
  • Front end cycle to obtain data

  • The SERVER send Event (SSE) server pushes data.

  • The websocket protocol

  • Nodejs uses socket. IO module to realize long connection.

  • Web version chat system;

The target

  • Understand the meaning of data push
  • Learn SSE to implement data push
  • Understand the WebSocket protocol
  • Can use socket. IO module

Front end cycle to obtain data

  • The front wheel circulates to obtain data;
    • Loop through ajax requests to get data
    • Consume performance, consume resources, not recommended;

The SERVER send Event (SSE) server pushes data.

Server-sent Events: Using the method of server-sent events, the Server can push data and information to our Web page at any time. The information that is pushed in can be treated as event +data on this page.

  • Server Settings

    • Set up the head


    • Returned data format

      Data: Declares the start of data

      \r\n\r\n indicates the end of the data

  • Front end access

    let source = new EventSource("/test");
        source.onopen = function(){
            console.log("Connection established...".this.readyState);
        // console.log(source)
        source.onmessage = function(evnet){
            console.log("The data are:",
        source.error = function(err){
            return console.log('err');
    Copy the code
    • ReadyState stands for connection status:
      • 0 CONNECTING (0).
      • 1 OPEN (1),
      • 2 CLOSED(2 `)


  • WebSocket is a protocol for full duplex communication on a single TCP connection provided by HTML5.

  • Create a Websocket server;

    var WebSocketServer = require('ws').Server,
    wss = new WebSocketServer({ port: 8181 });
    wss.on('connection'.function (ws) {
        console.log('client connected');
        ws.on('message'.function (message) {
          	// Listen for received data
      	setInterval((a)= > {
            let somedata = {
        }, 1000);
    Copy the code
  • Client code

    • Set up to shake hands
    var ws = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8181");
    Copy the code

    Open the agreement

    	ws.onopen = function () {}
    Copy the code
    • Sends data to the server
      ws.send("Client data");
    Copy the code
    • Disable protocol: No data can be sent after the protocol is disabled
    Copy the code
    • Receives the message

      ws.onmessage = function(e){
               // console.log(;
      Copy the code

Socket. IO module

  • The service side

    const server = require('http').createServer(app.callback());
    const io = require('')(server);
    Copy the code
  • The client

    let socket = io.connect();
     this.emit("clientfn"."hello i am client");
    Copy the code


  • Front end cycle to obtain data

  • The SERVER send Event (SSE) server pushes data.

  • The websocket protocol

  • Nodejs uses socket. IO module to realize long connection.