Hello everyone, today I would like to share with you some of my learning experience in the WEB front-end industry and the problems encountered by our students in learning the front-end. Also hope that through this article, can help to more are learning but don’t know where the front end, and some want to go to a career change, but don’t know how to study, and the market situation, and some are engaged in the development of the front-end friend, ok, hope this article can help to you!

First of all, learning front-end development is a long process, I think the most important thing to learn is to persist and practice more.

Don’t pretend to work hard, the result will not accompany you to act.

There is also a correct learning method and learning direction, if you start to learn the wrong direction, learning will certainly take a lot of detour, and may be a detour to the end, is bound to have a certain gap with some people’s technical ability. I think learning the front, always want to have the habit of studying, like to eat sleep, so that the person you can have growth, perhaps you don’t feel anything for a day or two, but you insist on down, on the other hand, because you want to know, now the Internet age, technology update iteration is faster, if you don’t go to learn new skills and knowledge, the nature will be eliminated by the market, This is my five years of industry experience.

If you want to learn the front end well, you definitely need to keep learning and practicing, as well as a clear learning direction and planning.

In a lot of people in the process of self-learning, are baidu search tutorials, and the basic problems encountered in learning, no one to solve you, learning efficiency is very low, learning confidence will also lose, will have doubts about their ability to question: whether they are suitable for front-end development? Or am I stupid enough to learn them? It is easy to lose confidence in learning. A lot of people watch a lot of front-end teaching videos, but still do not do well in the front-end, but also go a lot of people some learning mistakes.

Now give you a summary, learning front-end easy to fall into the mistakes, but also want to give you a reminder.

Myth 1: There is no systematic learning plan

Myth 2: Living in your own ivory tower

When learning to the front, the feeling is always live in their own world, not to get to know and contact with other people’s thinking, what I can do, or even to the legendary “great spirit” fly me, of course, such a study is certainly will get into trouble, and learning attitude is doomed, I go out to find a job.

Myth 3: Group learning

Nowadays, many people like to add groups or discuss in some forums, so that learning is not systematic, and knowledge fragmentation, go out to find a job, naturally encounter full of problems.

Myth 4: Learning from books

Myth 5: Teach yourself

Now many people like to self-study, whatever study, like to collect resources, cloud disk, some BBS resources website, or a treasure to the tutorials, thousands of G, although I also like to collect resources before, but do not see, most people also is such, see here, there, carrying, cause the fragmentation of knowledge, not systems, learned it is impossible to find a job. Self-study can find a job, also belong to only a few.

These misunderstandings, if you also have encountered, there will be learning for a long time can not master the front end, and even more learning more confused.

In fact, a lot of time self-study is because of these mistakes, most are not able to learn.