect to have a good platform, such as your company, and then according to the target company to praise the company in line with their expectations and fit their own development direction.
        • Ps: The main thing is to be honest and serious, don’t be careless, interviewers (especially HR) are very important to this question
    • 3. Most satisfying project
      • Sina project introduction
      • The specific construction of the project and the technologies used
    • 4. Problems encountered in the project
      • I talked about CSRF and XSS
      • canvas fingerprint
      • Cross-domain solutions – CORS and JSONP
    • 5. Promotion of function declarations and variable promotion topics
    • 6. Talk about the storage methods of browsers
    • 7. Ask sharp questions about the project, and clearly know that the interviewer is focused on the project
      • Discusses the approach of hiYouth fuzzy search
      • The realization of linkage between specific modules of advertisement landing page tool is discussed
      • Ps: All the resumes involved are their own projects.
    • 8. Classic three-column layout two implementations, handwritten code
    • 9. How to center flex’s features
    • .
  • The interviewer asked some difficult questions and I didn’t answer them very well. Then I asked a few questions about the company’s projects and front end composition, and the interviewer asked me to ask the CTO to interview me later. After waiting for about 10 minutes, he said sorry, CTO was too busy and asked me to go back and wait for the news. Hr will contact you. (Inner OS: REALLY MMP, actually quite want to join this company, the result is this)

  • It turns out that they really don’t pay attention to the interviewer. not a single call from hr. I immediately contacted the next company after I came out of the fourth paradigm to change the time and said that I could have an interview today, but did the next company have time (the two-hour interview time prepared was basically disrupted by this company)?

  • Luckily, I was on the subway heading to my next job when two invited me for an interview. I saw one nearby and went to the interview. And then there’s this one down here

Play with two

Company Profile and JD

1. Bachelor degree, more than two years working experience, have a deep understanding of native JS; Familiar with JS performance optimization; Proficient in solving various browser compatibility problems; Familiar with VUE/React, Node, Webpack, etc. Understand front-end security, python, Java, PHP one of the background development languages is a plus, game development experience is a plus

  • Extracted some keywords, this is a mobile game company, the front-end is mainly coco2D to do games, native JS requirements are particularly high, high basic requirements. A very young and vibrant company. There’s a claw machine right in the office. There was a lively discussion when we went in, but the room was a bit small. It’s a little crowded, but everything else is fine.

The interview questions

  • The front leader
    • At first, a cool guy came to meet me. Finally, instead of the standard programmer dress, everyone in the company looked young and comfortable.
    • 1. Algorithm questions, handwritten several sorting, optimization writing method
    • 2. Algorithm to find multiples of 7 within 100 and integers with 7.
    • 3. Check the complexity of a password.
      • Ps the first few questions answered, I know, really difficult interview
    • 4. Go directly to the MAC
      • The pitfalls of variable promotion and function variable promotion
      • The single thread mechanism of javascript is explained, and then a setTimeOut problem, covering the difference between ES6 let and var, closure, etc. Print the results. Why?
 for (var i=1; i<=9; i++) {
     setTimeout( function timer(){
     console.log( i );
     },1000 );
Copy the code
 for (var i=1; i<=9; i++) {
         setTimeout( function timer(){
             console.log( j );
         }, 1000 );
     })( i );
Copy the code
    • 5. Explain what javascript closures do and give examples of their use
    • 6. Explain the javascript prototype chain. What does JS do when new?
    • 7. Front-end security how to do, the use of cookies and storage, stealing login information to forge others login, to obtain certain information what is this behavior? How is the front end defended? Concrete implementation method
    • 8. Write by hand, center the red button, click the top of the button and the mask will pop up.
    • 9. Implementation of specific projects
    • 10. My problem
      • Company project? I came in to work on a company project.
      • The front of
  • CTO

    • Wow, CTO is a big guy with long hair and short beard. And so I finally met the quintessential artistic CTO. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
    • 1. Why learn the front end?
    • 2. Front-end learning methods?
    • 3. There are N pieces of data, and each piece of data corresponds to a certain attribute value. Which method will you use to store it? Array, dictionary, queue… What)
    • 4. The introduction of the front-end satisfying projects, implementation process and difficulties
    • 5. Your vision for the future of the front-end? What are your views on the current state of the front-end, your future development, and technology? Management?
    • Describe yourself in three words. Why? What is your weakness?
    • 7. Come, let me introduce our company to you
      • A good one. A good one. Both good and bad. Young and energetic, high pressure, good atmosphere, nine to nine, no overtime on weekends.
    • 8…
  • hr

    • Introduce the company
    • Pack lunch, high javascript requirements
    • What are your salary requirements
      • I’m talking about a range of 16 to 20 kelvin
      • (We are talking about salary, or according to their own strength and the salary range given by the company to say a general salary, this is a game with HR, ah too much trouble)
    • Do you like games? What games do you play? What games have you been playing
      • Console games, mobile games, PC have, old game fans
      • Recently hearthstone, jump, brain king,
    • Introduce the main products of the company
      • It’s a dating game, and there’s werewolf killings and all that kind of stuff we play together.
    • Why do you think you are qualified for this position?
    • Need to go to the bathroom? I saw you talking to the CTO for so long…
      • Haha, I can’t do it
      • (Inner OS: Wow, I need to get some air. Your CTO is really good. You can’t stop talking.)

Thanks to the fourth Normal Form for forcing me to come out, I can spare time to play the side that happens to be my destiny. I also got the offer smoothly.

Today to here first, relatives urge me to eat all kinds of banquet ah, a few days to fill the following several companies, thank you for reading and watching