Front-end one-click automatic deployment tool
v1.2.0 (cluster deployment support) updated
This front-end deployment tool that I did in my spare time before work (the link in the text: front-end one-key deployment tool) has been recognized by many digging friends. Of course, also put forward a lot of problems and optimization points. In the last two days of the holiday, although very do not want to touch the code, but thought of the need to update everyone promised before, or quietly opened the computer .
This update mainly adds the following functions:
- Cluster Deployment
- Added deployment time display
- Optimized password configuration in the configuration file (no need to write the password in the configuration file and enter the password dynamically during deployment)
- Do not execute the package command during deployment (delete the package command from the configuration file)
Of course, all the updates are backward compatible with the previous configuration files, so you can use them with confidence. Read the text below to familiarize yourself with the tool.
The front-end one-click automated deployment scaffolding service supports development, test, and production multi-environment configurations. After the configuration is complete, the deployment is automatically completed with one click.
- Makingβ¦
- Npmβ¦
- Update logβ¦
1 installation
βGlobally install deploy-cli-serviceβ
npm install deploy-cli-service -g
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βInstall deploy-CLI-service locallyβ
npm install deploy-cli-service --save-dev
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βIf you view the version, the installation is successfulβ
deploy-cli-service -v
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βNote: locally installed calls need to be preceded by NPXβ
npx deploy-cli-service -v
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2 Usage (The following uses global installation as an example)
β2.1 Viewing Helpβ
deploy-cli-service -h
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β2.2 Initializing the Configuration File (In the Project Directory)β
deploy-cli-service init # or use the short deploy-cli-service I
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The deploy.config.js file is generated in the root directory of the project. Only dev (development environment), test (test environment), and PROd (production environment) configurations are generated for initial configuration.
β2.3 Manually Creating or Modifying a Configuration Fileβ
Those who do not use the initialization commands above can create the configuration file manually. Manually create the deploy.config.js file in the project root directory, copy the following code and modify as needed.
module.exports = {
projectName: 'vue_samples'// Project name
privateKey: '/Users/fuchengwei/.ssh/id_rsa'.
passphrase: ' '.
Cluster: [], // Cluster deployment configuration. Multiple servers must be deployed simultaneously.'dev'.'test'.'prod']
dev: {
// Environment object
name: 'Development Environment'// Environment name
script: 'npm run build'// Package command
host: ''// Server address
Port: 22, // Server port number
username: 'root', // Server login user name
password: '123456'// Server login password
distPath: 'dist'// Generate directory for local packaging
webDir: '/usr/local/nginx/html', // Server deployment path (cannot be empty or'/')
isRemoveRemoteFile: true// Whether to delete remote files (defaulttrue)
test: {
// Environment object
name: 'Test environment'// Environment name
script: 'npm run build:test'// Package command
host: ''// Server address
Port: 22, // Server port number
username: 'root', // Server login user name
password: '123456'// Server login password
distPath: 'dist'// Generate directory for local packaging
webDir: '/usr/local/nginx/html', // Server deployment path (cannot be empty or'/')
isRemoveRemoteFile: true// Whether to delete remote files (defaulttrue)
prod: {
// Environment object
name: 'Production environment'// Environment name
script: 'npm run build:prod'// Package command
host: ''// Server address
Port: 22, // Server port number
username: 'root', // Server login user name
password: '123456'// Server login password
distPath: 'dist'// Generate directory for local packaging
webDir: '/usr/local/nginx/html', // Server deployment path (cannot be empty or'/')
isRemoveRemoteFile: true// Whether to delete remote files (defaulttrue)
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β2.4 Deployment (In the Project Directory)β
Note: the command needs to be followed by a βmode environment object (e.g. ββmode devβ)
deploy-cli-service deploy --mode dev Or use deploy-cli-service d --mode dev
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Enter Y or press Enter to start automatic deployment. If the following information is displayed, the deployment is complete
β2.5 Cluster Deployment in the Project Directoryβ
Note: Cluster configuration requires the cluster field to be configured in deploy-cli-service (e.g. Cluster: [βdevβ, βtestβ, βprodβ]).
deploy-cli-service deploy Or run deploy-cli-service d
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Enter Y to start automatic deployment. If the following information is displayed, the deployment is complete
β2.6 Update and Optimizationβ
If you do not want to save the server password in the configuration file, you can also delete the password field in the configuration file. The password input screen is displayed during deployment.
If you do not want to execute the package command before deployment, remove the Script field from the configuration file.
β2.7 Installing extensions locallyβ
If you use the local installation command, you can add the following code to the scripts in the package.json file in the project root directory
"scripts": {
"serve": "vue-cli-service serve".
"build": "vue-cli-service build".
"lint": "vue-cli-service lint".
"deploy": "deploy-cli-service deploy".
"deploy:dev": "deploy-cli-service deploy --mode dev".
"deploy:test": "deploy-cli-service deploy --mode test".
"deploy:prod": "deploy-cli-service deploy --mode prod"
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Then use the following code to complete the deployment as well
npm run deploy:dev
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