1. Em: When div is nested, em is always scaled to the current div font size.

  2. Rem: Scales according to the font size of the root node.

  3. Vh: When height:100vh is set, the visible height of the screen is considered 100vh. The difference is that 100% is scaled as a percentage of the size of its parent element.

  4. Vw: When width: 100vw is set, the principle is the same as above.

  5. Vmax: The larger relative to the width or height of the window. The largest of these is divided into 100 units of Vmax;

  6. Vmin: The smaller of the width or height of the window. The smallest one is divided into 100 units of vmin;

  7. Viewport refers to the size of the viewable area inside the browser,

  8. The window. The innerWidth/window. InnerHeight size, does not contain the task bar at the bottom of the title bar and toolbar browser area size.

  9. Calc is a function provided by CSS3 that evaluates values in CSS files: () Separated by Spaces, for example: width: calc(100%-10px); Any length value can be computed using the calc() function; Calc () supports “+”, “-“, “*”, “/”; The calc() function uses standard mathematical precedence rules; Calc (100vh-10px) represents the size of the entire browser window minus 10px