The best way to learn about the current front-end technology is to find out the front-end job requirements from job websites, because front-end technology changes quickly every year, each stage will be different, here is a simple list of recruitment requirements from the website, for reference only. More specifically, write a resume for each company’s requirements and learn relevant skills (unless the company is particularly good)


1. Familiar with HTML, javaScript, CSS, ajax

This is a basic work, need to do a lot of code slowly polish. Not much said. CSS and javaScript need to be studied deeply, blindly learn the framework, do not understand the underlying code is easy to reach the level of proficiency, to master the need for solid basic skills.


2. Master mainstream front-end frameworks such as Vue, React and Angular. (Vue and React are the most popular ones. Angular uses fewer companies than react.)


Vue.js (pronounced vju/curliest) is a set of progressive frameworks for building user interfaces. Focus only on the view layer and adopt a bottom-up incremental design. The goal is to implement the data binding and composite view components of the response through the simplest POSSIBLE API. Easy to learn, this tutorial is based on Vue version 2.1.8 testing. VUE rookie tutorial