Delicious value: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Taste: Passion oolong

  • Dining room technology weekly warehouse address:

The experience is better when viewing the PC terminal in the warehouse, and a Star is the biggest support for the canteen.

The current paper

  • Vercel supports zero configuration deployment using PNPM projects
  • Angular Roadmap
  • Remix Stacks
  • The React document is updated
  • Boa
  • Chrome Extension CLI
  • Useful user experience guides, tools, and resources
  • How to design a better API
  • Simple front-end monitoring
  • When we talk about front-end deployment, what are we talking about

Hello everyone, I am Tong Oba. Welcome to this week’s Front End Canteen Tech week, where we start with last week’s tech news.

Technical information

  1. Vercel supports zero configuration deployment using PNPM projects

Vercel supports zero-configuration deployment projects that use PNPM, and they are now starting to sponsor PNPM for further package manager innovation.

  1. Angular Roadmap

The Angular team updated their Roadmap to include q1 completed tasks and ongoing tasks. So how did you finish the OKR for Q1?

  1. Remix Stacks

The Remix team has released Remix Stacks to make it easier to get Remix applications up and ready to deploy. Built-in prefabricated production templates from the Remix team, as well as support for creating custom templates. Save you a lot of time on infrastructure configuration, CI/CD pipeline, database, etc.

  1. The React document is updated

The React documentation has been updated to createContext and useReducer.

Now let’s look at the technical data.

Technical data

  1. Boa

This is an experimental JavaScript lexer, parser, and interpreter written in Rust. Currently, it supports some languages.

  1. Chrome Extension CLI

The CLI scaffolding for your next Chrome extension contains everything you need to build a Chrome extension, allowing you to focus more on writing business code.

  1. Useful user experience guides, tools, and resources

Craftsman spirit is an excellent professional quality. As front-end engineers, we are responsible for user experience. This article provides user experience rules, strategies, and tools to unlock the best poses to enhance your user experience.

  1. How to design a better API

15 language-independent actionable tips on REST API design to help you design better apis.

Good article recommendation

Here are some of the best articles of the week:

  1. Simple front-end monitoring

This paper helps you build up the knowledge system of front-end monitoring from monitoring process, data collection, environmental information, abnormal monitoring, performance monitoring, data reporting and other aspects.

  1. When we talk about front-end deployment, what are we talking about

What does front-end deployment involve?

Static resource organization, browser caching strategies, automated builds, implementation and design of front-end publishing services, and many more are summarized in this article.

Ok, this is the canteen weekly, if the audience gentlemen feel good, one key three even is the biggest support for the canteen boss.

Your front canteen, eat every meal well. We’ll see you next time.

❤️ Love triple punch

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2. Pay attention to the front canteen of the public account and eat every meal!

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