Front-end login logic summary notes
When writing the background management system, I learned the vue-element-admin source code and summarized the logon logic
Front-end login structure:
loginRules: {
username: [{required: true.trigger: "blur".validator: validateUsername }
password: [{required: true.trigger: "blur".validator: validatePassword }
handleLogin() {
this.$refs.loginForm.validate(valid= > {
if (valid) {
this.loading = true
.then(() = > {
this.$router.push({ path: this.redirect || '/'.query: this.otherQuery })
this.loading = false
.catch(() = > {
this.loading = false})}else {
console.log('error submit!! ')
return false}})}Copy the code
The front end calls the validate method of el-form to validate rules, and if the verification is passed, the user login information is forwarded to the VUEX User/Loginaction method for login verification, and if the login verification is passed, it will redirect to the redirect route. If redirect does not exist then go to the home page “/”
After handing over the user login information to vuex, the Action method gets the deconstructed username and password, calls the LOGIN method in the API, and passes the username and password in. After the request succeeds, the token in the response is obtained. Save it to vuex’s state state, then save the token in a Cookie, and err reject the exception if it fails
login({ commit }, userInfo) {
const { username, password } = userInfo
return new Promise((resolve, reject) = > {
login({ username: username.trim(), password: password }).then(response= > {
const { data } = response
commit('SET_TOKEN', data.token)
}).catch(error= > {
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Here the login function is a wrapped API, the request method is based on an AXIos-wrapped library, and the Vue-ele-admin is wrapped as a service. More on that later
import request from '@/utils/request'
export function login(data) {
return request({
url: 'Back-end login interface'.method: 'post',
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Axios encapsulates the Service library
There are two types of interceptors in AXIos: request (request interceptor) and Response (response interceptor)
const service = axios.create({
baseURL: process.env.VUE_APP_BASE_API,
timeout: 5000
/ / request
config= > {
if(store.getters.token) {
/ / custom headers
config.headers['X-Token'] = getToken()
return config
error= > {
// Exception handling
return Promise.reject(error)
/ / response to intercept
response= > {
const res =
if(res.code ! = =20000) {
// If the status code returned is incorrect, this will be further determined and processed
if (res.code === 50008 || res.code === 50012 || res.code === 50014) {
// 50008: Illegal token;
//50012: Other clients logged in;
//50014: Token expired;
/ / the pop-up Message
// to re-login
}).then(() = > {
store.dispatch('user/resetToken').then(() = > {
// If the token is invalid, the token is refreshed and
// Refresh the page
return Promise.reject(new Error(res.message || 'Error'))}else {
return res
error= > {
return Promise.reject(error)
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Let’s start by creating the Axios example, which helps us with some basic request functionality, and more importantly its two interceptors: Request interceptor and response interceptor. The advantage of setting request interceptor is that you can add a global level such as token to determine whether there is a login. If there is a token, you can add it to the request parameters.
Config parameters are as follows:
The benefit of setting the response interceptor is to intercept the response and do different processing according to the returned status code. Different status codes have different meanings. In this case, different processing needs to be done according to the status code returned by the interface request
Finally, summarize the process: the front-end authenticates the login information and gives the user login information to the action method of VUEX. Vuex calls the login API after getting the user information. After success, the user token is saved to the state state and saved to the Cookie. Although the whole process is relatively simple, but very practical!! And applicable to a very wide range, I write in the project to use the login words are basically so write, so understand the above written logic of the entire front-end login should be a little help to their own development